
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Fun and Games All Around - First Quarter Moon and Jupiter opposite Saturn

Today, Saturday, August 14, 2010 moon goes void of course in Libra at 4:06 PM EDT until entering Scorpio at 8:26 PM EDT. Void of course periods are good times to kick back, avoid taking decisive action and to recognize that our judgments may not be up to par. There are unknown factors at work. Of course life goes on so don’t tie yourself up in knots if you do have to take some kind of action. The weekend shifts into the Scorpionic mode which kicks the pleasant sociability of Libra to the curb. Things get intense while moon travels through Scorpio. People get jealous and suspicious. “Just because you’re paranoid, doesn’t mean they are not out to get you.” That is the Scorpio Moon rallying cry. The best thing you can do when things get intense is to remember to breathe. The breathe calms and centers. You’ll need it. The First Quarter Moon occurs on Monday, August 16, 2010 at 2:14 PM EDT and the second in a series of three oppositions between Jupiter and Saturn follows at 4:45 PM EDT. Saturn and Jupiter have a 20 year cycle from conjunction, (together in the sky) to opposition to conjunction again. (The moon does this in about 28 days). This First Quarter Moon occurs in the middle of the rare Cardinal T-Square that has accompanied all the financial, political and environmental crap we have been dealing with. The moon in fixed, intense Scorpio is 90 degrees (square) from the sun in fixed, fiery Leo. The lights, sun and moon, pull nebulous Neptune into the picture; Neptune has been laying low for awhile, but that does not mean he hasn’t been up to some mischief. It just means we don’t know what it is. The Quarter Moons are times of action; they create the energy that moves things, people and situations along. With the slower moving planets involved; this is about big societal changes. We all know something is going on, we can’t put our finger on it, nor can we articulate it yet. We are not seeing the big picture or getting the true story. I am still waiting for the other shoe to drop.

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