
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Taurus Ingress, New Moon in Taurus

Today, shortly after noon time here in the EDT time zone Sun moves into “feet on the ground” Taurus.  Taurus is a very sensuous, luxury loving, practical earth sign.  When a planet or “light” (Sun and Moon) enters a new sign astrologers cast a chart for that moment. This is called an Ingress chart.  The theory is that this chart will provide clues to what events and concerns will be prevalent while the planet or light moves through that sign.  The Sun’s transit through a sign and the corresponding Lunation cycle offer useful tools to use if you want to get in sync with the rhythms of the universe.  The Sun’s importance in the life cycle cannot be underestimated. We could not live without the Sun.  In astrology the Sun is the creative spark, the core self and everything else in the horoscope is filtered through the Sun’s position.  When the Sun travels through a particular house in the horoscope it literally lights up and activates the symbolism, ideas, people and events associated with that house.  A first house transit is very different from a twelfth house transit.  We shine and feel energetic and assertive while Sun travels through our first house, while a twelfth house transit often has us feeling fatigued and content to work behind the scenes.

This Ingress chart set for Washington, DC has some interesting planetary configurations that are in play for the New Moon in Taurus on Saturday, April 21st.  The asteroid Juno conjoins the North Node in Sagittarius. These two form a favorable trine aspect to a Mercury/Uranus conjunction in Aries.  The asteroid Juno represents marriage, relationship, and the harmony and discord within relationships.  The Nodes of the Moon symbolize the past and the future.  Nodal contacts between people, IMHO, often means the two have to do “stuff” together. It may or may not be the be all and end all of relationships, but it often takes you out of your comfort zone forcing you to grow. At other times those relationships send you diving for cover back into your comfort zone triggering an awareness of repeating patterns.  Mercury and Uranus together jumps out and says be ready for some startling news.  Mix it all together and what do you get?  In Mythology, Juno is the Roman counterpart to Greek Hera, wife of philandering Zeus.  Juno/Hera was not of the “turn the other cheek” variety she was more the “hell hath no fury” type. Relationships are highlighted for good or ill.

Another important configuration involves a “grand square” with Mars in Virgo, opposing Neptune in Pisces, both squaring the nodal axis, North Node in Sagittarius conjunct the aforementioned Juno, with South Node in Gemini with Venus just out of the picture in Gemini as well. Mars is all about action, energy and how we assert ourselves. In Virgo the Martian energy is focused on analyzing, organizing, work, health, and diet. In Virgo it is important to express anger and not let it build up for it is sure to affect the health. While Mars in Virgo is all for the concrete and real across the Zodiac sits Neptune in Pisces wallowing in the mystical and magical at work dissolving walls and boundaries.  Whatever Neptune in Pisces is, it is not clear. If it is clear, it is clear to those who are highly evolved.  The Mother Theresa’s and Buddhist monk among us tune into Neptune in Pisces’ highest vibration in direct communication with the Goddess/God and walking the path of righteousness. Those less evolved don the rose colored glasses and often seek the divine in a bottle of booze.  

Last, but certainly not least, is the Grand Trine between the New Moon,  Sun/Moon in Taurus trine Mars in Virgo (Mars is busy in Virgo), and Pluto in Capricorn.  Now trines are considered aspects of ease and a Grand Trine can be a blessing in the natal chart as it indicates talents that come easily.  But just because it is easy does not mean that it is good. One must not forget that Mars’, in shy, retiring Virgo or not, first order of business is war and aggression.  Pluto brings transformation and issues of power and control to the fore.  Pluto rules debt, interest rates and the like. New Moon in Venus ruled Taurus is about love and money.  This is a Grand Trine in earth, nothing mystical here.  This Grand Trine will manifest in the real world.

Love, money and assorted relationships will top the list of concerns facing people this month.  Some relationships will end with a sparkling explosion while some of the more casual will deepen into a serious commitment. The issues of honesty, faithfulness and gaining trust will test many. By the Full Moon on May 5th it’s all going to hit the fan. Money and the misuse of funds, love and betrayal, deception and truth create a mine field of intense emotion.  Many will shoot off their mouth without thinking.  While a lot may need to be said, think.  Are you done with this situation? Can anything be salvaged from this relationship? Or is it time to move on?  Last Quarter Moon, with Moon in Aquarius trining practical Saturn tones down the emotional roller coaster and brings some rationality into the picture.  Last Quarter Moon is a good time to end things. Ending or not different attitudes and feelings develop after the Sun moves into Gemini May 20th and the next Lunation cycle begins.  This New Moon will be a Solar Eclipse in Gemini. A new cycle, new attitude and new ideas bring a fresh perspective.

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