
Saturday, October 5, 2019

Capricorn Moon - First Quarter

While the Full Moon gets all the attention, the Quarter Moons are just as, if not more important.  At these times the Sun and Moon are at 90 degree angles to one another, a square aspect.  Squares create energy, not always good energy, but energy nonetheless.  Things happen at squares.  Folks with squares in their natal chart have a built in action mechanism.  Those squares have to act.

At this First Quarter Moon on Saturday, October 4, 2019 four planets are in their home sign.  Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune.  A planet is like a verb, action, in it's home sign the planet is able to act according to it's true nature and thus the symbolism of that planet plays out in a more obvious manner. 

Venus, the planet of love and money, at home in Libra is the diplomatic queen here.  Jupiter, expansive, philosophical and judicial, in Sagittarius plays an important role.  In the First Quarter Moon chart he sits on the ascendant, a key point in any horoscope.  Just behind the ascendant in the 12th house of secrets this speaks to behind the scenes activities, human rights and secret enemies.  Saturn conjunct the Moon in the first house reflects the condition of the people in this country.  Prosperity or not.  The Moon signifies the public and their opinions.  Neptune represents the fluctuation of public opinion. 

Another important aspect of this chart is the planet Mercury, in Scorpio opposing Uranus in Taurus.  Mercury in Scorpio looks beneath the surface, speaks with the Scorpion sting and uncovers the truth.  With Uranus in the picture, be prepared for a shock, something unexpected and straight out of the blue like a lightening bolt.  Mercury and Uranus together can indicate accidents and upsets involving traffic, transportation of all kinds, airlines, trains etc.  as well as electrical outages.  This aspect becomes exact on Monday, October 7th with the Moon at that time in Aquarius adding to the bizarre and unusual picture. 

On Tuesday, October 8th, Venus leaves the land of sweetness, Libra and enters Scorpio.  She leaves her diplomatic shoes behind.   She makes an opposition to Uranus the day before the Full Moon.  The gloves will come off on that day.  Venus is about relationships and she's not about to take any shit while she is in Scorpio.  Folks will act and react if they think their freedom is being impinged upon.

This period should be interesting for all signs as the energy is all over the place.  Hang on to your hat.  And get ready for the Full Moon.

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