
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Look Up! The Moon is Full

Look up this Wednesday night and see that big old Moon beaming down at you. This is a fixed Full Moon falling along the Leo/Aquarius axis. Full Moons bring to fruition what was planted at the New Moon, the beginning of the cycle.  The horrendous events in Aurora, CO. kicked off this New Moon. Now as the Full Moon perfects the alleged perpetrator is being charged with 24 counts of murder.
The Full Moon chart has Jupiter in Gemini sextile the Sun in Leo and trine the Moon in Aquarius.  Jupiter in Gemini for the next year brings big news, reporting that is over the top. In personal lives Jupiter in Gemini can bring to much information about siblings, neighbors and folks in general.  A sextile between Jupiter and the Sun is a beneficial connection. People with lots of sextiles in their horoscope often have a network of helpful friends and colleagues. Jupiter in trine to the Moon is a sure guarantee that something big is going to grab the attention of the public. There’s a lot going on in the world today, the Olympics, Syria, the US Presidential election, the global financial crisis, any one of these could grab the headlines.
Venus in Gemini makes a pleasing trine to Saturn in Libra.  Venus is about love and money. Saturn is about the structures we build in our lives. Often a Venus/Saturn connection between the charts of two people signals a long term relationship that leads to that old institution, marriage.  Institutions belong to Saturn while relationships belong to Venus. If marriage is not in the picture, a transit like this often moves a relationship from casual to more committed one such as a contract employee becoming a permanent hire.
At this Full Moon the influence of the Uranus/Pluto square continues to weigh in as it will through March 2015 and beyond.  This 126 year cycle brings about huge societal changes. The waning square occurred in the early 1930’s the deepest part of the Great Depression.  The conjunction of the two occurred during the turbulent 1960’s. Both eras brought big change and those changes did not come easy. Now we are experiencing global financial stress, political divisions that seem impossible to bridge and a society that is divided and on one hand confused and on the other hand well informed.  One thing for sure is that change is coming.
Mercury continues in retrograde motion in the Full Moon chart so be wary of false information, don’t make snap judgments, reconfirm all reservations and read the fine print before signing anything. Mercury goes direct on August 8th.  After the change in direction new information surfaces, clarity emerges and we are better able to make decisions. During the retrograde period it is best to revise and review.  Clean out your closets and reevaluate what is important to you and what is not.
It is important during this period to be ready to roll with the punches.  Work on what you can control and deal with what you can’t control. The trick is to recognize and accept the things that are out of your control.  That’s the tough one!

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