
Thursday, February 19, 2015

New Moon, Black Moon Super Moon, What’s All the Fuss About?

This New Moon is called the Black Moon because it is the third New Moon of the winter season. It is called a Super Moon because a few hours after the New Moon the Moon reaches its closest point to the Earth.  So the Lunar energy is stronger thus high tides run higher as do emotions.

This New Moon is unique for another reason as well.  It occurs at 29 degrees, 59 minutes of Aquarius, and a mere minute later the Moon enters Pisces with the Sun following 2 minutes after that.  The 29th degree of any sign is a critical degree.  29 is the end so this period will be about endings which is not all that bad because you can’t start something new unless you finish the old. 

This lunation cycle is one of transition.  The day after the New Moon on Thursday, February 19, 2015, Mars the planet of action and energy enters Aries.  Mars rules Aries, he functions well here.  Venus follows him into Aries on the following day.  Venus does not function well here.  Venus is yin while Aries is yang.  Venus attracts, Aries acts.   A little after midnight on Sunday morning the 22nd Venus and Mars get together.  This can be hot little love affair time.  Mars in Aries sizzles bringing Venus to the table, or to the bedroom, and passions peak. 

By the First Quarter Moon on the 25th both Venus and Mars have connected to Saturn.  It’s reality time and the weekend affair that was so hot and sizzling may fizzle.  But while Saturn can throw a wet blanket on any situation in affairs of the heart he can signal commitment.  With both Venus and Mars in impulsive Aries it is best to wait before making that commitment. Venus enters her home sign of sensuous Taurus on March 17th, best wait until then to see if the fires still burn as hot.

On Sunday, March 1st Mercury in Aquarius connects with Uranus and Jupiter.  Mercury rules news, information, transportation and youth.  Uranus is the original rebel who loves to shake up the status quo.   Jupiter is the big old jovial Uncle who can be a benevolent influence but be wary.  Jupiter can bring an overabundance of whatever he’s involved in. 

These Mercury connections set the stage for the lead up to the Full Moon on the 5th.  On Tuesday, the 3rd, Jupiter mixes it up with Uranus. On Wednesday Venus bounces off Jupiter, then Uranus and by nighttime she’s squaring off with Pluto.  

The Jupiter Uranus connection holds the promise of something big. Jupiter brings an international flavor, finances, religion, and can sometime signal border disputes.  If your neighbor has shoveled out a parking spot, don’t park there.  Uranus when under stress can signal lightning storms, high winds, and other violent natural events.  Airplane and train mishaps, demonstrations, technological breakthroughs and snafus. Although he’s not under stress now, he will be, read on.

In the week after the Full Moon, Saturn turns retrograde.  Any time a planet changes direction the principles of that planet are emphasized. Saturn is reality and the area of the horoscope that Saturn is visiting is the area where one is usually between a rock and a hard place. Saturn transits force one to take care of business.  The real bugger is Mars as he makes the rounds touching base with Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto.  This is not a pretty sight. Now Uranus is under stress.   Mars’ connection with Uranus and Pluto fires up the already tense square between Uranus and Pluto. The final square, of seven since June 2012, between Uranus and Pluto takes place on Monday, March 16th.

There will be storms aplenty whether literal or figurative. Some folks might reach for power that is not truly theirs.  Others may try to free themselves of constraints they can no longer tolerate.  March will be a volatile, convulsive, disruptive time. Violence in many forms is all around.  Financial markets react to world events just as violently.

No matter what happens, Pluto is about deep rooted stuff.  It is important to look beneath the surface to find out what is really going on.   A Pluto transit to a natal house or planet digs deep into what that house or planet represents.  When Pluto plunges deep into the subconscious often the issues can’t be intellectualized at first.  There’s a feeling or a compulsion to do or to act or to change. 

Uranus is all about change.  When habits have become rigid and no longer serve the higher good Uranus comes along to break up those crystalized, inflexible lifestyle routines. Uranus is the bolt out of the blue, the shock and awe guy.  But that bolt generally sets off a process that results in a much better situation further on down the line.  Sometimes it is hard to see the light at the end of that tunnel.  But keep trudging, it’s there.    

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