
Friday, September 16, 2011

Waning Moon – Planetary Shifts – Life Goes On.

 The period between the Full Moon to the Last Quarter Moon is called the disseminating phase.  Now is the time to share what you have learned during the waxing phase.  What projects, events have unfolded and what have you learned.  What wisdom have you gained from your inner dialogue? At this time there is an urge to reach out to others and relate our experiences.  This is the letting go and the giving back phase.  When we get to the Last Quarter Moon phase on the 20th its inner reflection time; a time to maybe take a break.  A project may come to an end or need to be put on hold for awhile. Quarter Moons are action times, times of crisis. In the waning phase the crisis is inner, more of consciousness than in the physical realm.  A good time to ask yourself where you are in life and where you want to be.  Let go of what is holding you back, get rid of bad habits and toxic people now.  As the Moon shifts from the crescent into darkness we enter the Balsamic phase.  This is just prior to the next New Moon.  One cycle is ending and begins to blend with the new.  This is the time to dream, logic does not do well in this phase.  Dream the fantastic.   What works in this phase is, cutting something that you don’t want to grow back fast, your hair or the weeds in your garden.  While the night sky is dark prior to the New Moon on September 27th clean out your closets, get rid of clutter and anything you haven’t used for awhile.  Its painless under this phase of the Moon, we don’t cling so much to objects that we might be sentimental about, like our skinny jeans or the battered baseball from our youth.  It is wise to hold off starting anything new until the New Moon and the beginning of the new cycle. 
During this period leading up to the New Moon and the Fall Equinox Venus enters her home sign of Libra on September 14th.  Venus loves it here and our social lives usually pick up and relationships take on a rosy hue.  Venus in Libra signals the time to make amends and iron out differences within relationships.  On the 16th Pluto moves into direct motion.  When a planet changes direction the energies of that planet are intensified. Pluto in Capricorn has much to do with societal norms, institutions, and hierarchies.  Pluto in real time adversely aspects the money planets of the USA’s July 4, 1776 chart, (Venus and Jupiter) as well as the Sun/Pluto opposition in the Federal Reserve chart, money, budgets and debt will rule the headlines.  Currency wars reveal where the real power is.  On the 18th Mars, the planet of action and how we use our energy enters the fire sign Leo.  Mars here gives self confidence, drama and the grand gesture.  Mars in Leo does not take criticism lightly.  Nonetheless, with Mars in Leo the show must go on. These planetary shifts and changes set the stage for the upcoming Autumnal Equinox on the 23rd when all things Libra rule.  By the 27th when the New Moon in Libra perfects it will be a brand new day.

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