
Saturday, March 26, 2016

Campaign Madness – 2016

While major media outlets would have you think that the presidential nomination process is in the bag for Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton; the primary season is far from over.  With a couple of thousand delegates on the Democratic side and over a thousand on the Republic side the race, though close, is ongoing.

Between now and June when the primary season ends there is a planetary alignment taking place that will have an impact on the candidate’s prospects. There is a mutable T-Square unfolding between now and June involving Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune.  A T-Square is an aspect of stress involving two planets opposing each other and both being squared by another.  In this case Jupiter in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces while Saturn in Sagittarius squares them both.  The signs involved are all mutable signs.  Mutable signs are changeable signs.  If this T-Square was across the fixed signs we could expect folks to dig their heels in and not budge from their positions. But with the mutable signs involved change is in the air. 

Another planetary action of significance to this race is Mars’ period of retrograde motion.  Unlike Mercury the planet that goes retrograde a couple of times a year, Mars goes retrograde every two years.  This year Mars turns retrograde on April 17th in Sagittarius.  It then proceeds to retrograde back into Scorpio on May 27th then goes direct again on June 29th at 23 Scorpio.  Mars is the planet of action providing the impetus that gets us moving.  Retrograde it can slow a person’s momentum and bring a reassessment of what action to take.

The final point to consider is Mercury’s retrograde period beginning on April 28th and ending on May 22nd. This Mercury retrograde period overlaps with the Mars retrograde period and with Mercury in Taurus the Taurus/Scorpio axis so much in play already receives another shot in the arm.

The mutable T-Square impacts Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders in particular.  Bernie Sanders, a Virgo has Jupiter traveling back and forth over his natal Virgo Sun during this period.  This is good for him and will provide a welcome boost to his campaign.  That is not to say it will be easy for him for Saturn in Sagittarius squares his Virgo Sun signifying an uphill battle.  But battle he will, with Scorpio Rising he’s got the stick to it energy required for the fight. 

Donald Trump is a Gemini with Moon in Sagittarius opposing his Gemini Sun. The planet Saturn is approaching that Sun/Moon opposition and Jupiter will square the pair. So this mutable T-Square in effect through June gets up close and personal with him as well.  He too faces a battle with the established powers.  Trump, with a Leo Ascendant, the sign on the horizon at his birth, with the planet Mars on that Ascendant is pugnacious, in your face and very much in his element when the battle lines are drawn.

The retrograde Mars period will impact the campaign tactics and activities of the candidates.  Mars is the ruler of Hillary Clinton’s Scorpio Sun and Bernie Sanders’ Scorpio Ascendant. Donald Trump with Mars sitting on his Ascendant in Leo is tuned into Mars in a big way.  Capricorn Ted Cruz with Mars, Venus and Jupiter in Scorpio will not get away clean either. 

For Ted Cruz, Mars goes retrograde in his third house and moves back into his second rolling back and forth over his Jupiter in Scorpio and Neptune in Sagittarius.  This signals a change in his message and finances. Natal Jupiter hit with the Mars energy may bring big donors to his door.

Donald Trump will face increased opposition from the powers that be as Mars squares his Mars twice going backwards then forwards.  It has already squared his Mars once and that energy has manifested in his combativeness, the violence at his rally’s and Republican establishment coming out against him. They will continue to come after him and he will continue to react. A mutable, changeable Gemini, Donald Trump is able to roll with the punches but with a Leo ascendant with Mars backing up that ascendant, he’s not going away.

Scorpio Hillary Clinton, with Mars moving from her fifth house to her sixth and back again will take a gamble and toss the dice at some point.  There is danger here of over confidence and that will become apparent when she faces opposition from the collective.  Youth and women play big roles in this campaign and for Hillary Clinton in particular.

Its ‘put your dukes up time” for Virgo Bernie Sanders as Mars moves back and forth over his Ascendant moving from the first to the 12th and back again.  During that time those that oppose him will be working behind the scenes. But when Mars hits his Ascendant for the last time in July just prior to the convention, he will come out swinging.  The Mars retrograde period will prove beneficial to him.  With a strong natal retrograde Mars in Aries, the retrograde periods of Mars resonate with him and will not slow his momentum.

John Kasich, also with natal Mars retrograde in Scorpio; though lagging behind will not give up easily. A Taurus Sun, with Mercury, Venus and Jupiter in that sign as well, he’s no quitter. Mars opposes his Sun for the last time just prior to the convention.  He may still be in it because he carries the conviction that he is the best qualified. Whether that is so may not matter in the hurdy-gurdy atmosphere of this campaign.

Mercury begins retrograde motion on April 28th at 23 Taurus and will move backwards until it reaches 14 Taurus on May 22nd.  It will not reach 23 Taurus again until June 7th a significant date in the primary cycle.  The primary in California on that day, with 548 delegates at stake could prove to be a deal maker or breaker.

 Ted Cruz will have Mercury moving through his 8th house of financial support from others will get some action there as it moves over his Saturn in Taurus and activates by opposition his Venus and Jupiter in Scorpio in the 2nd house of his money.  With Saturn involved it is a good guess that he will receive financial support from the establishment.  With his natal Mercury retrograde in Capricorn retrograde periods are smooth sailing for him.

For Bernie Sanders Mercury retrograde in Taurus creates a helpful trine to his Virgo Sun and North Node.  While moving through his sixth house of every day routine the retrograde period will be a time of reviewing strategy and revamping schedule.
Mercury goes retrograde just shy of Donald Trump’s Midheaven.  The Midheaven is the most elevated point in a horoscope.  This point relates to the individual’s public image, what they aspire to and the ideals they hold.  As Mercury backtracks through the 9th house of publishing there’s a chance that the media’s love affair with Trump may ebb a bit.  Mercury will not hit the very important Midheaven until well after moving direct not reaching it until June 8th at the end of the primary period.  This will be a significant time for Donald Trump.

In one of those astrological coincidences, John Kasich’s Sun sits at 24 Taurus conjunct the Donald’s Midheaven.  Retrograde Mercury will roll back and forth between Kasich’s Sun and Venus in Taurus.  The reassessment and reevaluation that Mercury retrograde periods are so famous for will be very up close and personal for Kasich.  Taurus has lots of perseverance but they are pragmatic and practical as well.  John Kasich will take a hard look at the facts.

Scorpio Hillary Clinton has natal Mercury retrograde in that sign. This Mercury retrograde period will oppose her Mercury and Venus in Scorpio. First in forward motion, then retrograde then forward again.  As Mercury moves through her 11th house of networking, with Gemini rising, she’ll be working that network gathering support.  Once again, 24 Taurus occurs with Hillary’s North Node at that degree.

This election season plays out against the backdrop of the planetary configurations of the slower moving planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.  When any or all of them are engaged societal changes occur.  The proof of this is in the continued success of the “outsiders” in each party, Trump and Sanders.  And as much as the establishment would like them to go away, they are both here to stay.

Both conventions will be a slugfest. With so many planetary wild cards in play it is difficult to predict a winner.  What is for sure is the uniqueness of this campaign season which will continue to be unusual and full of unexpected surprises.  As the mutable T-Square unfolds the changing political landscape will at times slide into the muck and become more absurd and bizarre.  For sure, the unheard voices outside the mainstream will make their presence felt. 

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