
Friday, July 15, 2011

Wedding Bells for Patrick Kennedy

So little Patrick is getting married; on the day after his annual Solar Return no less.  The astrological detective in me knows that this Solar Return deserves a look. The Solar Return chart is a valuable tool used by astrologers as a means to assess what the coming year will bring for the native. An important fact to remember when dealing with Solar Returns and other transits is that the energies of the Natal horoscope rule, if it is not promised in the Natal, it ain’t happening. Patrick Kennedy is a Cancer with a Libra Moon and Scorpio on the Ascendant. That Scorpio Ascendant tells us that what you see is not necessarily what you get. Scorpio Ascendant is secretive and not likely to reveal to much personal stuff. Libra Moon conjunct Mars in the 12th house of secrets enhances his private nature. Simply put, a Scorpio Rising does not want people knowing their business. The first thing I notice about Patrick’s Solar Return is that the current Uranus/Saturn opposition straddles his MC/IC axis, the public image/sphere vs. the private/domestic sphere. Saturn in the 4th house of home in the Solar Return indicates changes in the domestic arena. Sometimes this can mean a move to a new home or a remodeling of an existing dwelling. Whether he moves or remodels, he has a new wife with a child moving in. Change enough. More change is indicated by the planet Uranus hugging the Solar Return MC, the Midheaven, and highest, most visible point in the chart. Think public and out in the open.  The MC is an “angle” and in astrology planets on the angles are important. Here, Uranus on the most public point speaks to unexpected, unusual, and weird things happening in a very public manner. This could include a change in career, job and professional standing. My mantra when it comes to Uranus is, “if you can think of it, that ain’t it.” Because Uranian event are so out there, so unexpected the rational intellect can’t conceive of them. The upshot is this is going to be that kind of year for Patrick, unexpected, bolts out of the blue events. The Mercury in the Solar Return chart is at 17 degrees of Leo. That Mercury falls on his Natal Midheaven. Here we are at the most public point again with Mercury, ruling the media, news and information in Leo the show biz sign, on his MC. He’s in the news for sure and will be for the next year. The Solar Return Venus at 12 degrees of Cancer sits on his Natal Mercury. Venus=social events, love and marriage. Will Patrick be in the society pages as opposed to the political? The Solar Return Chart also has Cancer on the Ascendant, very domestic, with the Sun in the 12th hugging the Ascendant. So close to the Ascendant, or cusp of the First house it can be read as Twelfth or First. I am thinking Twelfth because of other factors in the Solar Return like Solar Return Moon/Pluto conjunction in the Sixth house. This indicates that Patrick is going to be taking care of someone. His mother is the obvious candidate as she is of the age where this would be expected and has had some issues in the past. In the final analysis Patrick will want to maintain a low profile, be private and behind the scenes enjoying his new found domestic bliss. And bliss it is as transiting Pluto trines his natal Venus; passion there for sure. But events will prevent that and force him into the limelight. His physical and mental health may be an issue as well. At this time in his life he wants to finally do what he wants to do and not what other’s expect of him. He’s got another year or so before he will be able to accomplish that. My advice to Patrick this year would be to expect the unexpected, take care of yourself first and then take care of those around you. This is going to be a Rock and Roll year for Patrick Kennedy. Stay tuned.

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