
Friday, November 5, 2010

Scorpio New Moon

Passions are aroused when Moon enters Scorpio Friday morning, November 5, 2010 at 2:15 AM EDT. Scorpio Moon brings out strong feelings and desires. People are more sensitive to real or imagined hurts. Be careful when dealing with members of the opposite sex. There is a strong desire to merge and meld, not merely in sexual passion but on a deeper soul level. People do not forgive and forget easily under this Moon. Tread carefully. The New Moon occurs at 12:52 AM EDT on Saturday morning, November 6, 2010, in Scorpio. So the flavor of the month is Scorpio. While this sign can generate secretive, passionate and intense feelings it is also about being resourceful and brings about transformation. Where this New Moon falls in the Natal Horoscope is where the native is going to dig deep and plumb the depths. Expect some earth shattering events. The physical earth, i.e. volcanoes, earthquakes and the like as well as in the business and political world. I am thinking this because the North Node of the Moon is conjunct Pluto in Capricorn at this New Moon. The North Node is the point on the ecliptic where the Moon crosses the equator from South to North. It is an 18 year cycle that is very important in world events and on a personal level as well.  Pluto is a great destroyer and rebuilder. Societal structures belong to Capricorn. When the North Node was traveling through Cancer, opposite to where it is now, housing (Cancer) prices were at their peak. Now, in the opposite sign of Capricorn, housing prices are in the toilet. Adding to this mix, on Sunday, Neptune stations and turns in direct motion. The Neptunian energies are strong. Psychic stuff as well as fraud, oil, drugs, think scandal. Retrograde Venus moves back into Libra signaling a reappraisal of relationships and negotiations. On Monday, November 8, 2010 Mercury moves into Sagittarius. Here come the fiery speeches espousing strong religious, philosophical and political views. At the First Quarter Moon on Saturday, November 13, 2010 at 11:39 AM EST, the seeds planted at the New Moon begin to sprout. The Moon is in Aquarius and the Sun is in Scorpio, two fixed signs knocking heads. Scorpio has deep passions while Aquarius has strong convictions. Neither is inclined to budge. Venus in Libra and Mercury in Sagittarius may open the door for some conversation and keep the lines of communication open until a more auspicious time. This will be true on a personal level as well. When you hit a stone wall, step back and take a breath. Upon further reflection and review we usually find a way around the obstacle. Obstacles, hitches and glitches force us to take action and although not easy or pleasant, accomplishment is the result.

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