
Sunday, October 4, 2009

Monday back to work, Moon in Taurus

In the wee hours of Monday morning Moon makes a final aspect (to Mars) before leaving the sign of Aries. Once this happens the Moon is in a condition called “Void of Course”. A Void of Course Moon can last a few minutes are a few days. Moon is void until 12:33PM on Monday the 5th when it enters Taurus. When the Moon is void of course it is best to avoid starting projects or making decisions as snags, delays and other frustrating events take place. Our reasoning is off and our expectations are unrealistic. Try to remain centered and forget the material, focusing on the spiritual. This is a great time to just go with the flow until the Moon moves into Taurus. When the Moon is in Taurus the energy is very different from fiery Aries. We get stubborn and dig our heels in when Moon is in the fixed earth sign of Taurus. Feelings of security come from counting our money and inventorying our goods. We just love our “stuff”. We have a greater appreciation for the arts and the finer things in life. We get very touchy, feely when Moon is in Taurus. This Moon favors tasks that require patience, perseverance and endurance. When Moon aspects Pluto on Monday afternoon, expect some strong emotional outbursts. Tuesday evening, Moon with Jupiter, encourages overspending and overeating. Wednesday the Moon makes a slew of aspects making for an interesting commute and a busy day. The final aspect while in Taurus is to the planet Saturn on Wednesday afternoon. Here you may be painfully reminded of the overindulgences of the night before.

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