
Saturday, October 25, 2014

The Solar Eclipse and the Aftermath

The Solar Eclipse of October 23, 2014 occurred at 0 degrees, 24 minutes of Scorpio.  Venus at the Eclipse moment was at 0 degrees 3 minutes of Scorpio.  This is a tight conjunction and fuses the energies of the Sun, Moon and Venus.  Eclipses always bring changes and those changes usually occur in the area of life that is hit by the Eclipse in the individual’s horoscope.  But this particular Eclipse because of the proximity of Venus places the emphasis on relationships.  With Mercury retrograde at Eclipse time, poised to turn direct the implication is revise, review and examine your relationships.  The Scorpio emphasis promises complexity. Stuff people have been putting up with for awhile is no longer tolerable. Those annoying habits, modes of speech, and inconsiderate actions that have been overlooked now stick in the craw of the significant other.  It may be some time before things are sorted out.  Some relationships may fall by the wayside.
Mercury changing direction on Saturday, October 25, 2014 and Mars moving into Capricorn on Sunday, the 26th shifts the energy.  Mars in Capricorn likes to get things done.  Mars here is not dreamy or ethereal; here he deals in concrete reality. On Monday the 27th, Venus cozying up to Neptune may try to put the stars back into your eyes but this is only temporary.  Venus and Neptune are about soul mates, soul bonding and seeing things through rose colored glasses.  That soul mate may be a soul stealer so beware.
All Saints Day, November 1st may prove to be a day of revelation as Mercury, now direct, connects with Jupiter, Venus connects with Pluto and Mars with Neptune. That is a lot of action and a lot of different types of energy.  Mercury and Jupiter bring big talk, exaggeration and yes, loud voices.  Venus with Pluto can be passionate but also raises the issue of power and control. Who’s controlling who? This aspect is also about obsession.  Mars in practical Capricorn busts the bubble of otherworldly Neptune in Pisces.
At the Full Moon on November 6th there is still time for some even handed discussion, a time to clear the air.  Do so before Saturday the 8th when Mercury moves back into Scorpio taking the gloves off and ready for some hard truths. Sunday Venus in Scorpio squares off with Jupiter in Leo.  Venus, relationships and money, digs deep in Scorpio and brings up lots of muck. Jupiter enlarges all the issues.  These two are considered benefic but Scorpio is never easy.
On Monday the 10th of November things get aggressive and argumentative when Mars and Pluto join forces. Both in Capricorn, there’s a no nonsense attitude and issues of power and control surface. There is great potential for violence here.  Avoiding those folks who are prone to violence is a good idea.  On the 11th Mercury and Neptune throw clarity out the window and perhaps the truth. 
On Wednesday Venus and Saturn bring stability to relationships but put a cramp in the budget.  Debt, market fluctuations and relationships get complicated. There’s nothing easy. Mars and Uranus mix it up so there is no use in trying to conform to the schedule.  Anything goes. Another period of mishaps and sudden, explosive events, traffic, aviation and earth changes all come to mind.
At the Last Quarter Moon some ugly stuff begins to surface.  All that has happened since the New Moon Solar Eclipse needs to be assimilated.  Clarity and an easing of intensity become possible on Sunday when Neptune in Pisces changes direction and Venus leaves intense Scorpio and move into freewheeling Sagittarius.

Use this time until the New Moon on the 22nd to meditate, contemplate and digest all the knowledge, insight and enhanced intuition the Solar Eclipse has brought you. The Scorpio Eclipse is all about transformation.  Relationships may not have to end but in order to survive they must change.  This includes your relationship to yourself.  Think about it. 

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