
Friday, February 5, 2010

John Edwards, Andrew Young, Rielle Hunter and the Video

Then sordid saga of John Edwards and his sordid affair with Rielle Hunter continues with reports of a video that depicts the two in a very personal and intimate situation. Today, the Andrew Young’s, the family that housed Ms. Hunter while she was pregnant and the Andrew Young who said that he was the father, are in court over possession of that video. Rielle Hunter says the video was made in September of 2006. The Young’s say that the video depicts Edwards having sex with a woman who is not Elizabeth Edwards and that the woman in the video is visibly pregnant. So they claim they are not talking about the same video. Got that so far? The Young’s are contesting a court order that restrains them from distributing the video and that seeks to return the video to Ms. Hunter. They claim that she abandoned the tape when she was living with them, throwing it in the trash and made no effort to recover it until two years after she left their home. She throws the video away; they dig it out of the trash. Nice people we are dealing with here. Gemini John Edwards has spent many long years with Elizabeth Edwards, a nurturing Cancer, a cardinal and at times manipulative sign. She also has Mars, the action planet, and Mercury, the thinker and talker, in Gemini, smack dab on John Edwards Gemini Sun. She is/was definitely a driving force behind her husband. Being a Cancer, she is the Mommy type, kissing and hugging and treating everyone around her like her kids. Up steps Rielle Hunter, an Aries, another cardinal sign but as unlike a Cancer as one can get. This is a me first sign. Mutable Gemini’s are flexible, changeable and easily bored. Aries and Cancers are Cardinal signs that push and initiate. Rielle is a 60’s baby with the powerful Uranus/Pluto conjunction in Virgo that neatly squares John Edwards’ Jupiter and Sun. Her Mars in Pisces squares his Mars in Gemini as well. Now squares are not pleasant aspects but they do make things happen. Edwards’ is easily led, and Rielle easily leads. Enter Andrew Young, another Aries. He too has the powerful Uranus/Pluto conjunction in Virgo squaring Edwards’ cluster of Gemini planets. Rielle and Young, the two Aries, may butt heads often but there is more in sync between them than between them and Edwards. There is more to this video than meets the eye. Edward’s is a scumbag who cheated on his wife and lied, denied and jumped through every kind of hoop to escape detection. But is he stupid enough to make a video? Is Rielle stupid enough to throw it away? Do the Young’s normally go through their house guest’s trash? This never ending saga continues. What is really up here? A clue, remember what Deep Throat said to Bob Woodward while lurking in the parking garage, “Follow the money.”

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