
Saturday, October 25, 2014

The Solar Eclipse and the Aftermath

The Solar Eclipse of October 23, 2014 occurred at 0 degrees, 24 minutes of Scorpio.  Venus at the Eclipse moment was at 0 degrees 3 minutes of Scorpio.  This is a tight conjunction and fuses the energies of the Sun, Moon and Venus.  Eclipses always bring changes and those changes usually occur in the area of life that is hit by the Eclipse in the individual’s horoscope.  But this particular Eclipse because of the proximity of Venus places the emphasis on relationships.  With Mercury retrograde at Eclipse time, poised to turn direct the implication is revise, review and examine your relationships.  The Scorpio emphasis promises complexity. Stuff people have been putting up with for awhile is no longer tolerable. Those annoying habits, modes of speech, and inconsiderate actions that have been overlooked now stick in the craw of the significant other.  It may be some time before things are sorted out.  Some relationships may fall by the wayside.
Mercury changing direction on Saturday, October 25, 2014 and Mars moving into Capricorn on Sunday, the 26th shifts the energy.  Mars in Capricorn likes to get things done.  Mars here is not dreamy or ethereal; here he deals in concrete reality. On Monday the 27th, Venus cozying up to Neptune may try to put the stars back into your eyes but this is only temporary.  Venus and Neptune are about soul mates, soul bonding and seeing things through rose colored glasses.  That soul mate may be a soul stealer so beware.
All Saints Day, November 1st may prove to be a day of revelation as Mercury, now direct, connects with Jupiter, Venus connects with Pluto and Mars with Neptune. That is a lot of action and a lot of different types of energy.  Mercury and Jupiter bring big talk, exaggeration and yes, loud voices.  Venus with Pluto can be passionate but also raises the issue of power and control. Who’s controlling who? This aspect is also about obsession.  Mars in practical Capricorn busts the bubble of otherworldly Neptune in Pisces.
At the Full Moon on November 6th there is still time for some even handed discussion, a time to clear the air.  Do so before Saturday the 8th when Mercury moves back into Scorpio taking the gloves off and ready for some hard truths. Sunday Venus in Scorpio squares off with Jupiter in Leo.  Venus, relationships and money, digs deep in Scorpio and brings up lots of muck. Jupiter enlarges all the issues.  These two are considered benefic but Scorpio is never easy.
On Monday the 10th of November things get aggressive and argumentative when Mars and Pluto join forces. Both in Capricorn, there’s a no nonsense attitude and issues of power and control surface. There is great potential for violence here.  Avoiding those folks who are prone to violence is a good idea.  On the 11th Mercury and Neptune throw clarity out the window and perhaps the truth. 
On Wednesday Venus and Saturn bring stability to relationships but put a cramp in the budget.  Debt, market fluctuations and relationships get complicated. There’s nothing easy. Mars and Uranus mix it up so there is no use in trying to conform to the schedule.  Anything goes. Another period of mishaps and sudden, explosive events, traffic, aviation and earth changes all come to mind.
At the Last Quarter Moon some ugly stuff begins to surface.  All that has happened since the New Moon Solar Eclipse needs to be assimilated.  Clarity and an easing of intensity become possible on Sunday when Neptune in Pisces changes direction and Venus leaves intense Scorpio and move into freewheeling Sagittarius.

Use this time until the New Moon on the 22nd to meditate, contemplate and digest all the knowledge, insight and enhanced intuition the Solar Eclipse has brought you. The Scorpio Eclipse is all about transformation.  Relationships may not have to end but in order to survive they must change.  This includes your relationship to yourself.  Think about it. 

Monday, October 6, 2014

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse – Cardinal Signs Beware

This is going to be one of them rock and roll weeks where the sudden and unexpected changes the trajectory shifting our forward motion sending us into directions and places we never thought we’d go to.
The Lunar Eclipse kicks off the ongoing Uranus/Pluto square.  Issues involving those planets, political stuff, strange weather patterns, and acts of terror are shaken up; twisted and turned resulting in outcomes never before perceived. 
On a very personal level, because the eclipse falls along the Libra/Aries axis, relationship issues come to a head.  These energies can escalate domestic violence with the abused as well as the abusers facing decision time. Get out, get help and make changes.
 Retrograde Mercury insures that we received a lot of mixed messages whether from loved ones, authority figures or the news media. On Friday, October 10th Mercury slips back into Libra providing an opportunity to rehash old issues involving relationships, personal or political. This return to Libra favors negotiating new terms and updating old agreements.
This Lunar Eclipse falls on the natal Saturn of the USA. (July 4, 1776) The USA is young compared to many nations of the world that have been in existence for thousands of years. With the ongoing, transiting Uranus/Pluto square setting off the USA’s natal Sun/Saturn square it’s safe to say that the USA is going through some growing pains and has been for the past 6 years or so.  Liberals and Conservatives disagree on many subjects but a cruise around the web or a conversation with your neighbor, no matter what the political stance, reveals a general disgust with Mayors, Governors, Senators and Presidents.  This feeling is reflected around the world with a general discontent with those in authority.  The Uranus/Pluto square in affect from 2012 through 2015 and beyond has fueled this discontent and will continue to do so until changes have been made.  This current Lunar Eclipse marks a significant period or point within that time span.
Uranus encourages rebellion.  Tied up in this current Lunar Eclipse that energy prods and pushes a lot of people to resist authority and shake up the status quo. Relationships that no longer feed our growth come under scrutiny.  Some will change and grow with the flow; those that are stagnant and stuck may fall by the wayside.
For the Cardinal signs, Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn Uranus and Pluto have been doing their dance on the Cardinal platform. The lives, feelings and physical surroundings of our Cardinal friends have been undergoing slow, inexorable change triggered perhaps by some sudden, unexpected events that are beyond their control. The Fixed signs, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius, and the Mutable signs, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces by extension are all feeling these pressures as well. 
There’s been a buildup to this Lunar Eclipse. The energy culminates at the Full Moon. Decisions will be made and plans for future action will be made as well.  The Solar Eclipse that follows, the New Moon of October 23rd will set the stage for more change.
Until that time reassess, realign and review.  Lunar Eclipses are more inner and emotional while the Solar Eclipses are more outer and active, proactive even.  Remember Mercury does not go direct until the 25th.  After that time things get clearer, information surfaces and we are better equipped to make important decisions.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Rhode Island State Primary

The Rhode Island State Primary elections take place on September 9, 2014.  This is the all important day when the public decides which candidate from each party will stand for that party in the November elections. This year there are four running on the Democrat side and two on the Republican side.  A look at the planetary positions on that day provides a clue to the outcome.

The Moon in mundane astrology, the astrology of world events, rules the public, public opinion and the overall mood of the public.  As the polls open Moon travels through late Pisces.  Folks are sensitive, intuitive and not often clear under this Moon.  This Moon is great for artists as it fuels the imagination.  Issues can be clouded while Moon moves through Pisces.  Moon goes Void of Course at 3:09 PM, meaning it makes its last aspect to another planet before moving into a new sign.  This period is a time of uncertainty.  Things begun now don’t turn out as expected. At 7:33 PM the Moon moves into action orientated Aries.  People want to move and are prone to impulsive action while Moon is in Aries.

Mercury which rules the vote and the voting process is in Libra that day. At 6:39 PM Mercury makes an all important aspect to Pluto in Capricorn.  Pluto is all about power and control.  A slow mover; aspects to it generate large groups of people.  The indication here is a much larger turnout than expected. This also marks a turning point in the day reinforced by the Moon at the critical 29th degree.

Also  on September 9th Mars and Saturn, the two bad guys of the Zodiac are in a wide conjunction in Scorpio.  Mars energy often brings trouble and strife. Saturn wants to maintain order and keep everyone on the straight and narrow. This Mars at 27 Scorpio impacts all the Democratic candidates, three of the Democratic candidates have their Sun posited between 24-26 of the fixed signs, Taurus, Leo and Scorpio. The fourth candidate has Mars in Leo on those degrees.
When all is said and done, the big deal of the day is that Mercury/Pluto square.  Mercury in Libra talks sweet and politely but when joined with Pluto the gloves come off and the talk gets down and dirty. This is an aspect of mental intensity, persuasive speech and arguments that range from passive to aggressive.  It’s best not to talk politics with strangers because folks take it personal if you disagree with them.

The planetary aspects are unsettling that day. All the candidates are impacted both positively and negatively so it is a difficult call.  Surprise and the unexpected are key words for this day. Leading up to the primary things will get ugly.  Politicians beware; the public has had it with ugly.

Full Moon - Super Moon

Sunday’s Full Moon with Moon in Aquarius and Sun in Leo is called a Super Moon because the Moon is at its closest point to the Earth.  On the Eastern Seaboard of the United States this Full Moon occurs at 2:08 PM in the afternoon.  So as the Moon rises in the evening technically easterners will be seeing a waning Gibbous Moon.  Not to worry, it will be big enough and will still look like a Full Moon.

This Full Moon sets the tone for the upcoming week. Moon in Aquarius demands freedom. Freedom to come and go as one pleases, freedom of thoughts and ideas and the freedom to simply be. This Full Moon brings to fruition the seeds planted at the New Moon of July 26, 2014.  That was a Leo Moon with some stressful aspects in the New Moon chart.  A look at the headlines reflects the planetary lineup.  Political battles have been heating up and this past week things got a bit rough. 

A Full Moon across the Leo/Aquarius dynamic pits the ruling class against the working class.  Leo can personify the benevolent leader or on a less positive side a leader who is focused on self rather than the good of the public.  Most fall somewhere in between.  Aquarius represents humanity and the brotherhood of man.  The downside is the rabble rousing revolutionary who makes revolution simply to create disruption.  Once again, most fall somewhere in between.
As the Moon wanes this week there will be a couple of planetary shifts. The first is Venus’ entry into Leo early Tuesday morning.  Venus in Leo wants to have fun. Social life takes on more importance.  Everybody’s inner child wants to come out and play.

Wednesday morning Moon enters impulsive Aries bringing out folks competitive side. Over the next couple of days Moon will trigger the ongoing Uranus/Pluto square.  Expect some fireworks as the week winds down.  Things are sure to heat up politically along with weather and other upheavals of nature.

Early Friday morning Mars in Scorpio, locked and loaded stretches a hand out across the Zodiac to Pluto in Capricorn.  The aspect between these two is a positive connection but the energy represented by Mars and Pluto is not always so positive. Mars is the warrior and the bringer of strife. Pluto brings transformation but something has to go first so often Pluto is perceived as a destroyer.  This joining of forces speaks of purification, purging and the desire to change.  On the upside there can be a sharing of resources and territory.

At midday on Friday Mercury slides home to Virgo.  Mercury gets very practical here. News and information tend to be more factual and detailed now.  Hyperbole is recognized for what it is, a load of bullshit.  Folks tend to look at things with a critical eye. 

As the weekend begins Moon moves into Taurus and stubborn becomes the key word.  Fine dining and shopping make folks happy. A good weekend to spend on something that will make you feel good, something you can touch, something sensual. Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Tracy Morgan – Scorpio – From The Depths

Tracy Morgan the well known comedian form SNL and 30 rock was in a horrific car crash on June 1, 2014 resulting in serious injury to him and the death of his long time friend and collaborator James McNair.

Tracy is a Scorpio with Moon either in late Cancer or early Leo depending on his time of birth.  He also had Mars in Libra conjunct volatile, unpredictable Uranus.  Mercury, how he talks and processes information, is in Scorpio.  This Mercury has him questioning everything, digging deep to get at the truth.  His Venus, in freewheeling, fun loving Sagittarius is in a dynamic aspect with his powerful Jupiter/Pluto conjunction in Virgo.

His life reflects these planetary positions. He grew up in the rough and tumble Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood. His father, a troubled Vietnam Vet, became addicted to heroin as a result of injuries.  When he was 17 years old Tracy found out his father had aids and ultimately quit school in order to take care of him.  Married to his childhood sweetheart at that time and in need of money he turned to selling drugs to get that money.  He credits his comedy career to a comment made by a friend that he could make it in comedy.  When that friend was later murdered he resolved as a tribute to him to take his shot at comedy. He is known for his erratic behavior and some controversial utterances. 

The Jupiter/Pluto conjunction signifies the underworld, crime and the dark side of society that surrounded him in his early life.  Drugs and death schooled him and ultimately spurred him to take action to improve his lot in life.  By his own words there is no “filter between what he thinks and what he says”. Mercury in Scorpio, like all water sign Mercury’s allows the emotion and feelings to come out.  The Mars/Uranus conjunction provides no governor on his speech and actions.  It’s a safe bet to say that folks around him are continually caught off guard by what he says and the actions he takes.

At the time of the accident, about 1AM, Mercury the planet of cars, roads and traffic was making a station preparing to go retrograde at 7:57 AM. That Mercury in the sky was in an aspect of ease to Tracy’s natal Mercury.  The Moon, at 1degree of Libra was sitting on his natal Mars with a mere 3 minutes away from conjunction.  This triggered his natal combo of Mars/Uranus/Jupiter and Pluto.  This in itself is not unusual as the Moon hits that degree on a monthly basis.  But this month, the planet Saturn, in Scorpio was sitting on his Scorpio Sun which was in turned triggered by his Jupiter/Pluto conjunction.  Jupiter itself in the sky in Cancer was 2 degrees past a benevolent trine to his natal Sun.

This planetary picture is a picture of a life and/or death situation.  Saturn is known as the big bad boy of the Zodiac, bringing restriction, contraction and heavy burdens that must be born.  Saturn rules the bones. Jupiter can bring the transition to a higher plane.  But here it is past the trine to his Sun.  Saturn is the real culprit and unlike Jupiter he is not going to let you go to luxuriate in greener pastures.

Transiting Saturn hitting natal Sun brings hard work, the wish to be someplace else, restricts our movements, whether physically or because of cash considerations or responsibilities.  Saturn says do the job and have fun later when I go away.

After having surgery on his broken leg it has been reported that Tracy Morgan has become “more responsive”.  Although still critical that report is a good sign.  The Saturn transit to his Sun points to a slow recovery, physical therapy etc. while bones knit and the body heals.  Saturn has a way of letting you know what is really important to you in this life.  He is a great one for bringing life’s lessons home.  Although Tracy may be in a deep dark place now, he is a Scorpio and more than any other sign, Scorpio is capable of coming back from those depths. Scorpio is the original comeback kid.

We can help by sending this gifted comedian our prayers and a bright healing light.


Monday, April 7, 2014

April – Crashing and Burning – The Great Cardinal Square

April 2014 may turn out to be a month that history will not ignore.  There’s a celestial battle taking place in the sky that has been going on for awhile and during the month of April a peak or tipping point is reached. This has a lot to do with the 126 year cycle of Uranus and Pluto.  Pluto is the destroyer, ruling toxic waste, corruption, elimination and despite all this has the power to transform and reform. The use of power to control others as well as the power of the group belongs to Pluto. Uranus is the humanitarian, revolutionary anarchist and has rule over technology and invention.  Kicking down rigid societal constructs is Uranus’ joy. When Pluto and Uranus engage, society changes. Add to this the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 15th and the New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 29th and you have the makings of deep and profound changes.

Eclipses run in 19 year cycles. In 1995 there were Eclipses at these signs and degrees.  What was happening in your life then? What have you learned? What direction did your life take and can you use your current knowledge to guide you with the wisdom you have gained.

Uranus and Pluto square each other 7 times between 2012 and 2015.  The 5th in that series of squares takes place on April 21, 2014. Into this particular square move Jupiter in Cancer and Mars in Libra creating what is called a Grand Square.  These four planets are either squaring or opposing one another and they are all connected to within a few degrees this month.  This is an explosive combination. 

So far we’ve seen earthquakes, mudslides, corrupt politicians, and unease and unrest in various parts of the world. This kind of activity will continue.

People with planets in the middling degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn feel the pinch of these planets and will continue to feel it for some time.  But the rest of us will not escape this configuration as all the elements are represented and affected. Earth, Air, Water and Fire all are taking a hit. 

There’s a battle going on within as well as without.  The need for independence balanced against the necessity of cooperation and collaborative efforts.  We may want to go it alone and be independent but circumstances may prevent that.  Maintaining the balance between the public and private life is a challenge for some.  Life’s direction and purpose come under review.

Letting go, releasing and giving up something is on the table for a lot of us. Letting go is painful. We’re creatures of habit and don’t like to step out of our comfort zone. These transits are a set up for change and resistance only makes the process more difficult.   We’re forced to give up something that we think is vital to our existence.  When we let go we open the way for something new and better to enter our lives.

Change does not have to be drastic for some it is the earthquake within that wakens them to new possibilities. Adjustments can be made to existing circumstances, new attitudes create new conditions. 

This month all the muck is going to rise to the surface. It is up to us to clear it away, clean it up and move on.  This is true on the personal level as well as on the world stage.  The environment and what humans are doing to it will hit home in a very big way. Justice, business, money, corruption all tie in to what is right and what is wrong about the world as we know it today.  Events will raise our awareness.  Some of these events will be like a slap in the face. It’s a wakeup call, so wake up folks!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Full Moon – Dream It – Create It

Today, March 16, 2014 the Full Moon culminates at 1:08 PM EDT.  With the Sun in Pisces and the Moon in Virgo this Full Moon is about imagination, dreaming and visualizing and facing the reality of what is.  Pisces Sun says dream it big while Virgo Moon helps to bring that dream to fruition. This Full Moon promotes flexibility and gives the mutable signs, Pisces, Virgo, Gemini and Sagittarius a get a move on nudge.  With the dynamic T-Square between Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto still in play no one escapes the push and shove of world events and inner promptings that call for repositioning and prompt us to take steps to break the rigid and crystallized in our lives.  When routine becomes rut, it’s time to rethink that routine.

Moon enters Libra on Sunday night and while Moon travels through this sociable, balance seeking sign it is a good time to talk, to work on relationships and to connect with people in your life.  We’re looking for beauty and harmony under this Moon.  It’s Venus ruled so art, beauty and forming partnerships are favored. 

On Monday, Mercury enters Pisces leaving the intellectual sign of Aquarius.  Mercury in Pisces heightens our telepathic and intuitive senses.  We sense things.  This is great for artists but for all it is best not to let the imagination and fantasies run wild.

On Tuesday, Venus in Aquarius connects with Uranus in Aries testing that Libra Moon’s love for harmony.  Venus ruler of love and money joining forces with Mr. Surprise, Uranus calls for fireworks.  Unusual, original and unexpected words, actions and events occur around this aspect. Aquarians and Aries feel the jolt along with the Leos and Libras. 

On Wednesday morning Moon leaves congenial Libra and enters suspicious Scorpio. Strong passions are aroused under this Moon sign.   Folks get a bit moody and sensitive under this Moon.  Don’t let secrets, jealously and suspicion rule you during these few days.  Step away from the emotional and look at things objectively.

On Thursday, the Vernal Equinox, Spring begins.  The day and the night are equal in length.  The energy changes and although it may not feel like spring, change is in the air.  This season will be a season of volatility on all fronts.  Wet and windy with some record breaking days, the Jupiter, Uranus, Pluto configuration speaks of unpredictability on all fronts.  Be prepared to roll with the punches.

On Friday Moon enters Sagittarius and suspicions fall by the wayside as people become warm and friendly.  Sagittarius Moon loves change and motion.  Folks want to get out to a sporting event, a hike in the woods or a flex of the independent muscle.  Keep moving is the motto of this Moon.

On Saturday when Mercury in Pisces joins forces with Neptune in Pisces intuition takes the main stage.  It is important to remain positive and be around positive people and influences now as this combination is like a sponge and we absorb what is around us.  There is a strong possibility of deception, confusion and misrepresentation of the facts. Take the high road boys and girls you don’t want to get stuck in the mire.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Busy is the Name of the Game – Action and Growth.

This Saturday, March 8, 2014 Moon hits its First Quarter phase.  First Quarter Moon phase is the time for decisive action.  Often a crisis will precipitate this action.  Most times it is instinctive and does not feel like a crisis at all as the Moon rules our daily life and it all seems part of the routine.  When you want something to grow, begin while the Moon is in its waxing phase, especially if it is waxing in Cancer.

 This First Quarter Moon, with Moon in Gemini and Sun in Pisces, promises a busy week ahead leading up to the Full Moon on the 16th.  Gemini Moon is always a time of curiosity and the need for mental stimulation. If you want an idea to grow waxing Moon in Gemini is the time to voice that idea and get it out to the universe.  This Quarter Moon will impact in a very personal way Gemini and Pisces of course as well as Virgo and Sagittarius.  

Daylight Savings time begins at 2 AM on Sunday morning, March 9, 2014.  Moon slides home to Cancer at 9:33 AM EDT. Folks can get needy and moody while Moon is in Cancer.  There’s a need to nurture or be nurtured. We respond emotionally now, so tread lightly as people are vulnerable and sensitive. This is a most fertile time; the time to plant your garden and watch it grow.

Monday, the Moon’s day, is likely to be an emotional roller coaster as Moon bounces off Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto activating that dynamic T-Square that has been in play and will continue to be in play for some time.  Jupiter is about justice, Uranus rebellion and Pluto power, control and the ability to transform. We see this played out in global events and bringing it down to the personal the cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn feel the pressure of this uncommon aspect.  Life changing events trigger inner changes that alter the life path and plans.  Cardinal signs are always ready to start something new and usually adapt quickly to changing circumstances.

Early Tuesday morning, Mercury in Aquarius squares Saturn in Scorpio paving the way for some serious conversation and some sobering news. Here the fixed signs, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius feel the stress. The mercurial signs of Gemini and Virgo get pulled into the conflict as well as Saturn ruled Capricorn. Aquarius, Saturn ruled as well is hip deep into it and with Mercury there we are likely to hear one of those famous Aquarian rants.   Moon slips into Leo at 10:09 PM EDT.  While Moon is in Leo people are romantic, affectionate and looking for fun.  We need appreciation and recognition during this time, so don’t be slow with the compliments.  It should come natural as generosity of spirit is a signature attribute of Moon in Leo. 

During Thursday afternoon’s commute Sun in Pisces trines Saturn, the Sun and Saturn represent masculine authority.  A trine aspect indicates ease and agreement.  Authority figures reach an agreement.  The details emerge on Friday after Moon enters Virgo at 10:17 AM EDT.  Around noon time Mercury in Aquarius trines Mars in Libra and it is time for decisive action.  Moon in Virgo heightens our capacity for discrimination.  Detailed work and organizing projects do well now.  

The sky is busy this week and we will be busy as well.  A lot of news that stirs the emotions and a lot of folks who want to stir that pot.  Friday’s Mercury trine Mars will inject some clear logic and reasonableness into it all.  It will pay to let things gel a bit before flying off the handle so try to resist the Mercury/Mars connection and think about it a bit.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Pisces New Moon - Mars, Jupiter and Saturn Stir Things Up

The New Moon in Pisces at 2:59 AM EST on Saturday morning, March 1, 2014 makes a positive connections with Jupiter in Cancer.  This is a great for spiritual openings, heightening of the imagination and enhancing artistic abilities.  Mercury in Aquarius went direct the day before and Mars goes retrograde at 11:24 AM EST and just like that the energy shifts and changes.   More changes come as Moon enters Aries on Sunday and Saturn in Scorpio turns retrograde.  When planets change direction the energies that those planets embody heightens, strengthens and often manifests concrete events according to the sign they are in and in the individual horoscope, the house they are in.  In the afternoon, Venus in Capricorn squares retrograde Mars in Libra. Relationships are strained, arguments ensue.  The masculine and feminine principles clash. This does not bode well for diplomacy on international fronts as well as the kitchen table variety.  Moon in Aries wants things right now.  Impulsive action that is not well thought out is a signature of this Moon. 

On Monday, March 3, 2014 before most folks make it to the job this Aries Moon bounces off Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto stirring things up.  Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto are in an ongoing T-Square that is Jupiter opposing Pluto and both squaring Uranus, looks like a T.  Squares agitate and make things happen; oppositions are just that, opposing viewpoints, folks on opposite sides of the fence.  We see this symbolism acted out in world events.  In the Ukraine, it’s between East and West, in the US it’s liberal and conservative, rich and poor etc. So when Aries Moon sets this off things happen.  When Moon passed through Libra kicking things off from the opposite side of the Zodiac forming a Grand Square demonstrations began in Kiev. Aries Moon may escalate things.  In the afternoon Sun in Pisces forms a congenial aspect with Pluto in Capricorn, although congenial any time Pluto is involved there are issues of power and control.

On Tuesday afternoon at 2:12 PM EST Moon enters Taurus bringing out our need for emotional stability. We don’t like change and favor the traditional while Moon travels through this fixed earth sign.  Folks tend to be a bit stubborn now.  On Ash Wednesday, with Moon still in Taurus, Venus moves into Aquarius.  Venus, the planet of love and money in this sign is looking for friendship first. The unconventional or odd appeals and socializing is often done with a group of friends while Venus is in Aquarius. 

On Friday, Jupiter in Cancer changes direction stirring up Uranus and Pluto in the process.  In the evening Moon moves into versatile Gemini and we seek mental stimulation.  Talking and the exchange of ideas keep folks busy.  The duality of Gemini often makes it difficult to make a decision. A good time to take care of correspondence and return phone calls as information simply flows.

All in all this is a week of change.  In some areas things that were on hold begin to move along, while in other areas a reevaluation may be in order.  We can expect more demonstrations, authorities flexing their muscles and the common folk flexing theirs as well.  On an individual level it may be difficult to extend the olive branch but attempts at peace making are always worth the effort.  The fruits of those efforts may not manifest right away, but during periods of turmoil it is wise to lay the foundation for the hoped for stability to follow.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Cosmic Capsule - Woody Allen - Did Woody Diddle?

We hate it when our heroes are proven to have feet of clay.  We prefer to overlook it rather than face the harsh reality.  Elvis Presley, overweight and over medicated, to this day has legions of fans flocking to Graceland with nary a question as to where he hid his barbiturates. Michael Jackson’s fans didn’t raise a peep when he dangled a toddler off a balcony and rallied round during his trial for child molestation. Bill Cosby has been accused of sexual misconduct, Roman Polanski has famously been exiled from America for an incident with a young girl and Morgan Freeman raised a few eyebrows when he married his ex-wife’s granddaughter. When someone accuses our heroes of misconduct we prefer to have the accuser melt back into the background so we can continue in our fantasy.  Anita Hill, the lady who brought the issue of sexual harassment to the front page during the confirmation hearings of Clarence Thomas said, “I resent the idea that people would blame the messenger for the message, rather than looking at the content of the message itself.” 

 Our latest messenger is Dylan Farrow who has recently penned an open letter published in the New York Times about the alleged abuse she suffered at the hands of her adoptive father Woody Allen.  She was 7 years old at that time.  Previously, Dylan’s mother, Mia Farrow had discovered revealing Polaroid pictures of her other adoptive daughter, Soon-Yi at Woody’s apartment.  These pictures were quite graphic.  
Woody Allen is a Sagittarius with Virgo rising and Moon in Aquarius.  His Sagittarius Sun sits with Jupiter, his ruler, and Mercury all clustered together.  Jupiter brings a massive amount of energy to this Sagittarian cluster of planets.  This provides him with enormous vision, he dreams the impossible dream. The Ascendant or rising sign is an inherent part of the personality and allows Woody Allen to transport those visions to the earthly plane.  The Moon in Aquarius speaks to an unconventional home life. 

What catches the eye in this horoscope given the accusations floating around is his Mars/Pluto opposition, both squaring Venus.  Traditionally Mars is a malefic, meaning he’s a bad guy capable of war, aggression and various other forms of ugliness.  Pluto ain’t such a nice guy either.  Obsession, power, control and plumbing the depths are all attributes of Pluto.  Together with Mars he harshly aspects Venus.  This does not paint a pretty picture. This Pluto aspect goes a long way in explaining why Woody Allen is somewhat of a professional analysand as he perpetually undergoes psychoanalysis. It also reveals that there is potential there for abuse although that is not a given.  Other folks with a Mars/Pluto opposition include Angelina Jolie, Mohandas Gandhi and Richard Nixon.  Nixon was surely into power and control and there are stories that Gandhi slept naked with young girls to test and strengthen his control. Angelina Jolie as a youth was a bit of a sexual provocateur.  Woody Allen is a complex individual with all of his personal planets below the horizon.  He’s a very private person and keeps a lot hidden.  His Mars/Pluto opposition squaring Venus indicates a definite issue with women.  The up side is a lot of energy focused on the artistic.
Dylan’s reason for going public now was prompted by Woody Allen receiving the Cecil B. De Mille Lifetime Achievement award at the Golden Globes this year.  Astrologically there is another reason. I don’t have Dylan Farrow’s birth date but she was 7 then which makes her 29 now.  In astrology these are 2 very important years in the life cycle the individual.

Through the technique of Secondary Progression   that astrologers use to advance the chart throughout a person’s lifetime, moving the planets along the zodiacal path, at 7 years old the individual’s Secondary Progressed Moon has move 90 degrees to square the natal Moon.  At the same time the person’s Saturn has moved to square the natal Saturn.  This is a period in a child’s life when they transition from babyhood to a more mature posture.  Yes Virginia, there is no Santa Claus.
At about 27and ½ years old, the Secondary Progressed Moon moves back into to its natal position.   This is a period of emotional maturation. Some youngsters don’t make it for a variety of reasons.  Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin, Hendrix and Cobain come to mind.

This transit sets the stage for the Saturn Return, Saturn’s return to its natal position.  This first Saturn return occurs around 29 years of age. There is often a feeling at this return that time is running out and one must accomplish what one has set out to do before it is to late.  It is also a time to sort things out, to take a look at and revise inner values.  During this stage of one’s life that which is not necessary to the individual falls away.  It is a lot like cleaning out the attic dumping what is no longer useful.

Dylan is writing about this now because, from her point of view, all this shit is coming back to her, rising from her inner self.  As she has reached an emotional maturity during her 27th year, now Saturn has come along forcing her to face reality.

The debate will continue, did he or didn’t he?  Dylan is standing firm.  Woody is rebutting declaring his innocence.  Children are taking sides.  It’s the modern equivalent of a Greek Tragedy but I doubt the deus ex machina will drift down from the rafters to resolve this plot.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Week Ahead- First Quarter Moon – and Muddling Mercury Retrograde

Sunday, February 02, 2014 the Moon is Void in Pisces from 11:34 AM EST until 11:55 PM EST when Moon enters Aries.  Void Moon in Pisces is a great time to kick back and let things gel within us.  Moon in Pisces enhances our psychic impressions.  On the down side Pisces Moon encourages us to escape from reality.  Some do this through meditation and prayer, while others do it by bellying up to the bar for a few shots and beers.  Remember that the hangover is wicked payback. As for the Super Bowl,  Void Moons always promise that things do not turn out as expected.

By Monday morning with Moon firmly in Aries we are ready for action and action is what the Aries Moon calls for.  This is an initiatory Moon, we want to get started and get going. The drawback here is action is predicated on impulse and reason is thrown out the window as we neglect to think things through. Moon goes Void at 6:14 PM EST on Tuesday.

Wednesday morning at 4:46 AM EST Moon moves into stable, earthy Taurus.  If you want to start something that will grow and last start it now while waxing Moon is in Taurus.  Taurus is fertile, and waxing Moon encourages growth.  Beware though, Taurus Moon has a fixedness that will make it hard to get rid of what you started.  So make sure that it is what you want.   Folks get stubborn and dig their heels in under this Moon.
Thursday is the big day this week as the First Quarter Moon occurs at 2:32 PM EST with Moon in Taurus squaring, 90 degrees from Sun in Aquarius.  Quarter Moons shake things up.  Often, more than the Full Moons, the crazies come out.  Any square aspect between planets or the lights, as the Sun and Moon are referred to, brings action.  Things happen under Quarter Moons.

To add weight to this particular phase, Mercury in Pisces stations, or stops, in the sky and turns in retrograde motion.  Retrograde Mercury favors the introverted, those activities that focus on the inner landscape of the human condition.  Meditation, reflection and contemplation are favored while Mercury is retrograde, especially while it is in Pisces.  The energy of Pisces favors the contemplative. This can also bring about confused communication, messages gone astray and delays in travel. 

Whenever Mercury stations whether going direct or retrograde the mercurial energy is strong.  So information is often not reliable or confusing during those times.  Amanda Knox accused of murdering her roommate, Meredith Kercher made confusing statements at the time of her arrest.  At the time of the murder Mercury was stationing preparing to move in direct motion.  Amanda Knox has retrograde Mercury in her natal chart that opposes her natal Neptune.  This aspect is one of confusion.  She’s not clear in her thinking. Questions and answers may not have been understood.  The public may never know what really happened because of misunderstanding and the muddling up of the facts.
For the rest of us during a Mercury retrograde period it pays not to make decisions, sign contracts and prepare for disruptions in plans.  Decisions made now are often reversed after Mercury goes direct.  Information is not available while Mercury is retrograde.  This information pops up after Mercury moves in direct motion. It pays to check and doubled check on appointments, travel plans and gossip that surfaces now.

Moon ends the week in Gemini and remains there throughout the weekend until early Monday morning.  Gemini Moon is a restless Moon. People are talkative, adaptable and willing to exchange ideas and information.  Keep in mind the retrograde Mercury.  There is little danger of being overly emotional while Moon travels through Gemini as rationalization rules the day.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Month Ends With a Bang! – From Balsamic to New Moon in Aquarius

Sunday, January 26, 2014 Moon in enthusiastic Sagittarius moves into the Balsamic phase of the lunar cycle with the Sun when the Moon becomes smaller and smaller soon to vanish from the night sky.  Wiccan’s call this phase the Crone’s Moon.  A time of inner wisdom, a time to let go and dream of what is to come.  Like winter time, the seeds lie dormant beneath the surface waiting for the warmth of the Sun to generate movement.   As the Moon moves into Capricorn right after midnight on Tuesday the 28th continue to reflect.  Capricorn Moon while not conducive to dreaming it is favorable for making concrete plans.  Dreams are not farfetched under this Moon they consider the practical.  Wisdom comes with Balsamic Moon in Capricorn.

Early Wednesday morning, a few hours before dawn, Sun in Aquarius makes a healthy connection with Aquarius’ ruler Uranus.  This aspect jolts us from our complacency.  The morning news or commute may provide a disruption in the routine or way of thinking. At 11:30 PM EST Moon enters Aquarius and we start thinking about the other guy, those that are less fortunate that we are.  A detached, intellectual Moon, Aquarius is not going to tote a pot of soup to the neighbors.  Writing a letter to the editor decrying deplorable conditions is more this Moon’s style.

At 4:38 PM EST on Thursday, January 30th the New Moon occurs.  The New Moon is the start of a new cycle.  At this point the night sky is dark, the seeds are still dormant but beginning to stir with the vibe of the new.

New Moons set the tone for the upcoming month.  This New Moon in Aquarius has Pluto and Venus joining forces in Capricorn with Venus poised to turn direct.  They oppose retrograde Jupiter in Cancer and square Uranus in Aries.  This combination is bound to kick up some dust.   Early Friday morning the Jupiter/Pluto opposition reaches exactness.  Later, Mercury enters Pisces and in the afternoon Venus stops and turns in direct motion.  The month ends with a bang! In the big wide world protests and humanitarian causes make the headlines.  Getting down to the personal, here on the east coast of the USA, relationships require work.  The happily ever after needs diligence and maintenance.  Domestic and neighborhood issues beg for attention.
Late on Friday evening Moon enters Pisces.  We are sensitive to the vibes around us under this Moon so be sure to surround yourself with the positive for the rest of the weekend.  Folks are emotionally vulnerable and sentimental now.  Escapism plays a key role now.  It’s easy to drink to much, eat to much, and cling to much in an effort to gain emotional security.  Take the high road, listen music, and meditate.


Sunday, January 19, 2014

The Week Ahead – Last Quarter Moon – Venus Retrograde

Sunday, January 19, 2014 Moon travels through Virgo.  A good day for tidying things up, cleaning out closets/ drawers and general purging all around.  Don’t forget the junk food in the pantry.  Late in the evening Aquarians rejoice as Sun begins its monthly sojourn through that sign. Aquarius, like Capricorn, is ruled by Saturn and can be just as conservative.  Whereas Capricorn leans towards the corporate structure and serves societal constructs, Aquarius celebrates the individualist and often wants to topple those structures especially if they have become rigid and incapable of change.

 Moon remains in Virgo throughout Monday going Void of Course at 3:55 PM EST until the following morning, Tuesday, January 21st at 7:43 AM EST.  When Moon enters Libra the energy shifts into a more social mode.  Venus ruled Libra Moon heightens the need for interaction with others.  Partnerships, associations and collaborations flourish under this Moon.  A cautionary note here: Libra’s ruler Venus is retrograde and has been since December 21, 2013 and will go direct on January 31, 2014. Venus retrograde can bring uncertainty into all relationships and confusion about finances. Like all retrogrades it is a time for review and reevaluation about the issues that the retrograde planet represents. Venus is about love, money, beauty, art and value systems. This is not the time to take action. It is the time to examine and become aware of issues revolving around love and money.  Often Venus retrograde can trigger extravagant spending on beautiful things that may not be practical.  It is important to remember to try and stay within the budget.  Relationship issues that surface now are not the signal to break off an existing relationship or begin a new one.  Venus is about what you want and what you value. Retrograde is the time to figure out what that is.  Keep in mind when Venus goes direct on the 31st, Mercury is slowing down in preparation for retrograde motion on February 6th. 

Wednesday while Moon is in Libra she connects with all the planets throughout the day kicking off a lot of action and discussion around Libran themes.  This is a good time to really listen to what the other person is saying.  Hear them and make sure they hear you.  Be sure that all involved are hearing what is really being said and not what they want to hear.  

Moon goes Void at 10:50 PM EST and moves into Scorpio on Thursday afternoon, January 23rd at 4:43 PM EST.  Passions are aroused when Moon travels through Scorpio.  Scorpio Moon, ruled by Pluto and Mars, brings out aggressive tendencies and emotional outbursts. Despite Scorpio’s tough reputation, people are sensitive now.  Social interaction can get complicated when the green-eye monster emerges, even though there may be nothing to be jealous about. Suspicion is in the air.  When things get intense take a step back, take a few breaths and take it down a notch.

 At 12:20 AM EST, in the midnight hour the Last Quarter Moon perfects.  This is a time of reflection. As we reflect and assimilate we are ending one phase in preparation for a new beginning.  When Mercury connects with Mars on Friday morning it will be helpful to talk about what is on your mind.  While Scorpio Moon is intense and emotional, Mercury in Aquarius is detached and intellectual.  Mars in air sign Libra will be forced to listen. He may want to argue but Libra will have none of it. 

Saturday morning busy Mercury squares off with Saturn in Scorpio.  The talk is serious and Saturn reigns in Scorpio’s explosive emotions.  Doesn’t mean that it is going to be easy as some unpleasant truths may be revealed. It’s really difficult when those truths are about oneself.  Moon goes Void of Course at 8:55 AM EST and remains so until 10:13 PM EST when intensity falls by the wayside as Moon enters Sagittarius.

 Under Sagittarius Moon there’s a need to move, an itch to travel, a desire to kick the football around or go for a hike.  Sagittarius Moon generates a friendly atmosphere. Ruled by philosophical Jupiter we dive into books about self improvement, philosophical ideals and intellectual edification.  Restlessness under this Moon can lead to impulsive action.  Take a walk, vacuum the rug, simply get moving before you do something that your lack of thinking about will lead to complications later on.  


Sunday, January 12, 2014

Full Moon and Void of Course Moon

When nearing the end of a sign Moon makes its last aspect to another planet before it enters the next sign.  The period between that last aspect and Moon’s entry into the following sign is called Moon Void of Course. When Moon is Void of Course it is best to stick to routine and avoid making decisions. Unknown factors may be in play during this time frame. Moon goes Void of Course in Gemini on Sunday afternoon at 4:33 PM EST, January 12th.  It does not enter Cancer until Monday, January 12th at 7:25 PM EST. Monday with Moon Void in Gemini is a great time to clear out old paper work and empty the in box.  Gemini Moon is a busy Moon so try to remain focused.

Moon in Cancer brings out the emotional side and sharpens our instinct. This Moon does not go Void until the Full Moon at 11:52 PM EST, Wednesday, January 15, 2014. The Full Moon brings to fruition all that was planted at the New Moon.  That New Moon with Pluto in the mix signaled things in the extreme.  This has been evident in the weather patterns across the globe.  Politically, the Chris Christie fiasco echoes the plutonian themes of power and control. That energy prevails at the Full Moon with the addition of Saturn closing in.  Saturn is about pay back. If you’ve done your homework and paid your dues Saturn treats you well.  If you’ve shirked your responsibilities when Saturn catches up with you; what was easy now becomes arduous.  The lesson here is do what you’re supposed to do when you are supposed to do it.

 Moon is Void overnight until entering Leo on Thursday at 8:00 AM EST.  Leo Moon brings out ambition and leadership qualities.  This Moon is also a fun Moon when our inner child urges us to be playful.  Affection and appreciation are needed now.

During the Noon hour, Venus in Capricorn squares off with Mars in Libra.  This does not look good for negotiations, diplomatic endeavors or for resolving differences.  Venus here wants the facts while Mars may try to use some finesse in conveying those facts trying to make it look better than what it is.  Mars wants to make it pretty and Venus wants it real.

During the wee hours of Friday Mercury connects with Uranus.  This can bring some shocking news, sudden accidents, and freakish stuff that one can’t predict.  The morning news should be interesting with folks expressing some radical viewpoints.

Moon goes Void of Course in Leo on Saturday morning just before 4 AM EST and remains so until entering Virgo at 8:23 PM EST.  This Moon favors the intellect.  Word games, board games and precise work.  The talk turns to issues involving diet and exercise. Waning Moon in Virgo is a good time to quit something.  Whether it’s booze, drugs, food or toxic people, now’s the time to get rid of what does not serve you.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Waxing Moon – First Quarter – Could Be Trouble

Sunday, January 05, 2014 dawns with Moon in sensitive Pisces. There’s a heightened awareness of those things that go bump in the night when Moon is in Pisces.  Folks are impressionable now so it is important to surround yourself with the positive.  We sense the mood of others and absorb it.  Stay away from those who would bring you down. During the afternoon Sun in Capricorn opposes Jupiter in Cancer bringing a lot of confidence and optimism into the atmosphere.  The flaw here is over confidence.  Jupiter is expansive; in Cancer he expands the emotions.  Sun in Capricorn is all about reining things in and keeping everything neat and tidy.

Before the Sun rises on Monday morning Mercury in Capricorn connects with Saturn in Scorpio.  This is a practical Mercury ready to get down to business.  Saturn wherever he maybe, is always ready to get down to business. This aspect sets the stage for the first full week of 2014 and gives an able assist to those ready to tackle the chores left hanging during the festive holiday season.  Holiday’s over folks. 

Monday afternoon Moon moves from dreamy Pisces into action oriented Aries. Aries Moon favors vigorous action and initiative.  People want change when Moon moves through Aries.  It is important to remember that change for change sake is not always the best move to make.  Try to avoid impulsive action now.

Tuesday afternoon Mercury joins forces with Venus, both in Capricorn.  Under this aspect the time is ripe for signing documents pertaining to money or partnerships.  Venus is retrograde so these deals may fall under review. These issues won’t be resolved until month end when Venus goes direct. The first week of February provides a window of opportunity to tie things up before Mercury goes retrograde on February 6th.

Tuesday evening, January 7th the First Quarter Moon occurs.  Quarter Moon’s are a time of action and this one is especially so because of various planets involved with the Sun and Moon configuration.  Mars opposing the Moon and squaring the Sun agitates to put it mildly.  Jupiter opposing the Sun and squaring the Moon blows things way out of proportion.  Moon in Aries acts on emotional impulse, while Sun in Capricorn along with Mercury and Venus tries to maintain order.  This cluster of planets in Capricorn is outgunned by Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto’s the howitzer and he stirs the pot mightily.  Diplomacy really doesn’t have much of a chance. Uranus is widely in the mix as well, so anything goes from the personal to the political.  Mother Earth may rumble. This week is a period of volatility in the business, personal, political and natural world.

On Wednesday, Moon goes Void of Course at 11:22 AM EST.  In the afternoon, the agitator Mars squares off with Jupiter.  This may bring some disruption, inflated and overstated actions and reactions.  Moon moves into the more stable Taurus at 9:24 PM EST.  People are cautious under this Moon sign.  This is fixed earth and change is an option that is difficult to take.  This is the “I have” Moon and this Moon wants to keep it. Financial and material security is paramount under this Moon.  Try to avoid being stubborn and digging in the heels.  Some change is good.

Moon remains in Taurus until Saturday, January 11th at 7:26 AM EST.  Before Moon enters Gemini at this time, Venus makes a strong connection with Saturn.  Venus is in Saturn ruled Capricorn and is in the cautionary stage of retrograde so this aspect could prove to be very productive but the fruits of that productivity may not be evident for awhile.   Sun passes over both these planets during the course of the morning hours lending strength to the organizational energy precipitated by the Venus/Saturn conjunction.  Moon in Gemini takes it all in.  People are curious, inquisitive and talkative under this Moon.  Gathering and sharing information are hallmarks of Moon in Gemini.  We’re open to change and are able to see both sides of the picture.  Juggling comes to mind as this Moon enhances our capacity to multi-task.

Late Saturday afternoon Mercury enters Aquarius.  Mercury is comfortable in this air sign and reaches far and wide for news and information.  We hear about stuff that old Pluto in Capricorn at the First Quarter Moon has been trying to keep under wraps. During these few days when Moon is in Gemini, Mercury’s ruler, there’s lots of traffic, on the roadways, the internet and in the intellect.  There’s much to think about and process.

Try to grab a few moments to ground and center.  Remember to breathe.