
Friday, August 7, 2009

Health Care Reform

The industries that make mega bucks off of health care, (insurance/drug etc.) claim to be for health care reform but what they are really for is trying to put some obscure line in any health care reform bill that will be to their benefit. They'll lure some Representative or Senator to their side, with a promise of a nice cushy job once their term of office is through, to work on their behalf. It has happened before and will no doubt happen again, with a public that is more interested in watching Dancing with the Stars and a media that reports what their corporate paymasters tell them to report. What the average citizen can do is call their Representative and Senator urging them not to drop the ball this time. Rhode Island's Senators and Representatives are working for health care reform, I know this, but I keep emailing and calling them any way just to remind them. Everyone should do the same.

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