
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

So You Survived the Weekend, Well, It Ain't Over Yet!

Well it looks like we survived the weekend with all of the unsettling aspects that went on but I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. The symbolism of these slow moving planets, when in rare configurations as they are now, sometimes take months, even years for the true meaning to unfold. Sometimes it hits you right away, like being hit over the head with a baseball bat, sometimes the realization comes in retrospect, “so that’s what that was!” We may not know or reach the realization of what has gone on until the Full Moon of September 23rd or when Mars enters Capricorn in December (the 7th), or around the Lunar Eclipse at the Winter Solstice; all of which spark the early degrees of the Cardinal signs where the slow moving planets are currently transiting. Today, the moon in Virgo goes void of course at 8:04 PM EDT and is void until tomorrow evening, Thursday, August 12, 2010 at 6:42 PM EDT when Old Luna enters Libra. Now there is a lot of Libra energy around now with Venus, at home, in Libra and Saturn, very comfortable, exalted as the astrologer’s say, on Venus’ home turf. Mars is here also, not so comfortable; in “detriment”, opposite the sign he rules. It is like this, Mars is strolling through the drawing room in his combat boots mucking up the carpet. He is not comfortable in these posh, beautiful Libran surroundings. He has no idea what he is doing here. His energy is more suited to the great outdoors, the sports arena or the battlefield. High tea and crumpets ain’t his thing. Venus here wants to make nice-nice, Saturn wants to negotiate a truce and Mars, well, Mars’ job is to take action, make war, or be a pioneer. That drive is stunted in Libra. Now all this Libra action has been receiving input from Jupiter and Uranus, in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn, all in Cardinal signs and in early degrees of those signs. Moon is going to jump into Libra and by Friday morning will have bounced off all of these planets activating all of these complex configurations. Generally moon in Libra encourages sociability and friendliness. There’s a sense of fairness and balance in the air. It is a good time to reach out, settle differences and smooth ruffled feathers. Late Friday evening, Uranus slips back into Pisces. The sudden, unexpected and unusual meets the guru, the oil slick and/or the drug pusher. Libra moon, all sweetness and light may not be able to cover up the darkness that may be revealed. Life goes on so enjoy, go to a party, an art gallery or take in a movie. There ain’t much you can do about it anyway.

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