
Sunday, August 22, 2010

An Interesting Week - Moon in Aquarius - Pisces

Moon in Aquarius from Saturday, August 21, 2010 at 9:37 PM EDT until Tuesday the 24th at 10:11 AM EDT cultivates a friendly but impersonal atmosphere. We’re concerned about the welfare of others but tend to write a check rather than tote a pot of homemade soup to our neighbor. We flex our independence muscle and feel the need to come and go as we please. Pay attention to the spontaneous and serendipitous, it may be advantageous to go with that flow. On Monday the 23rd sun moves into Virgo. The sun is the source of all energy and the annual solar rhythm affects our energy levels. You may notice at certain times of the year you have more energy than at others. This is due to the transiting sun’s relationship to your natal sun. The sun also acts as a trigger setting off the long term transits of the outer planets. If these long term transits are in range of your natal planets, the sun will turn on the ignition precipitating an event or action. While sun travels through Virgo the spotlight is on health issues, the military, jobs and unemployment. Mercury, ruler of Virgo, remains in retrograde motion until September 12th. Transiting Mercury directs our focus and attention. In retrograde motion, in Virgo, critical analysis and review is your best bet. Tuesday morning, moon enters Pisces and the Full Moon culminates that afternoon. Under Pisces moon we’re dreamy, a bit unfocused and impressionable. The music moves us, the painting speaks to us and the author has us talking to ourselves. It is important to stay with and be with the positive now as we are easily influenced by the energies around us. On Thursday, August 26th the sun trines Pluto, a trine is an aspect of ease. Although considered to be beneficial, a trine between two people can make it easy for an abuser to abuse. In this instance, the sun’s beams kicks off the long term aspects between Pluto, Saturn, Uranus and Jupiter. On a personal level the natal houses and planets involved in this configuration will tell the tale. It will be an interesting week. With Mercury retrograde try to remain flexible as plans may change, hit a snag or the information received is incorrect. Notice your energy level as the sun changes signs and pay attention to your mood as the moon slips from Aquarius to Pisces. You will begin to see how the knowledge of when and where the planetary shifts take place can be a valuable tool when planning your course of action.

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