
Monday, November 9, 2009

Roller Coaster Week Mercury Uranus Neptune

Before this week is over we will all feel like we have taken a roller coaster ride. We can expect the unexpected. Startling news and events assault us with varying degrees of accuracy. Wait until the dust settles before you form an opinion. There is bound to be exaggeration and distortion, in some cases downright dishonesty and fraud. Veterans Day should be a corker. This week is the lead up to the first of the Saturn/Pluto squares on Sunday and a multitude of planetary action heats up the atmosphere prior to that important aspect. Tuesday, as Sun beams at Jupiter efforts at expansion, to move beyond our previous limits, run into roadblocks. Differences of opinion, overconfidence, over optimism contribute to overload. On Wednesday, Mercury, the planet of news, information, commerce and transportation bounces off Uranus, then Neptune. When Mercury is with Uranus we can expect the unexpected, weird news and accidents, unpredictable events that startle and astonish. As Neptune joins the party we need to be sure that we are seeing the truth and are not being deceived or deceiving ourselves. Mercury with Neptune is great for the artist, the formation of creative ideas, it stimulates our intuitive thinking. That’s the good side. The bad side is that both Mercury and Neptune can be tricksters, fooling us, bringing flashes of insight at the same time clouding the issues. Under this type of aspect, it is a good idea to sleep on it before you make a decision or take action. I expect we will be hearing a lot about Wall Street and their shenanigans, terrorism (Fort Hood and is there a connection?), and of course, the health care reform debate in the Senate. Pay attention and read between the lines. What appears on the surface is not the real issue. Back room deals, subterfuge, propaganda and people presenting themselves falsely. The truth will emerge after the New Moon of the 16th. Until then, tie up all your loose ends, meditate, and contemplate all you have learned in preparation for your next plan of action to begin after the New Moon.

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