During the course of the Solar Year the Sun inches its way along the ecliptic (the apparent path of the Sun through the heavens). At the Winter Solstice (in the Northern Hemisphere) the Sun seems to stand still, rising and setting in the same place for three days. On the fourth day the rising and setting of the Sun begins to move in the opposite direction signaling “the return of the light” as the days begin to get longer. This has been a time of great celebration from remote antiquity to the present day. The Romans had Saturnalia, the Hebrews Hanukkah and the Christians, recognizing a good thing, declared this day of returning light to be the birth of Christ. (Historical scholars, biblical and otherwise dispute this date.) The Solar Kings of ancient myth are reborn this day. Christian or not, it is altogether fitting that we light candles, string lights, burn the Yule log or do whatever your personal tradition calls for at this time of year. It puts us in tune with the natural rhythms of the earth. This Christmas Day begins with the Moon in royal, regal Leo, so appropriate for celebrating the birth of a king. Before dawn, the Moon goes Void of Course until 10:14 AM EST when Moon enters Virgo. The sign of Virgo is of course, the Virgin. In ancient times she was “a woman unto herself” which meant, she did not need a man. Indeed our most famous Virgin delivered a son without as much as a handshake from her husband. Seasonally, Virgo is the sign of the harvest when we separate the wheat from the chaff selecting the best of the best from the fruits of the earth. This day the Virgo Moon will help those preparing the Christmas feast, the gravy will have no lumps, and the food will all be hot and arrive on time. Virgo Moon raises our awareness of what is good for us and what is not. So you can forget overindulgence and take an afternoon walk to work off some excess calories. And by all means we must share the light and love that this holiday season signifies and calls for.
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