
Sunday, September 12, 2010

Another Changing Wild Week Suggest An Unsettling Primary Day

This weekend began under the pleasant auspices of congenial Libra Moon only to shift early Saturday morning into the Scorpio mode. Scorpio Moon is known for raising our suspicions. While often this is perceived as a negative this is not necessarily so. Scorpio Moon enhances our sensitivity; we note actions and behaviors that were not so obvious under the more obliging Leo, Virgo, Libra Moons. Scorpio pulls no punches, has no time for small talk and goes directly to the crux of the matter. This is why things that have been brewing beneath the surface often boil over under Scorpio Moon. The weekend ends with the yahoo, yippee and hooray moment when Mercury stations (stops) and turns direct in motion. All of the loose ends or tangled, snarly threads of life can now be tied up or unsnarled and allow events to move forward. Mercury stations at 5 degrees, 21 minutes of Virgo. The house where 5 Virgo falls in your chart will tell the tale. The houses represent areas of life. Issues and principles associated with that area will begin to move, get active and progress after being held up by snags, snafus, misinformation or lost data. This direction change by Mercury sets the stage for another busy week. Moon enters Sagittarius on Monday, September 13, 2010 at 8:52 AM EDT after being void of course for an hour. Sagittarius Moon brings lots of enthusiasm and a positive attitude, somewhat of a relief after the intenseness of Scorpio. We head off to work with some reluctance because Sagittarius Moon evokes a desire for the unfamiliar, travel and pursuits of a philosophical bent. Getting down to business is not the favorite pastime of Sagittarius Moon. Shortly after midnight at 12:35 AM EDT on Tuesday, September 14, 2010, Pluto also changes direction moving again in direct motion. Pluto has been in retrograde motion since April. (think about what has been happening in your life since April and note what areas start to sizzle and pop) Now in direction motion this power house will stir up all things Plutonian. Pluto rules such pleasantness as death, taxes, debt along with the more positive attribute of transformation. The death that Pluto brings is not necessarily a physical death. It is often the death of an old mode of behavior that brings about a more positive result. In the evening, at 6:38 PM EDT, Mars moves into Scorpio. Mars is the action planet and where it is in the natal chart signifies obviously where the action is. Pluto and Mars co-rule the sign of Scorpio so those with a Scorpio Sun, Moon or Ascendant receive the pumped up energy of these two planets. Other planets in the natal horoscope in Scorpio will receive this energy boost as well. Tuesday is Primary Election day here in Rhode Island and the shifting planetary denotes shifting energy. With Pluto going direct and Mars entering Scorpio the campaign rhetoric may devolve into some pretty vicious attacks. It is a day of change. The opinion polls may prove to be wrong due to Mercury’s retrograde motion when they were taken. Now direct, the proof is in the ballot box. We are in a period of change and fluctuation and things may get rowdy before we’re through. More to come before the week is through. Stay tuned.

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