
Monday, December 27, 2010

Last Quarter Moon - Week of December 27, 2010

Here in Rhode Island, in the EST time zone, the Last Quarter Moon occurs at 11:18 PM EST on Monday, December 27, 2010. The angles of the chart set for Providence, RI are closely conjunct and square the degrees of the recent Lunar Eclipse. The angles of a horoscope are the cusps of the first, fourth, seventh and tenth houses. These are very important points in the horoscope. In a personal horoscope transits to these points often coincide with important events in the life. The mix of energies prevalent at the New and Full Moons continue as the Moon winds down appearing smaller each evening until the darkness prevails. This is the time where we assimilate all that we have learned during the waxing and full phases and prepare for the coming New Moon, Solar Eclipse in Capricorn on January 4, 2011. In preparation for this Last Quarter Moon, Moon enters Libra at 12:38 PM on Monday. Libra is a social sign and we feel like talking, mingling and interacting with our fellow human beings. Libra has the knack of seeing both sides and weighing things in the balance. This is useful when operating under the stressful aspects that prevail at this Last Quarter Moon. This week as the Moon travels from Libra, to intense Scorpio into exuberant Sagittarius, Mars will make a stressful aspect to Saturn. This is a good time to work on projects that require diligence, organization and practical use of energy. Things can get done under this aspect although it may not be easy. The other big news this week is Mercury turning in direct motion on Thursday, December 30, 2010 at 2:21 AM EST. You will notice things beginning to move forward that were “stuck”. New information surfaces and rumor is laid to rest. You may find that you have to redo or reorganize projects begun under retrograde Mercury. Wait to begin new projects until after the New Moon of the 4th. Finish up what has been started, tie up loose ends and prepare and be ready for the new that is sure to come with the New Year and the New Moon. Peace!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Day – The Return of the Light

During the course of the Solar Year the Sun inches its way along the ecliptic (the apparent path of the Sun through the heavens). At the Winter Solstice (in the Northern Hemisphere) the Sun seems to stand still, rising and setting in the same place for three days. On the fourth day the rising and setting of the Sun begins to move in the opposite direction signaling “the return of the light” as the days begin to get longer. This has been a time of great celebration from remote antiquity to the present day. The Romans had Saturnalia, the Hebrews Hanukkah and the Christians, recognizing a good thing, declared this day of returning light to be the birth of Christ. (Historical scholars, biblical and otherwise dispute this date.) The Solar Kings of ancient myth are reborn this day. Christian or not, it is altogether fitting that we light candles, string lights, burn the Yule log or do whatever your personal tradition calls for at this time of year. It puts us in tune with the natural rhythms of the earth. This Christmas Day begins with the Moon in royal, regal Leo, so appropriate for celebrating the birth of a king. Before dawn, the Moon goes Void of Course until 10:14 AM EST when Moon enters Virgo. The sign of Virgo is of course, the Virgin. In ancient times she was “a woman unto herself” which meant, she did not need a man. Indeed our most famous Virgin delivered a son without as much as a handshake from her husband. Seasonally, Virgo is the sign of the harvest when we separate the wheat from the chaff selecting the best of the best from the fruits of the earth. This day the Virgo Moon will help those preparing the Christmas feast, the gravy will have no lumps, and the food will all be hot and arrive on time. Virgo Moon raises our awareness of what is good for us and what is not. So you can forget overindulgence and take an afternoon walk to work off some excess calories. And by all means we must share the light and love that this holiday season signifies and calls for.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Oprah Winfrey and the Lunar Eclipse

The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on Tuesday falls precisely on Oprah Winfrey’s Ascendant/Descendant axis. An eclipse, falling so closely to a planet or point in the chart, can accompany life changing events. Oprah has already announced that her daily show will end in September of 2011 when her contract ends and she is launching her new network OWN on January 1, 2011. The Moon at this Eclipse sits on her Descendant, the cusp or beginning of her 7th house of relationships. Oprah’s personal one on one relationships receive this eclipsing energy. A Lunar Eclipse emphasizes the emotional aspects of her relationships. Her most famous relationships are with her BFF Gail and with her long term love, Stedman. Rumors about her sexual orientation persist as she is seen with Gail much more than she is seen with Stedman. Oprah is an Aquarian. Aquarians are known to march to the tune of a different drummer. They do the unexpected and are usually ahead of the curve which makes their actions seem all the more unusual. With an eclipse on her relationship house there is a possibility of disputes and disagreements with those close to her. Oprah may become more private about her personal relationships. I would venture a guess that there is more going on in Oprah’s personal life, in her personal and business relationships than the gossiping media is even aware of. An event involving someone who is important to her will upset her emotionally. It could prove to be a learning experience for her. Only time will tell.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Winter Solstice - Full Moon - Lunar Eclipse - Quite a Combination

This Winter Solstice occurring on the heels of a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is a jumble and a jangle of elements, inner tensions, and fluctuating opinions. Politicians be warned, the natives are restless. Astrologers use the Solstice chart to get a handle on the political, economic and social trends that will predominate for the season. As such, the Solstice charts are a valuable tool in forecasting. The Lunar Eclipse at the 29th degree of the Sagittarius/Gemini axis, the Galactic Center, accompanying this Winter Solstice brings extra potency to an already strong planetary alignment. While there is some debate about how long the influence of Eclipses are the influence of the Solstice chart is in effect until the changing of the season. At this Solstice we find Retrograde Mercury in a stressful square aspect, to Jupiter and Uranus. This combination screams shocking, unexpected, wildly distorted, big news or events. The Sun in Capricorn in the 6th house along with Mars, Pluto and the North Node emphasizes the working class, the armed forces, and public health. Common public needs and institutions like the water supply, the school system, Police and Fire Departments move to the forefront and the issues associated with these institutions are complicated and not easily solvable. It will take more than political hot air to resolve.  Labor Unions, workers, civil servants, employment/unemployment push the emotional buttons of the general public. Earthquakes, explosions, hurricanes and other weather related events affect agriculture and food supplies. Immigration, emigration, international diplomacy or lack of create situations ripe for distortion. Remember Retrograde Mercury and wait until the dust settles before you rush to judgement. Covert military action, hostage situations, and basic human rights hit the headlines. There are opportunities to work with the opposition, with people who do not agree with you. It will not be easy, will take listening on both sides but compromise and agreement can be reached. Hammered out is the phrase that comes to mind. Often when these great planetary alignments occur we do not see the manifestation of these energies for months, even years to come. It is like a person who is overweight; making the decision to get on the healthy track of good diet and exercise. The decision is made while under a particular planetary configuration the results of which we don’t see until months have passed. Actions taken now will have far reaching effects/affects. When in doubt, always take the high road. Usher in this winter season with a meditation on healing, peace and serenity. Spread the light!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Julian Assange – Wikileaks – Terrorist or Man on a Mission?

With the release of hundreds of thousands of US diplomatic cables and email, Julian Assange, Wikileaks founder, has created uproar in diplomatic circles worldwide. Some consider him a hero while others the vilest of villains. Born with an eighth house Sun in nurturing Cancer trining a Scorpio Moon in the twelfth, this is a man who loves the secret, the hidden, and the taboo. And delights in revealing it. Mercury, in Cancer, the news and information planet sits in the ninth house of publishing making an aspect of ease to Jupiter in Scorpio in the first house. Jupiter rules publishing and promises a big splash with big news. Venus in Gemini, in the eighth house as well, makes a difficult aspect to Pluto in Virgo. Gemini is a big news and information sign and Venus here squares off with Pluto, speaking truth to power. Pluto in the eleventh reveals that Assange has some powerful connections. The natal Saturn opposes Neptune and squares Uranus. Saturn keeps it real, Neptune speaks to high ideals and Uranus loves nothing better than shaking up the status quo. Mars the planet that indicates how we use our energy and take action is in the humanitarian sign of Aquarius. The North Node of the Moon, the point in the horoscope that points to what the native is striving for in this life, is in Aquarius as well. Transiting Saturn in Libra (where Saturn is in the sky now) has entered his twelfth house of prisons, seclusion and hidden enemies. You can make book with Saturn; he is always right on the money. Because Assange’s twelfth house runs from 13 degrees Libra to 17 degrees of Scorpio, Saturn will be here until December, 2013. The 17th degree of Scorpio marks the cusp of his first house. This is the Ascendant, the point in the horoscope where the individual first faces the world at large. The furor over these latest leaks will continue and Assange will be limited and constricted whether he faces jail or not. It will be interesting to note how events unfold towards the end of the month. First, Venus in Scorpio, now in his twelfth house will hit the Ascendant on Christmas Eve. Will more secrets be revealed or will Julian Assange get a welcome Christmas surprise? Second, all of these charges related to an alleged rape in Sweden, court proceedings, and bail hearings are taking place under a Retrograde Mercury. Mercury stations and turns direct on Thursday, December 30, 2010 at 2:21 AM EST. Mercury Retrograde loves the rumor, to misinform and to generally play the trickster. When a direct motion occurs, new information comes to light, the false rumor is revealed and the truth emerges. January 8, 2011 and March 8, 2011, give or take a week, are two key dates that will figure prominently in this continuing saga. Love him or hate him, Julian Assange is the 21st Century’s version of the investigative Journalist. He fills a vacuum left by the corporate media that has become more entertainment than news.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Mars Squaring Uranus Kicks Off the December to Remember

I write this as Mars squares Uranus. When Mars and Uranus are in hard aspect like this I am tempted to head for the bunker and hunker down until the smoke clears. The word explosive comes to mind. With Moon in Scorpio in the deepest, darkest waning phase of the Lunar Cycle and Uranus poised and ready to move into direct motion after Sunday’s New Moon in Sagittarius it is hard to say when or where the next shocker will come from. This December will be the December to remember. Between the New Moon and First Quarter Moon Uranus goes direct, Mars moves into Capricorn and on Friday, December 10, 2010 Mercury goes retrograde. At the First Quarter Moon on Monday, December 13th Mars and Pluto join forces. Going from a square with Uranus to a conjunction with Pluto, Mars is the igniter. Uranus is Mr. Surprise, the unexpected, the unusual, often bringing a shocking jolt out of the blue. Pluto is that deep rumble below the surface that erupts and brings about powerful transformations. The Full Moon occurring hours before the Winter Solstice is a Lunar Eclipse at 29 degrees Gemini/Sagittarius. This is the Galactic Center that plays such an important part in the Mayan Calendar and the hullaballoo about 2012. Venus having retraced her steps will be at the point where she went retrograde back in October. In Scorpio, the sign of sex, death and taxes, she is through playing games. Diplomatic secrets will continue to be revealed. Venus has a sharp tongue here and walks a razor’s edge. At the Last Quarter Moon on December 27th busy Mars once again enters the picture with a hard aspect to Saturn. Mars in Capricorn works well, likes to work toward concrete results. Who better to deal with than Saturn, the Lord of the Material World? A hard aspect, the square, says it “don’t come easy”. On the 30th Mercury stations and begins to move in direct motion. All the false rumors and misinformation will begin to sort itself out. As the planets change signs and directions the dynamic changes as well. With the direction changes the energies and symbolism of the particular planet is enhanced and emphasized. The fallout from the latest Wikileak will impact international relationships as well as the public’s perception of government. We’re talking worldwide here. The financial situation here at home and across the world will serve to educate the people to the amount of manipulation of public opinion and political figures going on behind the scenes. More secrets will be revealed. Unusual weather patterns unfold and earthquake and/or volcanic action literally and figuratively shake things up.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Last Quarter Moon and Week of November 28, 2010

The Last Quarter Moon occurs on Sunday, November 28, 2010 at 3:36 PM EST with the Moon in Virgo and the Sun in Sagittarius. This is the half and half Moon, half light and half dark. The winding down phase and like all squares it is a time for action. In this waning phase the action is one of assimilation as we process inwardly what this cycle has brought us. We are preparing for the next New Moon when the cycle begins again. At this Last Quarter Moon the planet Mars squares off with Jupiter. Squares make things happen. Mars in Sagittarius, the sign of philosophy, religion and belief systems in a hard aspect with Jupiter in Pisces the sign of spirituality, illusion, high ideals, smoke and mirrors suggests a flare up of differences on the international front. North Korea’s attack on South Korea comes to mind but I am thinking more Middle East, Oil, Christian, Moslem area of world events. Jupiter promises big stuff and he can deliver. As co-ruler of Pisces and ruler of Sagittarius Jupiter has some power here. Mars is the spark. The planet Uranus is in the picture as well. The exact square aspect between Mars and Uranus occurs on Friday, December 3, 2010 at 9:01 AM EDT. Before that happens, Venus, that mysterious lady, leaves the all sweetness and light sign of Libra and enters the dark waters of Scorpio on Monday night. Venus, in addition to ruling love, beauty and the arts, rules money, values, and diplomacy. Scorpio, among other things, is the sign of debt. Venus in Scorpio is not diplomatic; she’s donned her combat boots and is through talking. On Tuesday evening Mercury the planet of communication, business transactions, contracts, and the daily commute moves into Capricorn. Capricorn wants the facts, demands logic and organization. Mercury is only too happy to oblige. The Moon begins the week in Virgo; the details will make us happy while Moon is here. On Tuesday morning Moon enters Libra. This is the people need people Moon. Libra Moon reminds us that we are social beings. On Thursday morning, Moon enters Scorpio and passions run high. The Mars square Uranus becomes exact under this Scorpio Moon. We will have a lot to absorb and assimilate as we prepare for Sunday’s New Moon in Sagittarius when another cycle begins that looks to be quite volatile. Stay tuned.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Full Moon November 21, 2010

The Full Moon occurs on Sunday at 12:27 PM EST in the final degrees of Taurus (Moon) and Scorpio (Sun). The 29th degree of any sign is considered a critical degree. The final degrees of Taurus are associated with sorrow while these same final degrees in Scorpio sharpens the Scorpion sting. No matter how you look at it, it is not a pretty sight. The Full Moon Mercury and Mars in Sagittarius are conjunct the Mercury and Venus of the Federal Reserve chart. The Fed has been much in the news lately and will continue to be. The Pluto/North Node conjunction joins the Fed Sun and opposes the Fed Pluto. The revolution to come will not be fought with guns and bullets, but with currency. The money planets is the USA chart of July 4, 1776, Venus and Jupiter in Cancer are taking the hit from this Pluto/North Node combo. Money, debt, the devaluating dollar will continue to rock the foundations of this country. The Tea Party, the Coffee Party and the Scotch and Soda Party will all have their say. With Pluto around, there is usually a grab for power. But, Pluto destroys and transforms whatever it touches. When you are standing in the rubble it is difficult to see how this destruction could result in something better, but with Pluto, in the end the rebuilt structures are an improvement over the old. Shortly after the Full Moon, the Moon slips into Gemini and people lighten up a bit after the intensity of Scorpio Moon. Gemini Moon brings the ability to be flexible. When the Sun enters Sagittarius, there is generally more optimism in the air. This is the season of faith, faith in the future, and faith in oneself. The recent change to forward motion of the Benefics, Jupiter, the Greater and Venus the Lesser increase the hopeful optimism of the season. You will notice certain areas of your life that seemed to have been on hold, now begin to move forward. Thanksgiving Day here in the USA will be a great day for home, family, eating comfort foods, all encouraged by Moon in Cancer. Try to keep your emotions in check as Moon bounces off Jupiter, Uranus then Venus during the course of the day. Think peaceful thoughts and try to have a peaceful day as world events will have to be faced and dealt with on the morrow.

Monday, November 15, 2010

The Lame Duck Congress Convenes - Or "The Hot Air Conference"

Congress reconvenes today at 2PM EST in Washington, DC. The map of the heavens at that time shows the constellation Pisces on the horizon with Moon in Pisces within one degree of the Ascendant in the 12th house. Jupiter, co-ruler of the Ascendant is conjunct Uranus in the 1st house. The good side of Pisces speaks to idealism and selfless sacrifice the bad side brings in fraud, deceit and disillusionment. Jupiter and Uranus together in the angular 1st house indicate the potential for a big surprise. Uranus’ slogan is, “if you can think of it, that ain’t it” while Jupiter promises “lots of” whatever surprise Uranus has in store. The Sun, the heart and soul of any horoscope, is in the money and debt sign of Scorpio in Scorpio’s own 8th house. Retrograde Venus in Libra, on the cusp of the 8th moving to the 7th tells us that the debate over taxes, debt, and insurance will be public and the 7th house says you will know your enemy. Mars and Mercury conjoined in Sagittarius suggest that fiery debate is in the offing. The Sagittarius factor brings belief systems, philosophies, religion as well as international affairs and immigration to the table. Saturn in Libra is the big dog here, he has a lot of dignity and is posited in the 7th house. Saturn here says, “You can talk, blither and bluster all you want but you will get something done”. In a horoscope, Congress is ruled by the 5th and 11th houses. The 5th house signifying the Senate in this instance has the sign Cancer on the cusp, the Senate this session is operating under the influence of a Pisces Moon; a lot of high ideals, plenty of mystical references but not a lot of practical accomplishments. On the other hand,  the House of Representatives has Capricorn, ruled by super dignified Saturn, on the cusp. The House will do a lot of hard work and have something to show for it after all is said and done. But here is the thing, Harry Reid, still the Senate’s head honcho, has natal Sun in Sagittarius conjoining Mercury/Mars as this session opens. His Pisces Mars sits on the Ascendant, in the 12th and his natal Jupiter is mixing it up with the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in the sky presently. A lot of his work is going to be done behind the scenes and make no mistake, he is still a power to be reckoned with. Another power to be reckoned with is Nancy Pelosi, Reid’s counterpart in the House of Representatives. Nancy Pelosi’s Aries Sun sits in the 1st house of this chart. Her retrograde Mercury in Pisces sits on the Ascendant, conjunct the Moon. She will speak to the heart of the matter, to the core, to the instinct. She’ll hit those Representatives where they live and arouse some gut reactions. It is pretty obvious that she is the only Democrat with any balls. She has a stellium (2 or more planets in a sign other than the Sun sign) in Taurus. So not only does she have the initiative of Aries but also the stick to it, stubbornness of Taurus. You are not going to budge a Taurus once they have dug their heals in. Try it sometime, let me know how you make out. After the Moon shifts into Aries on Tuesday, November 16, 2010 the action should heat up. Congress will be meeting late into the night on Wednesday as the Sagittarius Mercury makes a connection with Saturn in Libra. Thursday is a big day though, for Congress and for everyone as both Jupiter in Pisces and Venus in Libra change direction and begin moving in forward motion. Things may not hit the fan then but you can be sure it is on its way. We may have to wait until the Full Moon in Taurus on Sunday on the 29th degree along the Taurus/Scorpio axis. This is going to be a real “banger”. Stay tuned, more to come.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Scorpio New Moon

Passions are aroused when Moon enters Scorpio Friday morning, November 5, 2010 at 2:15 AM EDT. Scorpio Moon brings out strong feelings and desires. People are more sensitive to real or imagined hurts. Be careful when dealing with members of the opposite sex. There is a strong desire to merge and meld, not merely in sexual passion but on a deeper soul level. People do not forgive and forget easily under this Moon. Tread carefully. The New Moon occurs at 12:52 AM EDT on Saturday morning, November 6, 2010, in Scorpio. So the flavor of the month is Scorpio. While this sign can generate secretive, passionate and intense feelings it is also about being resourceful and brings about transformation. Where this New Moon falls in the Natal Horoscope is where the native is going to dig deep and plumb the depths. Expect some earth shattering events. The physical earth, i.e. volcanoes, earthquakes and the like as well as in the business and political world. I am thinking this because the North Node of the Moon is conjunct Pluto in Capricorn at this New Moon. The North Node is the point on the ecliptic where the Moon crosses the equator from South to North. It is an 18 year cycle that is very important in world events and on a personal level as well.  Pluto is a great destroyer and rebuilder. Societal structures belong to Capricorn. When the North Node was traveling through Cancer, opposite to where it is now, housing (Cancer) prices were at their peak. Now, in the opposite sign of Capricorn, housing prices are in the toilet. Adding to this mix, on Sunday, Neptune stations and turns in direct motion. The Neptunian energies are strong. Psychic stuff as well as fraud, oil, drugs, think scandal. Retrograde Venus moves back into Libra signaling a reappraisal of relationships and negotiations. On Monday, November 8, 2010 Mercury moves into Sagittarius. Here come the fiery speeches espousing strong religious, philosophical and political views. At the First Quarter Moon on Saturday, November 13, 2010 at 11:39 AM EST, the seeds planted at the New Moon begin to sprout. The Moon is in Aquarius and the Sun is in Scorpio, two fixed signs knocking heads. Scorpio has deep passions while Aquarius has strong convictions. Neither is inclined to budge. Venus in Libra and Mercury in Sagittarius may open the door for some conversation and keep the lines of communication open until a more auspicious time. This will be true on a personal level as well. When you hit a stone wall, step back and take a breath. Upon further reflection and review we usually find a way around the obstacle. Obstacles, hitches and glitches force us to take action and although not easy or pleasant, accomplishment is the result.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Election Day – and the Mood of the People

The big question this election is; are the Democrats going to get the boot or what? When looking at elections I cast an Election Day chart for 6 AM EDT and locate it in Washington, DC. This year a couple of things hit me right off the bat. First,  retrograde Venus in Scorpio will be making a trine, 120 degrees, to the USA Venus, (July 4, 1776).  The USA Venus is in Cancer. Venus is a money planet and also has dominion over the arts, women, relationships, love, diplomacy and the social graces.  In a horoscope Venus symbolizes what you want. In the USA the love of home, family, Mom and apple pie predominate. Politicians love pushing those buttons. This year, Venus in Scorpio reflects the concern with the economy and debt, personal as well as national. The other piece that jumped out at me was the position of the Moon in Virgo. The Moon rules the public and public opinion. Here Moon makes a nice, easy connection to Mercury in Scorpio. Mercury rules the vote. So a nice connection like this indicates a big turnout, more than usual for a midterm election. The Moon in Virgo tells us what is on the mind of the people. In Virgo, they are looking way beyond the snappy slogan. Virgo wants, loves and needs the details. Virgo Moon indicates concerns with health care, unions and the armed services. These elements of society will be out in force. Through the course of the day Moon will move into opposition with both Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces.  This brings an anything goes flavor to the party. There will be some surprises, those expected to win will not and the predicted losers will be the victors. These factors will play out from the smallest towns to the biggest cities. Local as well as national politics are in for “Mr. Toads Wild Ride”.  In Mundane Astrology, the astrology of events, the houses and planets in the horoscope represent components of society, the first house represents the people, the Sun represents the head of state etc. The 5th house represents the Senate while the 11th represents the House of Representatives. In the Election Day chart the 5th/11th house axis runs along the Aquarius/Leo axis, with the Senate being the Aquarians and the Representatives the Leos. These are both fixed signs and could indicate no change. But the overall chart has a strong Cardinal flavor, with Libra on the ascendant and Cancer on the Mid-Heaven, two very important, strong points in a horoscope. This would indicate something new, a beginning or a fresh start. No matter how it turns out I think the politicians, pollsters and the people are in for a bit of surprise. There is a strong anti-incumbent feeling out there and it is not necessarily going to be the Democrats taking the brunt. There are going to be changes from Wasilla to Washington. The people will have spoken, and that is what it is all about.

The above was written using a 6AM opening for the polls. It has come to my attention that the polls open at 7AM. The time change changes the important points of the horoscope, the Mid-heaven and Ascendant moving them from Cardinal to Fixed signs. This new time further enhances the importance of the planet Venus as we find Venus and the Sun in Scorpio straddling the ascendant. The intense, oft time heated rhetoric of this election season will continue right up to the end. Moon and Mercury are still in aspect. The Virgo Moon and Scorpio Ascendant insure that the public is looking at this election, the candidate and the issues with x-ray vision. The polls and pundits are missing something and we won’t find out what that something is until the polls close and the ballots are counted.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Mars in Sagittarius, Venus Retrograde Conjunct the Sun, Last Quarter Moon

In the lead up to the Last Quarter Moon on Saturday, October 30th two significant events occurred on Thursday the 28th. First, Mars left his home base of Scorpio and moved into Sagittarius. Mars is the planet of action.  Mars in a horoscope points how we do and what we do. Entering Sagittarius Mars signals the return of enthusiasm and optimism. Mars in Sagittarius sees the glass as half full. There can be a certain amount of impulsiveness when Mars and the Archer join forces. Mars is the warrior and in Sagittarius battles can assume the aura of a holy crusade. At the extreme, Mars in Sagittarius can bring the foaming at the mouth religious fanatic to your doorstep.  But most of the time the anger of Mars in Sagittarius is anger at an injustice.  This energy is good for the sportsman and athlete. Sports and athletics provide a positive outlet for this energy.  Thursday also saw the conjunction of retrograde Venus with the Sun.  This is called the inferior conjunction. Inferior conjunction occurs when Venus is retrograde and is closest to the Earth. Venus lies directly between the Earth and the Sun. It is a New Moon type of occurrence.  It is a special moment, a time to plant Venusian seeds. Venus is concerned with love, art, money and relatedness. Venus attracts but she is more than just a pretty face. Venus in a horoscope signifies what you want, your value system and what matters to you.   At the conjunction, Venus is not visible in the night sky. After the inferior conjunction Venus will appear well before dawn in the morning sky beginning November 4th. It has been said that when Venus rises in the morning she calls the men to war. Let’s hope that she doesn’t intend to rouse them now.   If you want to figure out how this will affect you think back to eight years ago. Every eight years Venus will retrograde and conjoin the Sun in approximately the same area of the Zodiac.  The cycle begun at that time is ending and a new one is beginning. This is the time to plant those seeds you wish to grow and flourish during the upcoming eight years.   On Friday evening, October 29, 2010 at 8:38 PM EDT Moon enters the sign of Leo heading towards a square to Scorpio Sun.  This is the closing square; the Moon grows smaller in the night sky winding down bringing the darkness of the New Moon on November 5th.  The waning square between the Sun and Moon is a time to wrap things up and assimilate all that was taken in and learned since the previous New Moon and to clear the decks to make way for the new.  Meditation and inner reflection do well during these periods.  This is the weekend for quiet, romantic evenings.  Leo Moon brings out kindness and generosity in people.  There’s warmth and affection in the air. Enjoy!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Moon in Taurus opposes the Scorpio Gang - Hang On To Your Wallet

Moon enters Taurus at 10:29 PM EDT on Friday, October 22, 2010 grounding the energy and bringing enough oomph to the table to finish those projects begun under the impetuous Aries Moon. Earthy Taurus Moon shifts the focus to the material world. Our sense of security comes from our “stuff”. Caution is a key word here and there is a tendency to maintain the status quo. Change can be difficult. This weekend Taurus Moon will oppose the cluster of planets in Scorpio. On Saturday the oppositions between Moon, Mercury and Venus occur. And the last aspect Moon makes before going void of course on Monday, October 25th at 3:49 AM EDT will be to Mars in Scorpio. Taurus and Scorpio are both money signs. Oppositions between these two signs represent mine, (Taurus)/ ours (Scorpio). Taurus does not want to share and Scorpio loves the power of it all. On Sunday morning Mars and Uranus trine one another, a trine is an aspect of ease. The Warrior and Mr. Unexpected join forces from Scorpio to Pisces. This indicates an explosive period with unanticipated and startling events unfolding. After the Moon enters Gemini on Monday morning, the 25th at 7:47 AM EDT the news begins to pop and sizzle. Mercury, that faithful little news gatherer snuggles up to Retrograde Venus. They are together in Scorpio so you can bet the news will be about hot sex, dirty politics and filthy money. We all get a bit chatty under Gemini Moon. We become more adaptable and willing to change. Sometimes we can’t make up our mind being so busy looking at both sides of the picture. We speak spontaneously and the truth of what we say may only be true for a moment as situations shift and change rapidly under this Moon. Change may come when the Sun in Scorpio connects with Pluto in Capricorn. When the Sun brings light to the God of the Underworld you can expect something that has been hidden, buried and secretive to surface. Exposed is the word that comes to mind. Moon goes void of course on Wednesday morning at 10:19 AM EDT. It will be an intense couple of days and deep, emotional issues will surface. Money issues that have been ignored will have to be dealt with. What is mine, what is yours and who owes who are questions that will need answering. The headlines will reflect this, as well as the checkbook. Remember to breathe.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Full Moon Aries/Libra and the Scorpio Season

Moon goes void of course at 2:49 PM EDT on Sunday, October 17, 2010 until 10:52 PM EDT when Moon enters Pisces.  There is softness about Pisces Moon, a dreaminess, a heightened sensitivity to the ethereal.  Under this Moon we tune into the subtle nuances around us. People are more emotional and tend toward the spiritual. There is a need to escape the harsh realities of life.  The danger here is donning the rose colored glasses, seeing what we want to see, not what really is. Mercury makes an aspect of ease to Neptune on Monday morning. When these two join forces the possibility of illusion, deceit, false rumors and fake news increases.  This aspect is great for imagination and creative work but it is hard to be objective in practical matters. Keep in mind with this aspect often not all the facts are known.   On Tuesday morning the Sun sends loving beams to Neptune.  This aspect can literally be illuminating as sunlight reveals some of the dark secrets Neptune has kept.  The Moon goes void of course on Wednesday morning at 6:25 AM EDT moving into independent Aries at 11:23 AM EDT.  People are fired up under Aries Moon, eager to begin, to start something new or go off exploring.  People are enthusiastic, energetic and impulsive. Many times projects begun under Aries Moon never reach completion. Completing projects requires more than an initiative impulse; follow through and a stick to it attitude is required.  Wednesday is also the day that Mercury enters Scorpio.  Mercury rules the intellect, the thinking process, communication and transportation. The transaction, the buy and sell of business and commerce falls under Mercury’s purview as well.  Scorpio is the sign of finance, banks, debt and co-mingled resources. In world events and markets, Scorpio brings out the power hungry, threat, crisis and the old fear factor.  In this day and age think complicated transactions that end in default.  An individual with Mercury in Scorpio has a mind that is sharp, decisive, likes the mysterious and has an x-ray quality when it comes to digging up the details.  Mars in Scorpio mixes it up with Jupiter in Pisces creating some aggressive competition. Expect some ugliness on the campaign trail and an increase in international tensions.  In the lead up to the Full Moon on Friday, October 22, 2010 at 9:37 PM EDT Mars in Scorpio squares of with Neptune and Mercury connects with Pluto.  This Full Moon falls along the Aries/Libra axis at the 29th degree.  Soon the Libra mode of accommodation will give way to the intensity of Scorpio when the Sun enters that sign on Saturday morning, October 23, 2010 at 8:35 AM EDT.  There is a lot of planetary action around this Full Moon.  Exposed is the word that comes to mind, on all levels and all fronts.  By weekend we will be in full Scorpio mode with Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars all traveling through Pluto’s territory.  Pagans and Christians alike recognize this time of the year as the time of the dead, when the veil between the two worlds is the thinnest.  Samhain, All Hallows, All Saints and All Souls signal the close of the harvest and the preparation for winter.  Whether you prescribe to the theory that one can talk to the spirits at this time or not, you can expect the Scorpio season to raise fear and suspicion.  Complicated financial transactions will continue to collapse, more scandals will be revealed and politicians, public opinion and public actions increase in intensity.  Scorpio tempts with the allure of power but will bring you down if you don’t take the high road.  That is the key, taking the high road, the more spiritual path.  It is hard to do when the energy is permeated by the sex and death sign of Scorpio. But it is through sex that life is created.  So think about that for awhile. And when the going gets rough, ground, center and meditate.  Remember to breathe.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Week Ahead – October 10, 2010

Sunday, October 10, 2010 Moon enters Sagittarius at 6:09 PM EDT and enthusiasm takes over. Sagittarius Moon ruled by Jupiter likes big ideas, big action and big adventures. There is a warm, friendliness in the air coupled with a feeling of restlessness. Independence spurs an itch to travel and/or participate in sporting events. The Moon goes Void of Course on Tuesday, October 12, 2010 at 8:07 PM EDT. The Void period ends at 12:17 AM EDT on Wednesday, October 13, 2010 when Moon enters sober Capricorn. We are cured of the travel bug and settle down to the business at hand. Enthusiasm gives way to pessimism. The best thing to do now is to concentrate on the job at hand, the tasks before you. Good feelings come from accomplishment, creating structure and form around you and getting organized. Capricorn Moon triggers our ambition and favors work that will advance our cause. The First Quarter Moon occurs on Thursday, October 14, 2010 at 5:27 PM EDT. “Stuff” happens, action is taken and decisions are made around the Quarter Moons. The Quarter Moon occurs with the Sun in Libra and the Moon in Capricorn. The Cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn will feel the agitation of this Quarter Moon and will continue to do so as the energy builds to the Full Moon next week at 29 Aries/Libra. At this Quarter Moon the Libra/Capricorn energies speak to concrete issues involving relationships, negotiations, career path and public image. Cardinal signs are great for starting and initiating and the waxing phase of the Moon brings energy to that impetus. The decisions of this Quarter Moon may well be about beginnings, getting started, and taking a first step. The Moon goes Void of Course on Friday, October 15, 2010 at 5:49 AM EDT until 10:24 AM EDT when the Aquarius mode takes over. People get friendly under Aquarius Moon. They also want to come and go as they please and express themselves in a unique and personal way. This is a great time to get together with a group that shares the same cause or purpose, especially if that cause is to benefit mankind in some fashion. This is a good weekend to expand your social network and to make new connections. Be ready for the spontaneous and take advantage of it. Be aware that we are still under the Venus Retrograde in Scorpio. Venus runs on an eight year cycle, thus is retrograde in the same sign every eight years. We have completed that cycle and are now beginning anew. Think back to your own life experiences of eight years ago; where were you, where were you going and what were you doing. Remember, Venus has to do with what we value, what matters to us not only the love and money aspects of our lives. Another Venus fact is that every eight years at your Solar Return you experience a Venus Return at the same time. This is a very personal, individual eight year cycle. At any birthday, the best gift you can give yourself is the gift of a consultation with an Astrologer.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Moon in Libra-Scorpio and Venus Retrograde

Today the Moon goes Void of Course in Virgo at 12:43 PM EDT until 3:51 PM EDT when entering Libra. Avoid making decisions, starting something new or making purchases until the Void period is over.  Unexpected results and difficulties are common when projects are initiated during Void of Course periods.  The Libra Moon offers an optimal time for team efforts, social engagements and negotiations.  Libra’s rulership by Venus brings art, beauty and romance to the table.  A good time for beautifying your surroundings and connecting with friends, lovers and partners. Libra Moon goes Void of Course on Friday, October 8, 2010 at 9:38 AM EDT until 3:52 PM EDT.  The big deal on Friday is Venus in Scorpio turning retrograde. Venus goes retrograde every 18 months or so. This time Venus will be retrograde until November 19, 2010 although the influence of retrograde Venus will last until December 20th when Venus finally moves beyond her retrograde degree of 13 Scorpio.  Venus retrograde periods, like all retrograde periods, are a time of review and reassessment.  So we review our Venus stuff, money, possessions, beauty, romance, relationships. Venus in Scorpio rouses passions.  Venus in Scorpio speaks to shared resources, interest rates and debt.  What do you value? What matters to you? Who matters to you? What do you want?  Meditation and reflection upon these issues will help to clarify. This is not one of those moments where we snap our fingers and all is well. Time, thought and inner guidance bring answers and action.  When the Moon enters Scorpio Friday afternoon at 3:52 PM EDT passions and desires are aroused.  People are suspicious and sensitive to real or imagined slights. Tread lightly around the feelings of others.  Pay attention when this Moon rolls over the 13th degree of Scorpio, (sometime mid Saturday), feelings, actions, encounters will provide a clue or bring awareness to the areas of life that deserve reflection and review.  Venus in Scorpio plumbs the depths. Only you know what is right for you. This Venus will help you find that out.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Moon and Mercury Set the Stage For a Wild Weekend.

We begin the month of October with the Moon in Cancer. Moon is at home in Cancer and operates at full bore here. Emotion run high, sensitivity ratchets up and we all need to give or get a hug. Be aware of this heightened sensitivity as you negotiate the mine field of emotions until Moon enters Leo on Saturday, October 2, 2010 at 2:21 PM EDT. Creative enthusiasm reigns under Leo Moon. Our true selves emerge and we want to be recognized for our special gifts. And we all have them. Mercury plays a big roll this weekend as well. Mercury reigns over transport, trade, ideas, the highway, the byway, the daily commute, bus/train stations, airports as well as news and information. On Friday, Mercury opposes Jupiter. Jupiter rules philosophies, belief systems, the judiciary, foreigners and foreign travel. Jupiter is a big guy and he brings “lots of”. Since both planets have to do with writing, publishing and the media we might expect some bombshell news event over the weekend. This is further indicated by Mercury’s opposition to Mr. Surprise, Uranus on Saturday morning. Uranus represents the urge for freedom, the innovative, the unexpected and the unusual. When Uranus comes calling, you can review every possibility that comes to mind and Uranus will still surprise you. In addition to revolutions and such Uranus brings events in the natural world, earthquakes, violent weather etc. (Here in the Northeast we are experiencing some of that wild weather) On Sunday morning Mercury leaves the dust of Virgo behind and enters Libra. Mercury in Libra talks nice, negotiates and pours oil on troubled waters. Do not be lulled or gulled by the smooth talkers. Mercury often acts as a trigger for events set up by the outer slower moving planets. So hang on to your hat and get ready to Rock and Roll.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Expect the Unexpected…….

Moon in Capricorn from Wednesday, September 15, 2010 at 4:30 PM EDT until early Saturday morning, September 18, 2010 at 3:35 AM EDT signals a time of structure, organization and a concern for the material aspects of life. Capricorn Moon is not a dreamy, imaginative Moon. This Moon wants to see, feel and touch in order to verify reality. Anxiety over security issues sparks ambitions and sends us off to perform the various chores and duties required to get ahead in this material world. It is best to perform the tasks at hand beneath this Moon, focus on today and not worry about the future. Avoid the pessimistic and remain positive. Moon goes void at 1:35 AM EDT on Saturday morning. Before dawn Moon enters the intellectual air sign of Aquarius. There’s a different feel in the air. Like Capricorn, Aquarius is also ruled by Saturn. Saturn brings structure, form and contraction to the table. Aquarius Moon speaks to concrete ideas, logical arguments delivered in an airy manner. Aquarius’ co-ruler Uranus brings spontaneity and innovation into the equation. Under Aquarius Moon there is a desire to speak our minds and to have the freedom to express our thoughts. This is a great time to make connections and network. On Saturday evening, Jupiter makes a conjunction with Uranus; this is the 2nd in a series of three. The first occurred on June 8th at the Cardinal degree of zero Aries. Since then both planets have retrograded back into Pisces so the second conjunction and the third in January of 2011 will occur in the sign of Pisces. Events and issues that surface at the first conjunction surface again at the second conjunction only to be finally resolved at the third conjunction. When two planets are in the sky together like this their energies combine and intensify. Jupiter is considered the greater benefic, it supposedly brings the good stuff. That stuff can be good or bad, depending on whom Jupiter is running with. For sure, Jupiter brings “lots of.” The general principles of Jupiter include belief systems, the search for life’s meaning, wisdom, growth, success and expansion. An exaggerated, afflicted Jupiter can bring the religious fanatic to the fore, a closed mind rather than an open one. Uranus symbolizes the urge humans have for freedom and individuality. Uranus carries surprise, sudden upheavals, and brilliant flashes of inspiration. Blending these two energies creates an anything goes atmosphere. The house in the horoscope where the conjunction falls is where the action is. Any aspects to natal planets from this conjunction bring further clarity to the issues at hand. On a more Mundane level, world events, the same anything goes attitude prevails. The political world is surely feeling the effects of these conjunctions and we have not heard the last from Mother Nature. We’ll feel the influence of this conjunction from several days before (Primary Elections) to several days after. Next week we have the Autumnal Equinox, when the Sun moves into Libra and shortly after the Full Moon along the Aries/Libra axis. These events kick off the zero Cardinal points that have been active on and off all year so expect the unexpected, be prepared to roll with the punches and above all, keep an open mind.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Another Changing Wild Week Suggest An Unsettling Primary Day

This weekend began under the pleasant auspices of congenial Libra Moon only to shift early Saturday morning into the Scorpio mode. Scorpio Moon is known for raising our suspicions. While often this is perceived as a negative this is not necessarily so. Scorpio Moon enhances our sensitivity; we note actions and behaviors that were not so obvious under the more obliging Leo, Virgo, Libra Moons. Scorpio pulls no punches, has no time for small talk and goes directly to the crux of the matter. This is why things that have been brewing beneath the surface often boil over under Scorpio Moon. The weekend ends with the yahoo, yippee and hooray moment when Mercury stations (stops) and turns direct in motion. All of the loose ends or tangled, snarly threads of life can now be tied up or unsnarled and allow events to move forward. Mercury stations at 5 degrees, 21 minutes of Virgo. The house where 5 Virgo falls in your chart will tell the tale. The houses represent areas of life. Issues and principles associated with that area will begin to move, get active and progress after being held up by snags, snafus, misinformation or lost data. This direction change by Mercury sets the stage for another busy week. Moon enters Sagittarius on Monday, September 13, 2010 at 8:52 AM EDT after being void of course for an hour. Sagittarius Moon brings lots of enthusiasm and a positive attitude, somewhat of a relief after the intenseness of Scorpio. We head off to work with some reluctance because Sagittarius Moon evokes a desire for the unfamiliar, travel and pursuits of a philosophical bent. Getting down to business is not the favorite pastime of Sagittarius Moon. Shortly after midnight at 12:35 AM EDT on Tuesday, September 14, 2010, Pluto also changes direction moving again in direct motion. Pluto has been in retrograde motion since April. (think about what has been happening in your life since April and note what areas start to sizzle and pop) Now in direction motion this power house will stir up all things Plutonian. Pluto rules such pleasantness as death, taxes, debt along with the more positive attribute of transformation. The death that Pluto brings is not necessarily a physical death. It is often the death of an old mode of behavior that brings about a more positive result. In the evening, at 6:38 PM EDT, Mars moves into Scorpio. Mars is the action planet and where it is in the natal chart signifies obviously where the action is. Pluto and Mars co-rule the sign of Scorpio so those with a Scorpio Sun, Moon or Ascendant receive the pumped up energy of these two planets. Other planets in the natal horoscope in Scorpio will receive this energy boost as well. Tuesday is Primary Election day here in Rhode Island and the shifting planetary denotes shifting energy. With Pluto going direct and Mars entering Scorpio the campaign rhetoric may devolve into some pretty vicious attacks. It is a day of change. The opinion polls may prove to be wrong due to Mercury’s retrograde motion when they were taken. Now direct, the proof is in the ballot box. We are in a period of change and fluctuation and things may get rowdy before we’re through. More to come before the week is through. Stay tuned.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Labor Day and Beyond – Virgo New Moon – Venus – Jupiter Sign Changes

The emotional level ratchets down a notch when Moon enters Leo Sunday morning, September 5, 2010 at 5:45 AM EDT. Fire sign Leo Moon brings out the drama queen/king in all of us, the emotional need is to be recognized for our unique selves. We need a little romance and affection along with that recognition. You couldn’t ask for a better Moon to celebrate the Labor Day Weekend than a Leo Moon, this Moon encourages plain old fun. So enjoy with no guilt. Moon goes void of course on Tuesday morning, September 7th at 4:17 AM EDT until 5:53 AM EDT making the shift into Virgo in time for the beginning of the work week. Party’s over. Virgo Moon sets the tone and is a perfect time to clear the clutter from your desk and get organized. Order and analysis are the needs of the day. Tasks that require attention to detail do well know. The New Moon occurs on Wednesday, September 8, 2010 at 6:30 AM EDT. At this New Moon we find Venus poised to transition into Scorpio (at 11:45 AM EDT) and retrograde Jupiter ready to slide back into Pisces. Venus and Jupiter are the money planets so expect a financial shift. Scorpio rules debt, Pisces oil, drugs, fraud and deceit (when you take the low road). Virgo Moon goes void of course Thursday, September 9th at 4:59 AM EDT. Moon enters Libra a few minutes later at 5:01 AM EDT. Libra Moon creates a pleasant atmosphere as harmony is the key word with this Moon. Social gatherings, partnerships of every ilk and tasks that require teamwork do well beneath this Moon. Later in the evening Mars makes an aspect of ease (Trine – 120 degrees) to Neptune. Mars and Neptune in combination can produce some confusion. Motives for action and true goals can be swathed in a murky cloud. Sit tight until Mercury goes direct on Sunday night, September 12th. This week the energy shifts. The feelings, atmosphere and motivations prevalent at the beginning of the week undergo a change, setting the tone for new thoughts, new needs and new actions. The New Moon is the time to plant the seed for what you want to manifest during this cycle. Some find a New Moon meditation or ritual helpful in clearing away the old and clarifying the needs, wants and vision for the future. Whatever your style, be sure to wait until after the New Moon, not one minute, not one second before. A Virgo New Moon speaks to organization, detail, health, and diet. Exercise programs, allergy relief and what part do the emotions play in your ability to clear the clutter and focus on the tasks at hand. The issues related to the house the New Moon falls in are the issues that are highlighted for the Lunar month. In the 10th house, career and public standing, in the 4th house domestic issues, 7th house brings relationships into play. An accurate birth chart will pinpoint for you where the action is. A consultation with an astrologer can alert you to difficult periods, opportune moments, and signal when it is best to punt, pass or pull an end run. This Lunation Cycle triggers the complex Cardinal transits that have dominated 2010 and will continue to dominate for some time. Issues and events in public and private lives will be activated. The next few weeks will shake things up. The use of astrology can help you weather the storms in your life. Forewarned is forearmed.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Last Quarter Moon - Incorporate, Assimilate and Meditate.

Moon in Taurus keeps us grounded and cautious. We get emotional about our money, possessions and sense of security. Our “stuff” takes on greater importance. Venus ruled Taurus indicates a time to enjoy beautiful things of an earthly nature, sunrise, sunset and moonrise. Moon goes void of course on Tuesday, August 31, 2010 at 7:13 PM EDT and enters Gemini about an hour later at 8:19 PM EDT. Air sign Gemini moon lightens things up a bit; we are motivated by the intellect rather than the gut. It is easy to see both sides of the picture and because of this we often have difficulty making up our minds. There is a certain busyness, a talkativeness and restlessness about this moon. This moon is great for writers and communicators. The Last Quarter Moon occurs on Wednesday, September 1, 2010. Quarter moons are times of crisis and action. The waning phase is a time for introspection and assimilation. This current cycle began with the New Moon in Leo. The New Moon plants the seed, at the Full Moon that seed is in full blossom. Now as the moon wanes we incorporate what we have learned and prepare for the next phase to begin. Completion is the key word here. Finish what has been started rather than beginning something new. Wait until the New Moon on September 8, 2010 to initiate the new. The Gemini Moon goes void of course on Friday, September 3rd at 1:40 AM EDT until 2:50 AM EDT. At this time Moon slides into the welcoming arms of Cancer. This is where moon belongs, home base; the emotional nature of the moon flourishes here. We become a little more sensitive, tend to get weepy and sentimental and need to nurture or be nurtured. This is gut reaction time where the intellect takes a back seat. Beware of the over stocked Buffet line while moon travels through Cancer as food brings a great deal of comfort to the sensitive soul. On Friday, sun conjoins a retrograde Mercury, so be sure to dot the I’s and cross the T’s. On Saturday, Venus makes a lovely trine, an aspect of ease, to Neptune. This could be true love, soul mate time or bring the great deceiver into play. Be sure you are seeing things as they really are not how you want them to be. A concert, a visit to an art gallery or a meditation brings the positive qualities of this aspect to the fore. This is a great week to quietly adjust to any recent changes in your life and to prepare for the New Moon and upcoming planetary shifts in store for next week. Stay tuned.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

An Interesting Week - Moon in Aquarius - Pisces

Moon in Aquarius from Saturday, August 21, 2010 at 9:37 PM EDT until Tuesday the 24th at 10:11 AM EDT cultivates a friendly but impersonal atmosphere. We’re concerned about the welfare of others but tend to write a check rather than tote a pot of homemade soup to our neighbor. We flex our independence muscle and feel the need to come and go as we please. Pay attention to the spontaneous and serendipitous, it may be advantageous to go with that flow. On Monday the 23rd sun moves into Virgo. The sun is the source of all energy and the annual solar rhythm affects our energy levels. You may notice at certain times of the year you have more energy than at others. This is due to the transiting sun’s relationship to your natal sun. The sun also acts as a trigger setting off the long term transits of the outer planets. If these long term transits are in range of your natal planets, the sun will turn on the ignition precipitating an event or action. While sun travels through Virgo the spotlight is on health issues, the military, jobs and unemployment. Mercury, ruler of Virgo, remains in retrograde motion until September 12th. Transiting Mercury directs our focus and attention. In retrograde motion, in Virgo, critical analysis and review is your best bet. Tuesday morning, moon enters Pisces and the Full Moon culminates that afternoon. Under Pisces moon we’re dreamy, a bit unfocused and impressionable. The music moves us, the painting speaks to us and the author has us talking to ourselves. It is important to stay with and be with the positive now as we are easily influenced by the energies around us. On Thursday, August 26th the sun trines Pluto, a trine is an aspect of ease. Although considered to be beneficial, a trine between two people can make it easy for an abuser to abuse. In this instance, the sun’s beams kicks off the long term aspects between Pluto, Saturn, Uranus and Jupiter. On a personal level the natal houses and planets involved in this configuration will tell the tale. It will be an interesting week. With Mercury retrograde try to remain flexible as plans may change, hit a snag or the information received is incorrect. Notice your energy level as the sun changes signs and pay attention to your mood as the moon slips from Aquarius to Pisces. You will begin to see how the knowledge of when and where the planetary shifts take place can be a valuable tool when planning your course of action.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Saturn Square Pluto – What Does It Mean to You?

Early Saturday morning, August 21, 2010 Saturn, in Libra, makes the final square aspect to Pluto, in Capricorn. This series of three square aspects began in November 2009. A square is not a friendly aspect. The two planets are poking and prodding one another, often trying to push in a direction that is not comfortable. Squares do make things happen. Saturn usually indicates a contraction of sorts. If Saturn is moving through your house of money expect less cash and be prepared to tighten the budget. Saturn through the house of relationships brings a testing of your relationships. Pluto purges and transforms. Through your house of money you’ll go from one extreme to another, from floating in dough to abject poverty and back again. In your relationship house, Pluto reveals the psychological dynamics of the relationships along with issues of power and control. These two are not nice guys. You are not going to sit down, have a beer and watch the game with Saturn and Pluto. You are going to work hard, dig deep into your core self and pull yourself out of whatever hole you’ve got yourself into by grit, guts and sand. The houses in the horoscope they are transiting are the areas of life that have been and are facing challenge. If Saturn is transiting your 7th house of relationship, Pluto is in your 10th house of career, public image and destiny. In this instance, relationships with your significant other, your boss and authority figures are under pressure. If Saturn is transiting your 10th house, Pluto is in your 1st. The 1st is your physical appearance, how you relate to others and your approach to the world. Pluto transiting here points to a deep transformational experience, with Saturn in the 10th there is a restriction or some block to your progress. An accurate timed birth chart can tell you what houses the planets are transiting at a given time. A Venus transit through the 1st house is very different from a Saturn transit. A look at the upcoming transits prepares you for the tough times, the fun times and most importantly, the right times.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Moon in Sagittarius – Capricorn and a TGIF You Won’t Forget

Things lighten up a little when moon moves into Sagittarius early Tuesday morning, August 17, 2010 at 1:34 AM EDT providing some relief from the intense Scorpio energy experienced over the last few days. Sagittarius moon brings the influence of Jupiter to the fore, ruler of Sagittarius. A warm, friendly attitude prevails. We see the big picture and may get a little restless as we need independence and freedom of movement. Interest in the spiritual peaks and we are curious about other’s viewpoints and philosophies. By Thursday, August 19, 2010 we will have had enough of this exuberant Sagittarius moon and will be ready for the shift into the Capricorn mode when moon steps into Saturn’s domain at 10:17 AM EDT. We get down to business under Capricorn moon being concerned with the material aspects of life and with a need for security. This need sparks our ambitions and prods us to “get ahead”. We sometimes become insensitive to the feelings of others as we work our way up the ladder. This is a good time to organize and work on the tasks at hand. Friday, August 20, 2010 the annual opposition between the sun and Neptune takes place. The energy of Neptune can be murky and difficult to pin down. The sun shining bright beams on this mysterious planet may reveal some secrets and expose deceit. There is much going on behind the scenes and the revelations may come as a shock. Before the day is through, Venus and Mars will get up close and personal and Mercury will begin its retrograde motion. On Saturday, the last of the Saturn/Pluto squares takes place and they both are in aspect to Jupiter and Uranus. This is the famous cardinal t-square that is stressing the horoscope of the United States, July 4, 1776, as well as the horoscope of the Federal Reserve. In the US chart, the money planets Jupiter and Venus are getting whacked and the t-square is dead on the Pluto/sun opposition in the chart of the Fed. The Mercury station retrograde point at 19 Virgo sits on the Mars of the New York Stock Exchange. On the world stage it is all about money and power. Those that have it don’t want to let it go. People are clamoring for change and are not getting it. On a personal level, you love him/her, you hate him/her, you can/can’t live without etc. etc. The job sucks, I need the job, I can’t get a job, I quit this job. All kinds of fun and games are going on and trying to figure out where you stand, where you want to go and what you want to be and who you want to be with is a full time job in and of itself. The retrograde Mercury period from August 20th to September 12th is an opportune time to reflect, review and meditate. This too shall pass.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Fun and Games All Around - First Quarter Moon and Jupiter opposite Saturn

Today, Saturday, August 14, 2010 moon goes void of course in Libra at 4:06 PM EDT until entering Scorpio at 8:26 PM EDT. Void of course periods are good times to kick back, avoid taking decisive action and to recognize that our judgments may not be up to par. There are unknown factors at work. Of course life goes on so don’t tie yourself up in knots if you do have to take some kind of action. The weekend shifts into the Scorpionic mode which kicks the pleasant sociability of Libra to the curb. Things get intense while moon travels through Scorpio. People get jealous and suspicious. “Just because you’re paranoid, doesn’t mean they are not out to get you.” That is the Scorpio Moon rallying cry. The best thing you can do when things get intense is to remember to breathe. The breathe calms and centers. You’ll need it. The First Quarter Moon occurs on Monday, August 16, 2010 at 2:14 PM EDT and the second in a series of three oppositions between Jupiter and Saturn follows at 4:45 PM EDT. Saturn and Jupiter have a 20 year cycle from conjunction, (together in the sky) to opposition to conjunction again. (The moon does this in about 28 days). This First Quarter Moon occurs in the middle of the rare Cardinal T-Square that has accompanied all the financial, political and environmental crap we have been dealing with. The moon in fixed, intense Scorpio is 90 degrees (square) from the sun in fixed, fiery Leo. The lights, sun and moon, pull nebulous Neptune into the picture; Neptune has been laying low for awhile, but that does not mean he hasn’t been up to some mischief. It just means we don’t know what it is. The Quarter Moons are times of action; they create the energy that moves things, people and situations along. With the slower moving planets involved; this is about big societal changes. We all know something is going on, we can’t put our finger on it, nor can we articulate it yet. We are not seeing the big picture or getting the true story. I am still waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

So You Survived the Weekend, Well, It Ain't Over Yet!

Well it looks like we survived the weekend with all of the unsettling aspects that went on but I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. The symbolism of these slow moving planets, when in rare configurations as they are now, sometimes take months, even years for the true meaning to unfold. Sometimes it hits you right away, like being hit over the head with a baseball bat, sometimes the realization comes in retrospect, “so that’s what that was!” We may not know or reach the realization of what has gone on until the Full Moon of September 23rd or when Mars enters Capricorn in December (the 7th), or around the Lunar Eclipse at the Winter Solstice; all of which spark the early degrees of the Cardinal signs where the slow moving planets are currently transiting. Today, the moon in Virgo goes void of course at 8:04 PM EDT and is void until tomorrow evening, Thursday, August 12, 2010 at 6:42 PM EDT when Old Luna enters Libra. Now there is a lot of Libra energy around now with Venus, at home, in Libra and Saturn, very comfortable, exalted as the astrologer’s say, on Venus’ home turf. Mars is here also, not so comfortable; in “detriment”, opposite the sign he rules. It is like this, Mars is strolling through the drawing room in his combat boots mucking up the carpet. He is not comfortable in these posh, beautiful Libran surroundings. He has no idea what he is doing here. His energy is more suited to the great outdoors, the sports arena or the battlefield. High tea and crumpets ain’t his thing. Venus here wants to make nice-nice, Saturn wants to negotiate a truce and Mars, well, Mars’ job is to take action, make war, or be a pioneer. That drive is stunted in Libra. Now all this Libra action has been receiving input from Jupiter and Uranus, in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn, all in Cardinal signs and in early degrees of those signs. Moon is going to jump into Libra and by Friday morning will have bounced off all of these planets activating all of these complex configurations. Generally moon in Libra encourages sociability and friendliness. There’s a sense of fairness and balance in the air. It is a good time to reach out, settle differences and smooth ruffled feathers. Late Friday evening, Uranus slips back into Pisces. The sudden, unexpected and unusual meets the guru, the oil slick and/or the drug pusher. Libra moon, all sweetness and light may not be able to cover up the darkness that may be revealed. Life goes on so enjoy, go to a party, an art gallery or take in a movie. There ain’t much you can do about it anyway.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Moon in Cancer sets up a Wild Weekend

Moon enters Cancer Friday, August 06, 2010 at 5:50 PM EDT and before the night is through touches base with all the big boys involved in the great, rare cardinal t-square currently in the sky. The big boys, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto are slow movers and have been in orb of one another for some time. The moon often acts as a trigger setting off the prevalent energies. Moon in Cancer operates at full bore. The emotions, the instinct and the needs of people belong to this moon; here those energies are strong and easily manifested. Venus shifts gears and enters her home sign of Libra before midnight. Over the weekend Venus first opposes Uranus (Saturday morning) then conjuncts Saturn (Sunday afternoon). Venus is all about love, money, the arts, and relationships of all kinds, think of these attributes combined with, first, Mr. Anything Goes, (and the more surprising the better), Uranus. Then, blending with uptight, traditional, prim and proper Saturn, I would guess a wild Saturday night ends up with a wicked hangover Sunday morning. All of this with Moon in Cancer, ruler of our emotions, has us acting and reacting through our gut, logic is thrown by the wayside. Moon goes void of course Saturday afternoon, August 7, 2010 at 2:46 PM EDT and is void for the rest of the day until Sunday evening, August 8, 2010 at 7:23 PM EDT. Void of course moon is great for meditation and quiet contemplation. It is not a good time to make a decision. With Venus bouncing between Uranus and Saturn all weekend you may want to put the brakes on when it comes to commitment or even a one night stand and definitely keep your money safe, try to avoid impulse buying. Moon moves into Leo Sunday night and Venus, under this Leo for lover's moon, butting heads with Jupiter and Pluto Monday and Tuesday, insures that the rock and roll roller coaster is not over yet. We may have to wait until Moon moves into Virgo, Tuesday night, August 10, 2010 at 7:01 PM EDT to sort things out. Sorting out is what Virgo moon does and we will be reviewing and nit-picking every move, every word and every gesture, he, she or it made over the weekend. People will be calling their astrologer, doctor, lawyer, therapist or Tarot card reader to get a clearer picture. What happened?

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Happy Birthday Barack Obama

I took a look at Barack Obama’s Solar Return chart for this upcoming birthday. The Solar Return chart is a forecasting tool astrologers use to predict what the upcoming year is going to be like for the individual or entity involved. Obama’s Solar Return has a Lunar Return this year as well. Both the Sun and the moon have returned to the place in the sky where they were when he was born. This is a somewhat rare occurrence. Moon represents, among other things, what you need. Obama’s moon is in Gemini, he needs to talk and he does it very well. Both his Natal moon and Solar Return moon are in the 3rd house of the Solar Return chart which further enhances the need to talk. This will be a yak, yak, yak year for him. The asteroid Juno figures prominently this year as well. Juno is the Goddess of marriage, the melding of the masculine and feminine and, the committed relationship. One of her major concerns is the equality of the sexes. In the Natal chart of Obama Juno is at 0 Aries and is getting a direct hit by Uranus and Jupiter. The symbolism is so apt, women and the law. Thus far he has nominated two women to the Supreme Court. His wife is an Aries type of woman independent, athletic and a trailblazer in her own right. Obama is and will continue to be a strong advocate for women’s rights. The sun in the Solar Return chart is in the 6th house, as is his natal sun. Issues of health care and the armed forces will be topics of discussion. The Uranus/Jupiter conjunction and the Great Cardinal Crescendo figure prominently in his Solar Return Chart, as it will/does in all the Leos this year. In Obama’s case the 1st (I) and 7th (you) houses figure prominently. He’s got Venus, Mars and Saturn in the 7th and Jupiter and Uranus in the 1st. Venus will be the diplomat, Mars brings the heated discussion, Saturn helps to hammer out the differences. The agreements will be literally hammered out. The 1st house represents Obama himself, his physical body, his persona and how people see him. With Uranus there he is still seen has the revolutionary First Black President. Jupiter gives him great confidence but also may have him biting off more than he can chew. Pluto in the 10th house of the Solar Return chart insures that the public will have no doubts as to who is in charge and in power. He is through playing games with the opposition and will not be looking for consensus. For all his talking he will still have a problem getting his message across. The inauguration chart for his presidency has a retrograde Mercury, very prominent thus very important. Most often he is misunderstood or opens his mouth inserting foot and has to go back and fix it. Think Gates, Sherrod etc. This will not be an easy year for him and probably not an easy year for the rest of us. So, Happy Birthday Barack Obama.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Feel Like You Are Riding a Roller Coaster? You Are.

Right now we are hip deep into the most volatile period of the year. I have written about the converging cycles of the outer planets that reach their crescendo during the summer months of 2010. So here we are in the thick of it. Jupiter squares (90 degree angle) Pluto today, July 24, 2010 at 9:51 PM EDT. Saturn will make the 5th and last opposition to Uranus on Monday, July 26, 2010. The first of this series occurred on Election Day in 2008, and the election mirrored the symbolism of these two in opposition, old/young, tradition/innovation, and the conventional as opposed to the revolutionary. Obama not only changed the game because he was the first black President but also in the way he raised massive amount of money through small donations. Prior to this, that kind of money was only raised through rich, powerful people and entities. By the end of the week, Mars will move into Libra and will first oppose youthful revolutionary Uranus on Friday and on Saturday he will join hands with conservative Saturn. The first week of August, Jupiter will once again square off with Pluto. Mars will join the party, with an opposition to Jupiter and a square to Pluto. What Mars brings to the table is military action, a bit of strife, and a willingness to dispute or fight. If your birthday falls during this period, these energies will be present in your Solar Return, the Solar Return chart is a strong indicator of the types of issues, events and action you will be dealing with for the upcoming year. These major aspects occur and affect the early degrees of the cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn as well. So if your birthday falls between the 19th and 27th of March, June, September and December you can expect the Rock and Roll that your life has become to continue for awhile. These are life changing times for you. At times the outside events bring great change to your life but often there is an inner change that occurs that can be or bring about an enormous change. For all of us we can expect weather related events, fluctuation in the stock market and financial world, a few natural or manmade disasters, a diplomatic or international crisis or two to add to the fear and terror many feel when the world around them is changing. During these troubling times a little meditation goes a long way. Find your still center, this is the calm in the center of the storm, this is your true north. Listen, breathe, this too shall pass.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Solar Eclipse, Sunday, July 11, 2010

This week brings the New Moon of July 11, 2010, a total Solar Eclipse visible across the Pacific and lower South America. The New Moon energy is felt for the entire lunar month. With a Solar Eclipse the impact is felt for a longer period. If the Solar Eclipse is up close and personal with a planet or personal point in your chart you can expect a year of change. The planet/s touched by the eclipse and the house it falls in give you an idea where the action will take place. A tenth house eclipse might signal a career change, a new boss or a shift in your life’s direction. An eclipse conjunct a personal planet like moon (emotions, Mom), Mercury (communication, siblings), Venus (love, money, relationships) or Mars (energy, action) will shake up the issues associated with that planet. This eclipse, sun and moon are in a close aspect with the planet Mars situated 60 degrees away in the sign of Virgo. This type of aspect brings opportunity through connections or networking. The eclipse itself is in Cancer, the sign of home and family. Here in the United States, the chart set for Washington, DC, the eclipse falls in the 9th house of international relationships. International affairs, diplomacy, courts and religion take center stage. We are within the time band of the stressful configuration between the outer planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto. Around the Full Moon, Saturn and Uranus make their 5th and final opposition in the series that began on Election Day in 2008. This Solar Eclipse serves to stir up the conflicts, issues and personalities that frame the present day. Worthy and unworthy individuals will rise and fall. Political change is a given. Treaty violations, border disputes create international incidents requiring delicate diplomacy. Women play an important role in these affairs. Wall Street will try to wiggle out of any regulation. The end of July will see more scandals involving important people involving finances, the environment or the low down cheating spouse; or all of the above. A natural eruption, flood or major storm stretches an already stretched budget. As much as we try to ignore and insulate ourselves from the discord around us it becomes nearly impossible. Remember to breathe.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

This Week July 5, 2010 - Change is in the Air

This week will be a week of change and a shift in trends, path and focus. Monday, July 5th Uranus changes direction going from direct to retrograde. When a planet appears to slow down and stop before it changes direction the energies of that planet are enhanced and qualities associated with that planet come to the fore. Of course, it really does not go backwards, it appears so from our vantage point here on earth. Where transiting Uranus falls in your chart is the area that gets the vibe from the changing direction. The only thing we can say for sure about Uranus transits is: expect the unexpected. Uranus brings change and something new into your life. This can be good or not so good, depending on how resistant you are to change. We are creatures of habit and the good or bad of a Uranus transit depends on whether your life is one of the rigid, stuck in a rut variety. Often we remain at a job we hate or in a marriage that makes us miserable because we cling to the familiar and fear the unknown. When Uranus comes along, be ready for change. You can make it easy on yourself by being open to that change. If you don’t change on your own initiative, outside events will force that change upon you. Hate the job? Along comes Uranus and the plant shuts down. Unhappy marriage, out of the blue comes the unfaithful spouse. Uranus is a game changer and rule breaker. When Uranus gets up close and personal with one of your planets or transits sensitive points in your chart, brace yourself. Moving on to Venus, the Goddess of Love and Money, who makes one final aspect to that old deceiver, Neptune before she exits center stage Leo and moves into the more shy, sedate Virgo. Venus brings things/people/events to you as it is a Yin planet. A keyword for Venus is attract, which is why it rules love because we must be “attracted” to someone before we can begin the game of love. Venus transits are usually nice, so nice that we often don’t notice them. Venus brings the creative impulse, as well as a bit of lazy, self indulgence. A Venus transit through your first house will bring invitations, people, and cultural events into your life. Another mover and shaker this week is the planet Mercury as it makes interesting aspects this week before changing signs as well. First a friendly chat with sober Saturn before leaving Cancer, then a grand entrance into Leo on Friday; where by the end of that day, a fiery connection with Uranus hints at an upset to the norm or some shocking news. Mercury rules our everyday routine. The people, places and things that we do so routinely that we barely notice them. We often fail to see how important these day to day exchanges are until they are not there. How we depend on that barista who makes our coffee just so. When Mercury transits a particular area of the horoscope, that is where you find the mental focus, communications with and discussions about. What we want, how and who we talk to, will shift as the week progresses up to Sunday’s, (July 11, 2010) New Moon Solar Eclipse. The Fourth of July celebrations on Monday, July 5th will have the flavor of the Uranus direction change and will start the week off with a bang, literally and figuratively. Make a mental note when Mercury changes signs on Friday and Venus on Saturday. Who do you want to talk with, who do you want to be with and what do you want to do? And where is Uranus nudging you into change?

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Karl Rove, Lunar Eclipse, Solar Eclipse and Pluto

Karl Rove was George W. Bush’s Senior advisor and Deputy Chief of Staff but his connection to the Bush family goes back to 1973 when Bush Sr., then chairman of the RNC, chose him to be the chairman of the College Republicans after a contentious and controversial convention where the College Republicans had 2 votes and 2 winners. At that time transiting Saturn opposed his natal sun and transiting Pluto was on his natal Saturn. These two planets were in their waning square phase, as they are now. Saturn is about society’s structure, organization and authority figures. Pluto’s nature brings issues of power and control, most often beneath the surface or behind the scenes. When playing on the world stage Pluto manipulates on a mass scale through propaganda and psychological warfare. This relationship between Rove and Bush, father and son, is a Plutonian one. In the May 27, 2010 issue of Rolling Stone there was an article entitled “Rove Rides Again” about Karl Rove’s involvement with various conservative 527 organizations. 527’s are tax exempt organizations that avoid regulations by the Federal Election Commission. In essence, Rove is capturing all the big money donors that normally contribute to the Republican National Committee. This is a Plutonian end run around the official front of the Republican Party. They are amassing huge funds because Barack Obama, through his collection of hundreds of millions in small donations, has changed the game. This group loves all the hoopla around the Tea Party, Sarah Palin and the like because it allows them to work quietly behind the scenes, Pluto again. What sparks may astrological interest is that this week’s Full Moon Lunar Eclipse falling at 4 degrees of Capricorn, has the moon and Pluto joined at the hip, as they oppose the sun at 4 degrees of Cancer. They sit right on Karl Rove’s natal sun at 3 degrees of Capricorn. In July, the New Moon of the 11th is a Solar Eclipse with sun and moon at 19 Cancer opposing his Mercury and Venus. His moon in Cancer, with no exact time I cannot tell where, may configure in as well. With Pluto so strong in the picture here my guess is that Karl Rove is making a major move now. Pluto on the sun is a powerful, transformative transit. Pluto sucks you in, leads you down the garden path and fills you with hubris. It is very important with Pluto transits to maintain a high spiritual purpose otherwise Pluto will bring you down. Expect news and events concerning Rove, fundraising tactics and techniques to surface now. With Uranus and Jupiter in the picture the “big news” will be big on the shock factor. This summer promises to be one that we will all remember. And keep your eye on Karl Rove.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Summer Solstice, Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse

The Summer Solstice, the moment when the season changes from spring to summer, takes place on Monday, June 21, 2010 at 7:30 AM EDT. The Ingress Chart, the chart cast for the moment the Sun enters Cancer, is a useful tool to forecast what the season will bring. This Summer Solstice chart reflects the current turmoil in the world and promises more to come. The Sun in these Mundane Charts represents heads of state, CEO’s, leaders and any person who is in charge. Where the Sun is situated and aspects from the other planets point to the types of activities our leaders will be up to. Here in the US, with the Ingress Chart set for Washington, DC the Sun falls in the 12th house of secrets and behind the scenes manipulation and machinations. The Sun is under a lot of pressure receiving stressful aspects from the heavy hitters of the Zodiac, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto. President Barack Obama, a Leo, will put a good face on it all but he faces battles on many fronts, Wall Street, bankers, Congress, Courts as well as an international crisis or two to keep him on his toes. The season should get off to a rousing start as the Sun quickly squares off with Uranus, Mr. Surprise, and then Jupiter, Mr. Abundance. At the end of the week, the Full Moon Eclipse on June 26th sits with Pluto. This is not a happy little aspect. Pluto brings major upheaval. With Uranus and Jupiter in the mix, it is anything goes, from natural disasters, like earthquakes, volcanoes, storms and fires to manmade disasters like we are seeing in the Gulf of Mexico. It is going to be a roller coaster ride so hang on to your hat. I expect something really bizarre, seemingly from out of nowhere that will shock and dismay many people. Some of that shock comes from the actions of heads of state. Expect the unexpected. Meditate and take the higher path always. The highly spiritual individuals withstand these tumultuous periods easier than those who cling to social status and material things. Remember, this too shall pass.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

David Cicilline a Rhode Island Kinda Guy

Yesterday David Cicilline formally kicked off his campaign for Congress. David Cicilline has a brother who is a convicted felon, a father who is a mob lawyer and he is gay. He’s a Rhode Island kinda guy, you know what I mean? Cicilline’s a Cancer with, I am fairly certain, a Leo Moon. Cancer’s love to nurture and be nurtured, they are sensitive and at times moody. His Leo Moon loves the spotlight. With Mercury in Cancer he speaks what he feels. David also has a wide, out of sign conjunction between Saturn and Jupiter. Saturn is strong in Capricorn. Saturn rules the father in a natal chart. His father is strong and powerful making a deep impression upon him but the relationship was not without problems. At the same time the relationship brought great benefits. A familiar conundrum many of us face. We have known for months that David Cicilline is running for Congress but the formal kick off is an important event and the chart for that time offers clues to how the campaign will go. Yesterday transiting Venus was sitting on top of David’s Sun. Venus is considered the “lesser benefic” bringing good fortune wherever she goes. Venus attracts. Venus is an important planet in David Cicilline’s natal chart. He leads with that Venus. Transiting Mars had just shifted gears moving from Leo to Virgo bringing a lot of energy to his Leo and Virgo planets. He is going to attract a lot of money, make important connections and put on a “really big show”. On Primary day transiting Mercury (the vote, the polls,) hugs his natal Pluto (power, control, masses of people) and transiting Pluto opposes his natal Mercury. He has a lot of action going on between his natal planetary positions and the current planetary positions, as all the candidates usually do and like Patrick Lynch, who is running for Governor, he has made his candidacy formal under the very powerful conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus. The planetary lineup on Primary Day indicates to me that that is where the action is. It is going to be an interesting day and not without a number of surprises. Cicilline is running with that energy. His opponents are Bill Lynch and David Segal with Anthony Gemma expected to join the race. This campaign season promises upsets, surprise and unexpected events. Stay tuned and keep your eye peeled for the proverbial monkey wrench.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Patrick Lynch's Run for Governor

Saturday, June 5, 2010 Attorney General, Patrick Lynch formally launched his bid for Governor of Rhode Island. He faces a Primary election on September 14, 2010 against Frank Caprio. Patrick Lynch is an Aquarian with a Pisces Moon. Without a time of birth it is impossible to pinpoint the exact degree of that Moon, but a noon time chart places it at 19 degrees Pisces. This tells me that given the speed of the Moon that the Moon was in Pisces at the beginning of the day as well as at the end of the day. So Pisces Moon it is. Now an Aquarian Sun is intellectual, original, independent, and usually a humanitarian and reformer. Aquarians depend upon the rational; they look to topple the old in order to bring about the new. Pisces Moon, pardon the pun, is another kettle of fish. Pisces Moon is gentle, intuitive, dreamy and sensitive. There is a tendency to be self sacrificing, sympathetic and empathetic. Often these individuals have trouble defining their space, their sense of “I am” as they seem to meld and merge with those around them. The Sun is what we are conscious of; it is the heart of the person and all other planets and points are filtered through that Sun. The Moon is our unconscious, our emotions, and signifies what we need. Patrick Lynch needs to talk to God, to escape from the harsh realities of this world. Some with strong Pisces in their chart do this by bellying up to the bar; others sink to their knees before their favorite altar. Most are somewhere in the middle. With Patrick Lynch this Aquarius/Pisces combination brings a strong desire to serve, help and assist. The Aquarius Sun does this intellectually, while the Pisces Moon does it through the gut, it “feels” like the right thing to do. On the day that his formal announcement took place; the waning Moon was in Pisces, a Lunar Return for Patrick Lynch. Waning Moon is not good for starting something you want to grow, but transiting Moon on his Natal Moon pumps him up for action. Emotionally he’s in sync with the prevalent energy. What intrigues me most about the planetary positions on that day is that between the transiting planets, (where the planets are in the sky at a given moment) and his natal planets a combination was created that astrologer’s call a YOD, or as it is sometimes called, “the finger of God”. People born with this aspect are generally unique and kind of special, like Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo. (To be clear, Patrick was not born with this aspect, he’s no Da Vinci) This set up between the transiting planets and Patrick Lynch’s natal planets says a lot about what kind of campaign he will run. The planets involved speak to the type of energy expended. On this day of formal announcement Patrick Lynch’s natal Venus at 29 Capricorn was sextile (60 degrees) to transiting Jupiter at 29 Pisces (where Jupiter was in the sky that day). Venus was also Inconjunct (150 degrees) from transiting Mars at 29 Leo. A sextile is nice and easy, creating flowing connections while an Inconjunct is an aspect of agitation and adjustment. Mars is the apex of this configuration. This is a competition, a fight and Mars wants to win. Also, transiting Saturn was conjunct (right on top of) Patrick Lynch’s natal Mars. What this means in plain old English is: Saturn on his Mars tells me that Patrick is going to have to work hard and his victories will come in increments. Any advances will be hard fought and hard won but they will be advances that are worth the fight. Mars at the apex of the YOD also indicates a great deal of energy expended and with Jupiter in that configuration, think abundance of energy. Venus, the natal planet involved in this configuration signifies what Patrick wants. Moon is what you need, Venus is what you want. Venus in Capricorn is all dressed up in her business suit and wants to be the executive, the head of state, chief of staff. All this energy is focused on that Venus. On Primary Day, Jupiter, through retrograde motion, comes back to that Venus. This can be good but Jupiter; running with Uranus on that day tells me that there is going to be a certain element of surprise. With Uranus, if you can think of it now, that isn’t it. I mean surprise, straight out of left field, the cosmos, the bolt from the blue. For sure, Primary Day will start out one way and end up in a totally different place.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Volatile Times with Jupiter and Uranus

The key word these days is volatile. Back in January when I wrote about the upcoming year I had said to pay attention to the period between April and August and that actually we would not be able to ignore it. Well we have had a few natural disasters, earthquakes, volcanoes and floods as well as the huge manmade disaster that is currently going on in the Gulf of Mexico. It is painful to watch. As painful as watching the stock market dive again. The roller coaster ride is not over. At the Full Moon of the 27th Uranus moved into Aries. This is a major shift in energy, from dreamy, foggy, meditative Pisces to the action oriented sign of Aries. Aries wants to move, to be first and is eager to initiate. Uranus rules the innovative, the shocking and unexpected. So expect the unexpected. On Sunday, the 30th, Saturn went from retrograde to direct. On Monday, Neptune went from direct to retrograde. When planets change direction the energy of those planets is strong and concentrated. Saturn is all about structure, form and the concrete facts of this world. Neptune melts and dissolves all of that Saturn stuff. Neptune is hopeful and optimistic, Saturn is melancholic and reality based. On Sunday the 6th Jupiter will move into Aries and on Monday, Mars will enter Virgo. Mars in Virgo likes to get down to work and find solutions. Tuesday brings the exact conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus in Aries. Prepare for the fireworks. Mercury connects with all the major players this week, making quick connections, transferring information or bringing the news then quickly moves on. Tuesday with Saturn, Wednesday with Neptune, two very different conversations. Thursday, Mercury moves into home territory, Gemini and the pace picks up and the news and events are hard to keep up with especially when Mercury hooks up with Jupiter than Uranus on that same day. Friday Mercury squares off with Mars in Virgo. Mercury rules Virgo as well Gemini so little Mercury carries some weight here tying up some loose ends and delivering the goods to Mars so he can take action. Events will happen fast on the world stage as well as in individual lives. When planets change direction and sign then hook up with one another in rapid succession the energy moves and shifts. Some things slow down and others pick up. Where these planets fall in an individual’s horoscope tells the tale of who, what and where. This upcoming week is the dark of Moon time, when the Moon is dwindling down until it is no longer visible in the night sky. This is the time to assimilate what has gone on for the past lunation period and to plant the seeds for the new cycle which will begin with the New Moon on Saturday June 12th. Waning Moon is a great time to meditate and look inward. With all the disruptive action going on this is not a bad idea. Keep your focus, your feet on the ground, and don’t let outside events knock you off your true path in life.