
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Haiti and the Lunar Eclipse Connection

The Lunar Eclipse on December 31st occurred at 10 degrees 14 minutes along the Cancer/Capricorn axis, with the Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Cancer. Because the Moon was at perigee, i.e. at its closest point to the earth, it was called a super Moon (see December 30th entry) and earthquakes and volcanic eruptions often occur during the time frame of the lunation cycle they occur in. We are still in that time frame and will be until the New Moon of the 15th. (Or longer, depending on your opinion as to how long we feel the effects of an eclipse) There was a huge earthquake in Haiti on the 12th of January. Haiti received its independence from France through the Act of Independence which was signed on January 1, 1804. (Thanks to Nicholas Campion’s excellent book, The Book of World Horoscopes) This chart, for the birth of a nation has the Sun at 10 degrees of Capricorn. For Haiti, the Lunar Eclipse was a direct hit. For the Cancers and Capricorns among us, the earthquake occurs on an emotional and/or material level. The ground shaking beneath their feet may be due to a loss of job or standing in the community or whatever makes them feel secure. It can be scary and forces change either internally or externally. These types of coincidences between astronomical events and personal horoscopes are what intrigues the Astrologer and sends him/her digging through their charts for more incidents of serendipity. We usually find them.

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