
Saturday, August 1, 2009

Buddy Cianci

This week marked the end of Buddy Cianci's supervised release. Buddy's a Taurus, with 5 planets besides the Sun in Taurus and Mars in Aquarius; fixed signs dominate. Taurus' are known to be stubborn but with all of this fixedness in his chart it is safe to say that when Buddy digs his heels in, it takes a nuclear blast to dislodge him. Taurus' stay the course and stick to it, to the bitter end, whether it's a task, a marriage or a job. We saw this when he was on trial. He continued his duties as Mayor until the very end. In his other major brush with the law, the infamous assault, it is interesting to note that at that time the planet Saturn was in Scorpio, in direct opposition to his natal Taurus planets. Natally Cianci has no planets in opposition. When a slow moving planet like Saturn reaches opposition to planets that have never had to deal with oppositions it is difficult for the native to adjust. This opposition first occurred in Buddy's chart from late 1953 to early 1954. (only Buddy know what happened then) My take on this assault business is this. Taurus loves their possessions and their creature comforts. They love their "stuff", it soothes them and makes them feel secure. Buddy's anger was not over lost love, it was over a lost possession. By the same token, I'm sure the worst part of Buddy's incarceration was the starkness of his surroundings. Cells, prison clothes and prison food wither the soul of a Taurus.

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