
Monday, July 18, 2011

What Next for Casey Anthony?

The big question on everyone’s mind these days is what is in store for Casey Anthony. Although she was acquitted, her infamy places her under a life sentence. She faces a number of law suits and cries of “murdering baby killer” will follow her where ever she goes. The event chart for the time of her release tells the tale. News reports put her release time at about 12:10 AM on July 17, 2011.  Uranus conjunct the Ascendant opposing Saturn (on the Descendant) and squaring Pluto (on the Midheaven), all on the “angles”, describes the media frenzy, the notoriety, the deep emotions aroused by her release.  Mars in Gemini in trine to the Moon and Saturn speaks to the aggressiveness (Mars) of the public (Moon) and to the fact that although released from prison, she is under severe restrictions (Saturn).  Her Solar Return for 2011 reveals more details. In that chart Jupiter (legal issues) joins Venus, a nice aspect that speaks to victory in the judicial arena. The Moon (Mom and home) opposing the Sun (the core self, the consciousness) reveals the discord between mother and daughter as well as the lack of any feelings of contentment in her domestic environment.  The Moon in Virgo reveals the public scrutiny she will be under. Sun opposing Moon in a Solar Return reflects a year when the inner, emotional nature, the yin of self is not in harmony with the cognizant self, or the yang. She is free at last, but not really free. The big transit to her natal chart IMHO is the dynamic T-Square involving Uranus, Pluto and Saturn all in cardinal signs, impacting her natal Neptune. Casey Anthony is a Pisces and Neptune is her ruling planet. Her Neptune is in Capricorn.  Capricorn is all about form and structure, the material world and reality. Neptune is about dissolving boundaries, dreams, illusions and things not of this world. Pluto has been rolling back and forth over this Neptune since 2010 and at her release was a minute away from precise conjunction.  Pluto destroys and creates. Whenever Pluto enters your life in the form of a transit this process of destruction and creation is inevitable.  Her natal Neptune is in aspect to her natal Jupiter in Pisces and her natal Pluto in Scorpio, so Pluto’s transit to her Neptune pulls in these planets as well.  Her delusional world is subject to the destructive forces of Pluto. Illusion is stripped away and she is stuck with cold reality. Psychotherapy is her best bet as there is a good possibility that someone will enter her life with the power to transform it, for good or ill. There are issues of power and control and the abuse of that power. At the time of Caylee’s disappearance transiting Pluto was in harsh aspect to her Sun.  So Pluto has had a hand in all of this from the beginning. Murder is the ultimate abuse of power.  The truth of this matter may never be revealed. The next couple of years will not be easy for Casey.  She seemingly does not have a friend in the world and due to her notoriety, is not likely to be seen at any local hangouts. With all the debt and lawsuits pending, a book deal is a distinct possibility. Guilty, delusional or just plain stupid Casey Anthony will never again be a private citizen.  We haven’t heard the end of this tale and the ending, I am thinking, will be a shocker.

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