
Friday, September 20, 2019

Moon in Gemini - Have That Conversation

Today, September 20, 2019, Moon is in Gemini.  There's some good energy out there for conversation, information gathering and information exchanging.  Friday is Venus' day and in the connecting with people.  In the early afternoon Moon and Mercury make that same congenial aspect.  A good time to write, communicate and tug on those many threads that are dangling in your life.  As Mercury rules youth it is good timing for the Friday Global Climate strike.  These good aspects indicate a successful outcome. 

Saturday the 1st Moon is in Gemini all day and late in the evening the Last Quarter in the Lunar cycle becomes exact.  A Gemini Moon squaring a Virgo Sun emphasizes Mercury and all that this planet symbolizes.  In a natal chart Mercury reveals how we speak, learn and process information.  Our siblings and neighbors fall under Mercury's purview.  Lots of thinking going and mulling things over.

Midday, Jupiter in Sagittarius squared off with Neptune in Pisces.  The energy of these planets are strong at this time as they are each in their own sign.  They are at home and are comfortable.  This combination strikes a spiritual cord in all of us.  The upside is meditation and higher consciousness, the down side is deceit, deceiving ourselves and others as well as being excessive in all things.  Over eating, drinking and in taking the easy way out.  Oil, gas and other chemicals fall under this aspect.  Meditation and seeking enlightenment is a good way to handle this energy.

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