
Friday, December 25, 2015

Winter Solstice and Beyond - A Rock and Roll January 2016

The Sun entering Capricorn is the moment that winter begins. A time of the year that has been celebrated since before recorded history.  This marks the turning of the wheel of the year, it is the longest night and hereafter the days begin to grow longer. It is and has been a celebration of the return of the light. 
Astrologers cast a chart for a given location for the moment that the Sun enters Capricorn to ascertain what the season will bring.  This is called an Ingress Chart.  I cast the chart for Providence, RI, which is my neck of the woods. The location gives you the angles, i.e., the cusp of the 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th houses. The angles change for a chart erected for a difference location.  In Providence, the Ascendant or cusp of the 1st house is 0 degrees, 59 minutes of Libra.  A chart erected for Washington, DC has 26 degrees, 29 minutes of Virgo Rising on the Ascendant.  This changes the tone of the chart considerably and moves the planets into a different house than the one set for Providence. If you want to know what is going on in the country you set the chart for the capitol of that country.  If you want to know what is going on in a particular state you set the chart for the state capitol. 
Wherever you set the chart, the planetary configurations remain the same. The Sun, indicating the head of state, Governor/President moves from the third house in the Providence chart to the fourth house in the Washington, DC chart.  Here the Governor sits on the angle so her actions will be more noticeable.  The President with the Sun off the angle into the fourth house will take action that is more foundational.
Overall in Rhode Island and across the country money, debt, interest rates and unexpected action from open enemies will occupy the government and the people.
The first week of January 2016 will start the year off with a bang.  Mars goes home to Scorpio. The warrior is vengeful in this sign. He takes action and cuts to the quick. Mercury and Jupiter go retrograde and the Sun squares off with Uranus.  This is a lot of energy packed into one week.  Jupiter can be a real good guy bringing plenty of pizza and a couple of six packs to the party but he can also bring a lot of hot air.  Folks promising more than they can deliver, exaggeration and a philosophy that says my way or the highway.  Sun, square Mr. Surprise Uranus, lights the torch of anything goes. 
On January 25th Mercury goes direct.  When planets change direction they slow down and seem to sit in one spot, the energy of that planet is strong at this time.  At this moment of direction change Mercury sits on the degree where Pluto was in the Ingress Chart, the Winter Solstice.  Pluto goes to the extreme, in the 4th house of the Ingress chart he speaks of extreme weather.  A 60 degree Christmas Day is pretty extreme. But be ready because he can go just as extreme in the opposite direction. At the Solstice there was only 4 degrees separating Mercury and Pluto, this is considered a conjunction.  When two planets are conjunct they energy melds, combines and can be either positive or negative depending on other circumstances.  When Mercury changes direction on that degree we revisit what went on at during the Solstice period.  Weather wise Mercury can be windy, with Pluto strong wind.  The wind could come from the mouths of those who wish to keep societal constructs in place or from those who want to do just the opposite.  Remember Pluto can destroy, but always something better comes after.  But the transition is always tough.

Remember to keep your cool during this period. Don’t fall victim to fear and hysteria and try to maintain compassion.  Not an easy thing to do.  During difficult times it is important to operate on the highest vibration possible.  Get your inner Mother Theresa going. Breathe, meditate and go to your happy place.  Get outside and touch the Earth. Stay grounded and stick to the high road. 

Monday, December 14, 2015

Sky Talk Week of December 13, 2015

Last week, on the 7th there was a 7.2 magnitude earthquake in Tajikistan. Tajikistan is a mountainous country located between Afghanistan, China and a couple of other “stans”. Throughout last week Mars moved from a square to Pluto and an opposition to Uranus; an earthquake is the perfect manifestation of these aspects. If these aspects made a direct hit on your horoscope than a more personal type of earthquake may have manifested.   On the brighter side, a climate agreement was reached in Paris. Whether countries will follow through is another matter. Only time will tell.

The New Moon on Friday brought a collective sigh of relief as the intensity of Scorpio passes and we move into the hopeful optimism of Sagittarius.  New Moons are just that, new beginnings as one cycle ends and another begins.
On Monday the confidence and optimism of Sagittarius goes into exaggerated mode when Sun squares off with Sagittarius’ ruler, Jupiter.  This is an aspect of “too much”
We try to do too much, may say too much and often get a feeling of overload in general. During the holiday season overload is easy, this aspect enhances that energy.  Slow down and breathe.

Monday afternoon when Mercury connects with Neptune don’t believe everything you hear. Imagination runs wild.  Do some fact checking before you succumb to the prevalent paranoia. Moon in Aquarius until 12:45 PM Wednesday brings a feeling of fellowship and folks operate from an intellectual stand point rather than emotional.  Good for that fact checking.

On Thursday Venus promises some intense relationship issues when she connects with Pluto. Venus is in Scorpio, ruled by Pluto. Placed here there can be jealousy, suspicion and lots of passion.  Once again, don’t get paranoid.  “They” may be crazy but they are not out to get you.  Moon in Pisces throws logic out the door and folks are more in tune with the intangibles paying attention to the subtle vibes around them.  It’s really hard to differentiate between what is real and what isn’t.  With Pisces it pays to take the high road. Escape from reality, what Pisces Moon wants, is best done through meditation, not a bottle of scotch. But do pay attention to the signs and symbols around you.

Friday morning the First Quarter Moon is a time for action.  The little seeds planted at the New Moon are beginning to sprout.  You are going to have to do something to move that growth along.  Often this is unconscious, instinctive action that requires little thought. Simply the natural unfolding of events.  Don’t over think it. 

On Saturday, with Moon in impulsive Aries, Mercury joins forces with Pluto.  Mercury in practical Capricorn lays out the facts.  Pluto promises an intense conversation, perhaps relationship oriented, perhaps a business meeting.  Remember with Moon in Aries people want to start something new, have a lot of enthusiasm but may not think things through. Mercury in Capricorn calls for logic and the emotional need for change has to get past that.  If you have been thinking about something for a while, a waxing Moon is a good time to begin. My class on Astrological timing gives more information about when to start, stop and plan.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Big Changes Coming for Miley Cyrus

When Miley Cyrus was born her parents named her Destiny Hope because they believed she was destined to accomplish great things.  She turned 23 this year and since her debut album in 2007 went quadruple platinum you wonder if her parents had a Crystal Ball. 

Born with Sun in Sagittarius, Miley has two stelliums, a stellium is two or more planets conjunct in a sign other than the Sun sign. A stellium concentrates the energy.  She has Moon, Mercury and Pluto conjunct in Scorpio and Venus, Uranus and Neptune conjunct in Capricorn.  The Capricorn stellium emphasizes and enhances Miley’s Scorpionic nature as those Capricorn planets are placed in her 8th house, Scorpio’s natural home. 

The Moon/Pluto conjunction speaks to a strong emotional bond with the mother. And indicates a mother who is controlling.  In Miley’s case her mother got a handle on her finances and representation early on engaging financial managers and agents that served and protected her daughter through her formative years. Miley’s behavior as she reached maturity may in part be a reaction to that motherly control. The heart and soul of the girl is Sagittarius and as such, freedom is of the utmost importance.

The sexual antics are a given with all that Scorpio energy in her chart.  She identifies herself as “gender fluid” and pansexual.  Scorpio gets down to the nitty gritty of all that stuff and while her actions may shock some for Miley it doesn’t have the same kind of meaning.  She’s digging down to the universal and she recognizes, not just logically, but on some deep level, that the sex act is the act that creates life.

For the past 2 years Miley has had some intense relationships that may have felt fated. More of a compulsion than a love affair. Some relationships have ended while others have deepened.  Saturn entering her 7th house of marriage, relationships and partnerships brings challenges to any relationship.  The good ones last, those you don’t really need end. 

Through it all she has had to face up to responsibilities and has often felt isolated. She’s not out of the woods yet. In January of 2016 events will bring a rude awakening on some level and trigger a period of inner exploration.  Miley will be digging into the inner workings of the psyche, her psyche trying to find out why she acts the way she does and why her actions don’t bring about the results that she expects.

Being the artistic and creative type when she emerges from this deep mind stuff expect some really creative, innovative and very different types of work from her.  With Venus in Capricorn ruling her Taurus Ascendant, conjunct visionary Neptune and quirky Uranus, she has to create and she has to bring it into the real world.  With a prominent Saturn angular in the 10th house ruling that Capricorn stellium it’s a given that the world is going to see her and her work. 

I’ll be keeping my eye on Miley Cyrus.  2016 through 2017 will be a huge transformative period for Miley Cyrus as transiting Pluto rolls over her Capricorn stellium. Pluto destroys in order to build something completely new and better.  Her Venus ruler of love, money and the arts has already been engaged by Pluto.  As Pluto continues his slow, relentless trek through Capricorn he will bring Miley a crisis of faith, perhaps in herself and a crisis in her creative self.  With all that Scorpio in her chart, she is fixed and determined and after Pluto schools her she will emerge successfully and not without a few surprises.