
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Quarter Moon - Where the Action Is

We hear lots about the New Moon and the Full Moon but very often events occur around the Quarter Moons.  The First Quarter Moon occurs halfway between the New Moon and Full Moon.  This is the waxing Moon, the Moon gets bigger every night until it reaches fullness.  Then each night it begins to diminish.   When it is halfway between the Full Moon and the next New Moon it reaches the Third Quarter stage.  This is the waning Moon.

The current First Quarter Moon occurs February 25th with the Sun in Pisces and the Moon in Gemini.  Gemini Moon is a busy Moon, folks are more adaptable under this Moon and tend to be more talkative. Gemini Moon enhances our ability to see both sides of the picture which can be a good thing but it inhibits the decision making process.  This will be a very busy day.  Short trips, conversations, and overloaded in boxes are just a few threads that will have to be pulled together.

While the Moon is in the waxing phase it is a good time to start something that you wish to see grow.  A waxing Moon in Cancer is the optimal time as Cancer is a very fertile sign.  This week the Moon enters Cancer at 7:50 AM on Friday morning, the 27th and remains there until Sunday evening at 6:43 PM when Moon enters fiery Leo.

But before the Moon enters Leo on Sunday it becomes “void of course”.   When the Moon makes its last major connection to another planet and will make no other connections until it moves into the next sign, it is said to be void of course.   Voids can last for seconds, minutes or days.  With the current planetary lineup there are long periods of void of course.

Things begun under a void of course Moon have unexpected results.  One’s judgment can be faulty and facts are not readily at hand.   This period is best for routine work.  Meditation and spiritual matters work well during this period.  It’s a great time to simply kick back. 

Despite all this Sunday will be a busy day with some unusual activity going on.  Mercury in Aquarius connects with Uranus and Jupiter during the daylight hours.  Mercury rules all kinds of communication, transportation, the wind, the mind and how we process information.  Uranus nudges our urge to freedom bringing change that often occurs suddenly.  Mercury and Uranus together can signal aviation disasters, sudden destructive winds, communication and transportation snafus.  Jupiter symbolizes optimism, enthusiasm, and justice.  The planet of expansion, Jupiter brings abundance. A Mercury / Jupiter connection can bring a lot of hot air.  Expect a lot of political pontificating coming from the Sunday morning talk shows.

When Jupiter catches up to Uranus early Tuesday morning sparks will fly.  Justice, liberty and freedom are themes splashed across the headlines.  Jupiter always brings something big while Uranus is a true wild card bringing something totally unexpected.

On Wednesday, March 4th Moon enters practical Virgo.  Moon in Virgo is a great time to organize messy kitchen drawers, sort through papers and any tasks that require attention to detail.  We get concerned about our diet and health issues while Moon travels through Virgo.  Venus has a busy day on Wednesday touching base with Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto.  Venus rules love and money, she is a yin planet so has the ability to attract.   We don’t feel much like working when Venus is around, we just want to have fun.  Venus and Uranus together in the sky signals some unusual and very different types of relationships.  This can be an exciting combo but love affairs begun under this influence while they have a lot of sizzle and pop they can fizzle and plop just as quickly.  Venus with Pluto can bring love affairs that have a fated feel to them, almost an obsession.  Often issues of power and control come to the surface in existing relationships.  Venus’ active presence in the lead up to the Full Moon brings some sweetness and light to all situations.   Collaboration is a key word for Venus’ involvement.

The Full Moon in Virgo on Thursday, March 5th triggers a lot of communication, news reports and a search for truths that are not readily apparent.  Virgo Moon forces attention to detail and there is danger of not seeing the forest for the trees.  Step back and take a look at your own situation and try to gain some objectivity. 

After the Full Moon it is Mars’ turn to take the wheel.  Unlike Venus, Mars is set to light the fuse, the more chaos the merrier. 

Stay tuned for the next Quarter Moon installment.

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