True to the symbolism of Mars, Uranus and Pluto in unhappy aspect last week can best be described as turbulent. We saw that volatile energy reflected in societal unrest as well as in the political and financial worlds. Here in the United States the big event that occupied a huge chunk of the news cycle was the Iowa Straw Poll involving the Republican hopefuls. This poll, begun a couple of hours before the Full Moon with retrograde Mercury opposing Neptune, has no legal standing but is highly symbolic and a win is much sought after by potential candidates. Michele Bachman won with Ron Paul pulling a very close second. Mercury rules the vote, in a standoff position with Neptune and retrograde to boot, the message is often false and misleading. The Full Moon axis fell on Ms. Bachman’s Natal Jupiter/ Pluto conjunction bringing luck and good fortune but transiting Retrograde Mercury was sitting right on top of that conjunction as well. Little Mercury rings the bell of false promise and false power. She will face tough competition from the likes of Ron Paul, Rick Perry as well as Mitt Romney.
Now that we are past the Full Moon we enter the disseminating phase where we must use or lose the energy generated from New to Full Moon. Actions, ideas and emotions are ripe for the picking. This is the time to share what you have learned. Scatter them little nuggets of truth. The Pisces Moon from Sunday to Tuesday offers a time to reflect and touch base with our more intuitive and sensitive side. On Tuesday, August 16, 2011 Sun, Venus and Mercury make nice, nice and we find people once again at least talking to one another in a civil manner. This will not last long as Moon moves into Aries on Tuesday night. People often act before thinking under Aries Moon, they want to start something and always be on the move. On Wednesday it all hits the fan when Cardinal Aries Moon lights a fire under Uranus, Pluto, Mars and then Saturn. This will be a “hump day” to remember. Expect more fireworks on Thursday when Mars and Jupiter stir the pot. Late Thursday into early Friday morning EDT, Aries Moon sparks the diplomatic inclinations of the Sun, Venus, Mercury trio before settling down and entering the more stable sign of Taurus. Taurus Moon favors the practical, the real and the lasting. People tend to stubbornness while Moon travels through this fixed, earth sign. Here the energy of the Full Moon begins to crystallize as we prepare for the Last Quarter phase beginning on Sunday.
The volatility, instability and unpredictability of the times continues. Somewhere amid this chaos we need to find our still center. Many events we cannot control but we can control our own actions. From that still center we find our rock of stability. Try to act and react from that rock keeping the chaos at bay.
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