
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Moon in Pisces/Aries

Moon goes into Pisces tonight at 7:26 PM and we sense the shift from the analytical airy Aquarius to the more subtle vibrations of Pisces. We’re softer, more vulnerable and impressionable under Pisces Moon. Our heightened sensitivity puts us in the mood for more artistic and spiritual endeavors. We want to escape from reality, whether it is through music, prayer or the bottom of a bottle. Idealism reigns beneath this Moon and difficulties often arise when faced with the actual reality of the situation. Nonetheless we are dreamy, imaginative, tend to lose focus and are often misunderstood. The energy changes dramatically when Moon charges into Aries Saturday morning before sunrise. We’re energetic, enthusiastic and impulsive when the Aries vibe takes over. Aries Moon favors start ups, initiation of change and impulsive actions. This is a great time to begin something new but be sure to have a plan to carry it through. Aries Moon lacks patience and perseverance to see projects through to the end. We’re aggressive, tend to express strong opinions and want to be first. This me first attitude often makes us appear selfish but if you normally don’t assert yourself and your needs, Aries Moon will give you a boost in that direction. The Full Moon of the 4th is an Aries Full Moon. As the Moon increases in light the energy is favorable for starting projects, new ideas and making new beginnings. As the light increases so do these issues and ideas. The waxing First Quarter can often present obstacles that need to be overcome. If things reach a stalemate or you’re deadlocked in any group effort often the impasse is broken at the Full Moon. More to come on this particular Full Moon.

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