
Sunday, October 17, 2010

Full Moon Aries/Libra and the Scorpio Season

Moon goes void of course at 2:49 PM EDT on Sunday, October 17, 2010 until 10:52 PM EDT when Moon enters Pisces.  There is softness about Pisces Moon, a dreaminess, a heightened sensitivity to the ethereal.  Under this Moon we tune into the subtle nuances around us. People are more emotional and tend toward the spiritual. There is a need to escape the harsh realities of life.  The danger here is donning the rose colored glasses, seeing what we want to see, not what really is. Mercury makes an aspect of ease to Neptune on Monday morning. When these two join forces the possibility of illusion, deceit, false rumors and fake news increases.  This aspect is great for imagination and creative work but it is hard to be objective in practical matters. Keep in mind with this aspect often not all the facts are known.   On Tuesday morning the Sun sends loving beams to Neptune.  This aspect can literally be illuminating as sunlight reveals some of the dark secrets Neptune has kept.  The Moon goes void of course on Wednesday morning at 6:25 AM EDT moving into independent Aries at 11:23 AM EDT.  People are fired up under Aries Moon, eager to begin, to start something new or go off exploring.  People are enthusiastic, energetic and impulsive. Many times projects begun under Aries Moon never reach completion. Completing projects requires more than an initiative impulse; follow through and a stick to it attitude is required.  Wednesday is also the day that Mercury enters Scorpio.  Mercury rules the intellect, the thinking process, communication and transportation. The transaction, the buy and sell of business and commerce falls under Mercury’s purview as well.  Scorpio is the sign of finance, banks, debt and co-mingled resources. In world events and markets, Scorpio brings out the power hungry, threat, crisis and the old fear factor.  In this day and age think complicated transactions that end in default.  An individual with Mercury in Scorpio has a mind that is sharp, decisive, likes the mysterious and has an x-ray quality when it comes to digging up the details.  Mars in Scorpio mixes it up with Jupiter in Pisces creating some aggressive competition. Expect some ugliness on the campaign trail and an increase in international tensions.  In the lead up to the Full Moon on Friday, October 22, 2010 at 9:37 PM EDT Mars in Scorpio squares of with Neptune and Mercury connects with Pluto.  This Full Moon falls along the Aries/Libra axis at the 29th degree.  Soon the Libra mode of accommodation will give way to the intensity of Scorpio when the Sun enters that sign on Saturday morning, October 23, 2010 at 8:35 AM EDT.  There is a lot of planetary action around this Full Moon.  Exposed is the word that comes to mind, on all levels and all fronts.  By weekend we will be in full Scorpio mode with Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars all traveling through Pluto’s territory.  Pagans and Christians alike recognize this time of the year as the time of the dead, when the veil between the two worlds is the thinnest.  Samhain, All Hallows, All Saints and All Souls signal the close of the harvest and the preparation for winter.  Whether you prescribe to the theory that one can talk to the spirits at this time or not, you can expect the Scorpio season to raise fear and suspicion.  Complicated financial transactions will continue to collapse, more scandals will be revealed and politicians, public opinion and public actions increase in intensity.  Scorpio tempts with the allure of power but will bring you down if you don’t take the high road.  That is the key, taking the high road, the more spiritual path.  It is hard to do when the energy is permeated by the sex and death sign of Scorpio. But it is through sex that life is created.  So think about that for awhile. And when the going gets rough, ground, center and meditate.  Remember to breathe.

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