
Saturday, March 24, 2012

What’s Up This Week? Where’s That Moon?

On Saturday, March 24, 2012 Moon goes void of course in Aries at 1:17 PM until 5:43 PM when the energy shifts as Moon moves into Taurus.  During the hours that Moon is void of course it is best to avoid making major decisions. Things never go as planned when Moon is void. Wait until the fiery impulsiveness of Aries gives way to the more staid, solid, stolid energies of Taurus. Folks get more cautious and conservative while Moon travels through Taurus. A note of stubbornness creeps in. Before this changeover, the Sun in Aries joins forces with Uranus in Aries. Sudden, surprising events upset the routine. Pay close attention to the news and trends of this weekend as these are a preview of things to come. Saturday evening when Moon connects with Neptune inspiration and imagination rule.  Avoid excess use of drugs and alcohol.  Escape through music, meditation, or art. Sunday morning Moon greets the day with a positive aspect to retrograde Mars in Virgo.  Mars is energy, Moon is emotion. This is a good time to work on home projects.  Throughout the day Moon connects with Pluto then Jupiter.  Strong emotions bring about strong reactions. Expect emotional eruptions. Try not to get pulled into the dark and snarly emotional baggage of others. By Monday afternoon Moon makes nice nice with Venus. Venus at home in Taurus is strong now. This is a good time for romance, a party or any social gathering.  Moon’s last aspect before going void of course is with retrograde Mercury at 12:35 AM EDT Tuesday morning. This is a blend of the mind and emotions. People say what they feel. Lines of communication are open; it’s a good time to clear the air.  Moon enters flirty, chatty Gemini at 6:43 AM EDT.  More communication, exchange of news and information and true to Gemini’s dual nature, some difficulty in making up one’s mind or changing one’s mind. Gemini’s airy nature brings with it restlessness and people get antsy if they start to get bored. Midmorning fantasy runs head on into the reality of the daily routine when Moon agitates nebulous Neptune. The evening commute brings a few surprises as Moon bounces off Uranus and Mars. Watch out for road rage.  Don’t let traffic jams push you over the edge. Remember to breathe. By late evening Sun and Moon form a congenial aspect and harmony and peace reign.  Wednesday Gemini Moon makes no exact aspects but expect to be busy under this Moon. Thursday morning Moon squares off with Gemini’s ruler Mercury. Retrograde in fuzzy Pisces, Mercury brings rumor, innuendo and unclear messages.  Be wary of signing or starting anything. Do some reviewing and revising.  The afternoon brings a nice Mercury/Venus contact that offers an opportunity to smooth troubled waters. Trouble could be due to a misunderstanding, go back and have that conversation to clear the air. When Moon connects with Saturn, the conversation gets serious and some solid information emerges. Then Moon goes void of course.  Before Moon slides home to the sign of Cancer, the Sun makes a bold, brassy aspect to the power broker, Pluto. This is another one of those moments that provide a glimpse into the future. The headlines will tell the tale. Moon, in Cancer, after 7:07 PM EDT gets mystical and intuitive with Neptune before midnight, now is the time to dream the dream. Be sure to see things as they really are not how you wish them to be.  On Friday Cancer Moon is busy making aspects with those heavy hitters, Uranus, Mars and Pluto before squaring off with the Sun bringing us to the First Quarter Moon phase. Quarter Moon time is a time of crisis and action. A decision has to be made. At this Quarter Moon it will be difficult to maintain peace. Don’t fly off the handle, get the facts and see the picture clearly before taking any steps that might make the situation worse. Let Venus in Taurus, (at the top of the Quarter Moon Chart here in New England) rule the day. Think beauty, peace and harmony.