
Sunday, January 5, 2014

Waxing Moon – First Quarter – Could Be Trouble

Sunday, January 05, 2014 dawns with Moon in sensitive Pisces. There’s a heightened awareness of those things that go bump in the night when Moon is in Pisces.  Folks are impressionable now so it is important to surround yourself with the positive.  We sense the mood of others and absorb it.  Stay away from those who would bring you down. During the afternoon Sun in Capricorn opposes Jupiter in Cancer bringing a lot of confidence and optimism into the atmosphere.  The flaw here is over confidence.  Jupiter is expansive; in Cancer he expands the emotions.  Sun in Capricorn is all about reining things in and keeping everything neat and tidy.

Before the Sun rises on Monday morning Mercury in Capricorn connects with Saturn in Scorpio.  This is a practical Mercury ready to get down to business.  Saturn wherever he maybe, is always ready to get down to business. This aspect sets the stage for the first full week of 2014 and gives an able assist to those ready to tackle the chores left hanging during the festive holiday season.  Holiday’s over folks. 

Monday afternoon Moon moves from dreamy Pisces into action oriented Aries. Aries Moon favors vigorous action and initiative.  People want change when Moon moves through Aries.  It is important to remember that change for change sake is not always the best move to make.  Try to avoid impulsive action now.

Tuesday afternoon Mercury joins forces with Venus, both in Capricorn.  Under this aspect the time is ripe for signing documents pertaining to money or partnerships.  Venus is retrograde so these deals may fall under review. These issues won’t be resolved until month end when Venus goes direct. The first week of February provides a window of opportunity to tie things up before Mercury goes retrograde on February 6th.

Tuesday evening, January 7th the First Quarter Moon occurs.  Quarter Moon’s are a time of action and this one is especially so because of various planets involved with the Sun and Moon configuration.  Mars opposing the Moon and squaring the Sun agitates to put it mildly.  Jupiter opposing the Sun and squaring the Moon blows things way out of proportion.  Moon in Aries acts on emotional impulse, while Sun in Capricorn along with Mercury and Venus tries to maintain order.  This cluster of planets in Capricorn is outgunned by Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto’s the howitzer and he stirs the pot mightily.  Diplomacy really doesn’t have much of a chance. Uranus is widely in the mix as well, so anything goes from the personal to the political.  Mother Earth may rumble. This week is a period of volatility in the business, personal, political and natural world.

On Wednesday, Moon goes Void of Course at 11:22 AM EST.  In the afternoon, the agitator Mars squares off with Jupiter.  This may bring some disruption, inflated and overstated actions and reactions.  Moon moves into the more stable Taurus at 9:24 PM EST.  People are cautious under this Moon sign.  This is fixed earth and change is an option that is difficult to take.  This is the “I have” Moon and this Moon wants to keep it. Financial and material security is paramount under this Moon.  Try to avoid being stubborn and digging in the heels.  Some change is good.

Moon remains in Taurus until Saturday, January 11th at 7:26 AM EST.  Before Moon enters Gemini at this time, Venus makes a strong connection with Saturn.  Venus is in Saturn ruled Capricorn and is in the cautionary stage of retrograde so this aspect could prove to be very productive but the fruits of that productivity may not be evident for awhile.   Sun passes over both these planets during the course of the morning hours lending strength to the organizational energy precipitated by the Venus/Saturn conjunction.  Moon in Gemini takes it all in.  People are curious, inquisitive and talkative under this Moon.  Gathering and sharing information are hallmarks of Moon in Gemini.  We’re open to change and are able to see both sides of the picture.  Juggling comes to mind as this Moon enhances our capacity to multi-task.

Late Saturday afternoon Mercury enters Aquarius.  Mercury is comfortable in this air sign and reaches far and wide for news and information.  We hear about stuff that old Pluto in Capricorn at the First Quarter Moon has been trying to keep under wraps. During these few days when Moon is in Gemini, Mercury’s ruler, there’s lots of traffic, on the roadways, the internet and in the intellect.  There’s much to think about and process.

Try to grab a few moments to ground and center.  Remember to breathe.

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